((A.N.: Whee! I'm back from the black hole I got sucked into called "Writer's Block" and now I have a new story for ya'll! This is based on a show I was watching called I Shouldnt Be Alive where two feisty teen boys were stranded on the open seas for 6 whole days in a boat, surviving all sorts of weather conditions with no food, water or shelter. It was a really miraculous story, so I wrote this in honor of those two boys. I changed the storyline a bit to make it fit Naruto and Kiba, and yeah, they arent gonna be ninjas in this one, just teens!))

5 Days, 2 Boys, 1 Drifted Boat

Naruto's POV
It was probably the most boring day of my life! I had never been so bored in my entire career as a 15 year old dork!
Because it was just one of those mornings where you'd sit around your humid house in a sticky bean bag chair, desperately calling every single one of your contacts on your phone. But just to make you mad, they were all "busy" and wanted nothing to do with you. THAT'S how boring it was.

So yeah, reaching my last resort, I called Kiba. Yes, the wild-assed dog-worshipping punk that lived a few blocks down the street from me, Kiba. The boy n' his mutt had no plans, but he had a truck and a trouble-maker's mind. He wasn't half bad for a guy like that, he had a caring side….. and so I sent him a text message, reading

"Yo, Kibaaaa, I'm bored. U wanna hang out today?"

Kiba's POV
I had gotten a text message from Naruto around noon, it was about time that flashing-neon spaz-monkey would hit me up. And hey, how could I say no? I was probably just as bored as he was. Because I was so bored, that even counting how many saltine crackers were in a package was fun! Dude, I REALLY needed plans. Thank god Naruto was cool…. sometimes….

But anyways, I was glad to have someone remember I was still here on Earth. So I replied back,

"Hell yeah, we should take my boat down to the ocean and fish, or somethin'"

Naruto's POV
Oh yeaahhh! I forgot about Kiba's boat, he won it last year in a fishing contest. It wasn't the biggest boat ever, and it didn't have a motor (you had to paddle it) but it was really sturdy and good to fish in because it was roomy.
And the ocean too! I love the ocean, but my parents are too busy with work to bring me there! And I don't have my own driver's license, and can't walk there, so I haven't gone yet this year! Thank god Kiba got his driver's license last fall; he drive's his Dad's truck everywhere.

"Awesome! Pick me up at my house in an hour. I'll bring all my fishing stuff!"
I replied.

Kiba's POV
So I picked up Naruto at around 1:00, just like he had asked. And oh boy, did he have a LOT of fishin' luggage. He brought two poles and a tackle box the size of a microwave (full of every possible hook, knife and lure)
He was wearing a baseball hat, an orange t-shirt with a hoodie wrapped around his waist and a pair of swim shorts. I just had on a flannel t-shirt, cargo shorts and sandals.
"We're just fishing for a few hours; we'll be back before dark" Naruto told his Dad before we drove off with the boat attached to the back of the truck.

The ocean that we were going to didn't have a name, nor was it divided into sections like most beaches. It was just, the ocean. When we got there, I backed the truck up into the water, and Naruto unhooked the boat. After everything was unloaded, I drove the truck through an ATV trail and parked it near a huge oak tree, making sure to lock it when I got out.

And then we were off, paddling that boat like a couple of animals. Laughing and shouting as the boat slammed into wave after wave, spraying us with endless ocean water. It was one hell of a ride!
"Hey, Kiba! Why didn't ya bring Akamaru with us?" Naruto had asked, still laughing.
"He doesn't like salt water… and he gets SEASICK!" I shouted, playfully. For once, Akamaru would only be a pain in the neck to bring, I don't even know if he'd fit on this boat. I don't recall ever bringing him on my boat; he's always so reluctant to even go near salt water.

Naruto's POV
Heh heh, I never knew a dog could get seasick! But dude! We were having SO MUCH FUN out there! The waves were rough, the salt water kinda stung when it got in your eyes and nose, and our clothes were completely soaked! But for once, that didn't suck! It was amazing!

I was paddling the front-left side of the boat, and Kiba was paddling the back- right side. We were going at a decent speed, until the boat started to get harder and harder to control. Eventually, it became impossible.
"Kiba, what are you doing! Help me out!" I grunted, was he trying to make this difficult.
"Dude, I am! I think the current picked up, did you check the weather report before we left?"
Now that he had mentioned it… I had forgotten to do that. "No…" I replied.
"shit….. we gotta go back, its only gonna get worse" Kiba said, I could hear a little bit of fear in his voice.

But I didn't really want to go back, it was just a bit of a current pulling us out far. We could always steer away from it, we were strong!
"C'mon man! Its fine! If the current was really that bad then the coast guard would close up the beach today!" I tried convincing.
"Dude, seriously, I know how bad the currents can get here. People have drowned in the past! And the coast guard only closes up swimming, not boating. We aren't on beach territory right now, you know that, right?" Kiba replied.


"Then I doubt we can even turn back! Clearly, this current is pulling us out! Pushing against it is only gonna wear us out! So what do you plan to do NOW?" I yelled, a little frustrated. Kiba was being a jerk… I think….

"Naruto, shut the hell up. We gotta try pushing the boat sideways. To the right. It's the only way to get out of where we are now. Because one thing we don't want, is the current to pull us out even farther! The beach is almost out of site, we need to try this!" Kiba said, raising his voice over mine. "Got it?"

"Got it…." I replied. Since when was Kiba my Mom?

Kiba's POV
Naruto was being a careless idiot, so I was surprised he even went with my plan. Placing my paddle deep into the water, I pulled inwards and hoped to shift the boat sideways. It hardly moved an inch. Grrrr! I tried again, no movement, other than the damn current pushing us forward. I tried a few more times, but I was interrupted by a frustrated shout from Naruto.
"Naruto, I'm not doing so well either…" I said, my eyes closed.
"That isn't it Kiba! The f***ing current pulled the paddle out of my hands!" Naruto yelled. Slamming his hands down on the side of the boat.
"THE OCEAN ATE MY PADDLE! OKAY?" Naruto shouted, sitting down with a frustrated sigh.

"Dude, why the hell are you so peeved! Calm down!"

"I don't know!" Naruto whined, "We are never going to get through this freakin' current with only one paddle….. we're gonna die….."

Wow. Negativity level= 90%

"Naruto, be quiet. I've got another plan… I'm not sure if it will work or not"

Yeah, so I had a new plan. And yeah, I doubted the whole fact that it would work. But it was really the only thing left to do. Y'see, there was a small sandbar about 500 feet to the right. If we could bring the boat through the current and onto the sandbar, then we could wait for the current to slow down and maybe fish a little bit.
But since our lonely paddle wasn't strong enough to do that, I'd have to swim and that was not going to be easy. I might have difficulty making it. So I wanted Naruto to be on standby if something went wrong.

And if you know me well enough, I cant just give up on something I haven't tried yet. So I attached some thick rope from Naruto's tackle box onto the front of the boat. And after pulling off my shirt and sandals, I wrapped the other end around my wrist and dove in the water.

Just as predicted, I heard Naruto screaming "DUDE! What the hell are you doing?" when I came above the water.
"Pulling this damn boa to safety" I grunted as I started swimming forward, against the current and against Naruto's will.

Naruto's POV
What? He has got to be kidding me! Trying to swim through a current that even a boat isn't heavy enough to stick through?
No, I couldn't just sit there watching him risk drowning. I had to help pull the boat, standing in it was only making it heavier for Kiba to pull. So I took off my shirt and dove in, the water was cold and it made me lose my guard, enough so that the current got a hold of me and started pushing.
I grabbed the rope as quick as possible, it wasn't long before Kiba turned around and saw me.
"Naruto! Get back in the boat!" Kiba grunted
No way, I had to keep helping.
"Quit being an idiot, blondie! Get out of the water!"
I kept pulling, but then I figured out why Kiba was yelling so much. Because soon I was tempted to do what he said, the current dragged me straight underwater. I came up hacking and gagging, and soon I was struggling to keep my head up. But the more I struggled, the more energy I lost. And I couldn't reach far enough to grab the boat.
"Agh! Kiba! I can't do this, man!" I managed to yelp before falling under again. This time I knew I couldn't get back up, I was gonna drown 10 feet away from a boat and 20 feet away from my best friend.

But in that few seconds of terror, I felt hands wrap around me, not like a hug or anything romantic, but just like how my Dad used to pick me up when I was a baby. Kiba had made it to where I was, and had lifted me up into the boat.

I hacked up a little bit of water, no huge deal. But then I turned to see where Kiba was, "Hey… Kiba?" I called, no answer.
"Kiba?" I repeated, no answer.
Where the hell was he? I went to the edge of the boat, looking down. Oh crap, did he get stuck underwater too?
I was just about to jump back in and save him, but then I saw his hand reaching out a bit from the water. Without hesitation, I grabbed it and pulled as hard as I could.
My clearly exhausted best friend slipped into the boat, and lay on the floor of it. "Dude, are you okay?" I asked, panicking. Kiba opened his eyes and at first he stayed quiet, but then he rolled over and coughed a whole bunch of water up. "Dude, answer me!" I asked again.
"You idiot…" he mumbled, "Why didn't you listen to me when I told you to get out of the water?" a slight smile approached his face, as he slowly sat up.

Kiba's POV
Y'know, part of me was happy that I practically drowned to save my friend, but part of me was tellin' me that I was a complete retard to do that. He was the closest one to the boat, and I had to swim almost 20 feet through a blasting current to get to him, swallowing half the ocean in the process! But he was flailing around like a hydrophobic lemur, he would have drowned completely if I hadn't gotten him up.

So um, that was quite the swim we had. But next time, I would totally prefer marco polo. Less death involved.

And then, it finally hit us.

The beach was out of sight, we were soaking wet, face to face with eachother,

On a boat being pulled farther and farther into what would become the worst 6 days of our lives.

((A.N.: Okie dokie, there you have it! I wont let you guys down in the next chapter! So uhm, how was that? Sound good so far? You likey? Wanna comment, PM, fave, rate and/or subscribe? I thought so...))