I've absolutely loved writing this story and I have to say I didn't intend it to go in the direction of children, but that's where it wanted to go. Who knows what kind of sequels can come from that. Enjoy this last chapter.


The next day, as they were eating breakfast, Cas found himself forced to tell Dean how he got the money to buy his guitar. He had hoped for another day of fun at home but he found he couldn't keep putting off telling Dean. He had told him more than a year ago that he would tell him some other time and that time seemed to be now.

"Please don't freak out," Cas said, dreading how Dean would react.

"Alright, I promise I won't freak out."

"I, er...I sold my sperm." Cas looked intently at Dean trying to judge his feelings.

"You what?"

"Sold my sperm," Cas repeated slowly.


"My sperm," Cas finished.

Dean was quiet for a long time and Cas was starting to get nervous.

"Dean?" he said.

Dean moved his lips like he was going to say something but no sound came out. Eventually he found the words.

"Do you mean to say that you have a kid...or kids...somewhere out there?" He pointed to the world.

"I don't know. They don't tell people if they use their sperm. Are you mad?"

Dean's lips moved again, then he finally managed to say: "I...don't know how I feel."

"I'm sorry. I only did it a few times. I really wanted the guitar so I could start a band and working for it was just taking too long..."

Dean took in a long breath. He smiled forcefully. "It's fine. It's fine. You couldn't know we would meet each other." He looked defeated.

Cas grabbed his hand. "I'm sorry," he said looking pained. This was the reason he hadn't wanted to tell him.

Dean squeezed his hand and said: "Really, it's fine. It's just not what I'd expected."

"Bet you wish I had sold a kidney," Cas said and smiled but stopped when Dean gave him a look. "Alright. Too soon to make jokes," he said.

They finished breakfast in silence, Dean reassuring Cas that he wasn't angry and just needed some time to get used to the idea. Cas hoped he would.

Dean went to take a shower and Cas put the last of the plates away. He tried to think of a way to get Dean's thoughts off what he had just told him. Also, they hadn't had sex that day and that just wouldn't do for Cas. He briefly considered joining Dean in the shower but shower sex was not very comfortable and there was a danger of slipping. He went into the bedroom and spottet the laundry hamper where a towel was hanging over the side. That gave him an idea. He went quietly into the bathroom and took the towel Dean had ready. He also took the other towels and then he went to get the stack from the wardrobe. He went to the kitchen and put them on the table. He knew that Dean would have to come out here when he saw there were no towels. Cas would pretend innocence but he knew Dean wasn't that stupid. He hoped Dean would let him help get dry from the shower. He already pictured Dean bent over the kitchen table and felt a twitch in his pants. And he wouldn't mind washing towels the rest of the day if they should fall victim to their tryst.

He only had to wait a moment before he heard the water turn off, then he heard Dean call his name but decided not to answer. A moment later he heard wet footsteps on the kitchen floor. He busied himself with looking at the towels and said: "Oh, Dean, I'm just going through the towels to check if we need to replace any of them."

He turned around and saw Dean naked and wet. It was a great sight, but he had to let that go for now. Thinking back to the day before when he himself had come into the kitchen naked, he said: "Maybe you should go and get dried up. You're dripping all over the floor."

"Ouch!" he cried, as he felt a sharp pain on his thigh and heard a loud snap. "Hey! That hurt!" He rubbed his leg and looked at Dean who was holding one of the tea towels in hand.

"I thought you wanted to play," he said and looked at Cas like he wasn't done yet. Damn! Cas thought. He had not expected this. Then he quickly grabbed the other tea towel and tried to flick it at Dean but he wasn't quick enough and got another hit.

"Ah!" he cried and finally got his own towel ready.

"Ouch! You brat!" Dean yelled, making Cas feel bad. He had hit naked skin and it really hurt getting a hard flick like that. He quickly felt his whole plan of kitchen table sex fall apart. Suddenly Dean had his arms around him and wrestled the tea towel from him. Cas tried to struggle against him, but he knew he didn't stand a chance against Dean.

"New tactics, Winchester. Very impressive," he said, knowing he had lost, but not admitting defeat just yet. Then he found himself on Dean's shoulder being carried to the bedroom. He was actually quite impressed and before he knew it he was tied up on the bed. He yanked at the cords but they were tied securely. He felt a strange rush of excitement and looked at Dean to try to decipher what he was going to do next.

"I'm all wet and cold now. Just because you took my towel," Dean complained and sat on the edge of the bed.

"Would you like me to lick you dry?" Cas asked, enticingly and smiled at him. His original plan might not have come to fruition but he could quickly come up with a new one.

Dean seemed to consider it for a moment but then said: "No, I have another way of getting warmed up in mind."

"Oh?" Cas said, feeling intrigued.

"But first I have to get dry," Dean said and left the bedroom.

Cas looked at himself in the mirrors on the ceiling. Right now he might just be regretting having insisted on them. But he still felt excited and he could feel himself getting hard. He thought back to when Dean had called him a brat. He was almost ashamed to admit he had liked it. It was the fantasy of the older man and the young kid having an elicit affair looked down on by society.

Once, Cas had sneaked in during one of Dean's court cases. He had hid in the back so Dean wouldn't spot him and get nervous and he had been surprised to find Dean hard as flint, chewing up his opponent with one fact after the other, completely cool and in control. Cas had liked watching him and in the evening he almost couldn't believe it was the same man he was sitting next to. Since then, he had had a secret wish that Dean would be that forceful and controlling in bed. Now he finally got his wish and he felt his body trembling a little with anticipation and excitement.

"Hey Cas, this cake is really good. I can understand why you like it so much," Cas heard Dean call from the kitchen. Cake, he thought. His cake? He loved that cake and now it seemed Dean was eating it. Dean turned up again, carrying a plate with cake, which he put on the bedside table. Cas looked at it. It was his cake, alright. Dean leaned down and kissed him. He tasted like chocolate and coffee. When he started kissing Cas on the neck, Cas noticed how close he was. He reached forward a little and bit Dean's shoulder. He didn't intend it to be a hard bite but he must have misjudged it because Dean pulled back with a cry of pain, rubbing the bite.

"You ate my cake?" Cas asked, ignoring the hurt in Dean's eyes.

"You bit me!" Dean said.

"You ate my cake," Cas said, as if that made it alright.

Then Dean took the plate and started to eat the cake, making 'yummy' noises as he did. Cas knew he was being punished for biting Dean, but he felt himself go fully hard and if he hadn't been tied up he wouldn't have been able to control himself. He stared at Dean with lust filled eyes.

Dean finally put the plate back, leaving a small piece of cake and said: "If you behave, maybe I'll let you have the last bite."

That was a mistake and Cas knew he knew that. He said: "Well, I've had the first bite so why not?" He could tell Dean was annoyed at his own mistake.

Then Dean started to run his fingers over Cas' body and he noticed what Cas had been dreading he would see. It was a big giveaway to how Cas felt about the situation. Dean pulled his sweat pants down and said: "Hmm," at the sight of Cas' hard cock.

Cas closed his eyes and sighed, partly because he hated being found out and partly because being under such close scrutiny this way made him, if even possible, more aroused.

"Well, what have we here," Dean said pleased and crouched down beside Cas, who sighed softly when Dean started to stroke him.

Then Dean sat on top of him and crawled up so Cas could suck him off. Cas was a bit surprised at the ingenuity Dean showed, but he didn't say anything because he didn't want him to feel weird and stop. He took Dean down as far as he could and if he moved his head up and down he could manage quite well. It was a strange sensation not having any control at all but he trusted Dean so he just relaxed and enjoyed the feeling of finally being dominated. He kept thinking about the Dean he had seen in court and there was a bit of the same assuredness in him now. Cas could feel his own cock starting to leak. It was throbbing and twitching and dripping on his stomach and he wished he could do something about it, but right now that was impossible. Instead he tried to focus on Dean who had suddenly began to thust into Cas' mouth.

"Mmmm...," Cas said, but kept going. Dean could get further down his throat this way and it made Cas feel even more at his mercy. Dean felt heavy against his tongue as this position had gravity working for it. Cas moved his head up and kept it still and on the next thrust Dean stopped and also kept still, his right hand going to rest against Cas' cheek. Cas rested his tongue against Dean's cock and swallowed once. He could taste him already and Dean closed his eyes. "Fuck," he whispered, making Cas' cock twitch again. When Cas pulled his head back again he looked into Dean's eyes, wanting to see how it made him feel to be in control. His eyes were hazy, his mouth was open and he was gasping with every touch. Cas took him in again and swallowed twice this time. Dean ran his thumb down his cheek and it reassured Cas that he was in good hands. The time with Jason had made him defensive and all the strangers he had picked up over the years had never been allowed to dominate him, but Dean was different and Cas trusted him completely.

He kept sucking Dean off, waiting for his next move and after a while Dean pulled out and kissed him for a long time. Cas could feel it was his reward. Then Dean moved down and finally Cas' aching cock got the attention it had wanted. Cas couldn't hold it in and he moaned loudly and whispered "Oh, fuck, yeah," the whole time. Just as it was getting good and Cas felt somewhat satisfied, Dean suddenly let him go and lubed up his cock, putting a small amout on Cas' hole. Cas pulled his legs up, a bit surprised, as Dean pushed inside him with a sort of urgency. He was hardly ready but it felt good and he moaned loudly at the initial sharp pain. Dean sat up and placed his hands on Cas' shins, pushing his legs down towards his chest and right away he hit Cas' sweet spot, making the pain disappear completely. He started to thrust quickly and hard and it took a while before Cas realized it was himself who kept begging for more. He looked up at Dean, his arms straining against the cords.

He had wanted this for a long time and now he just had to take whatever Dean gave to him. He felt completely and utterly owned and that thought along with Dean's hard thrust into him brought him to the brink. His legs were rubbing against his cock, providing the final stimulation and he came with a loud moan, back arching, coming all over his stomach and legs. Dean was still going and he had time to watch him, his eyes squeezed shut, mouth open and panting. He cried out when he came and Cas felt warm and wet inside. Dean gave a last few thrusts, then he collapsed on the bed with a groan.

"Holy crap! We have to do this more often," he said.

Cas agreed but didn't say anything. He had been done for a while now and had had time to notice the cake that was still on the bedside table. He really loved cake and now that he had been taken care of sexually, his mind was turning to what he thought was the next best thing.

"Can I have my cake now?" he dared to ask, his voice sounding small and weak to his own surprise.

Dean laughed and reached up to untie him. His arm felt heavy as the blood started to rush back and Dean fed him the last bit of cake.

As they were lying holding each other afterwards, Cas touched the bite mark he had made on Dean's shoulder.

"I'm sorry I bit you," he said.

"You're forgiven. But I don't think it's something I'll want to bring into our sex life in the future," Dean said.

"Noted," Cas said. He wasn't keen on that sort of thing either. Being tied up, however, he would like to do again. He loved the feeling of belonging to Dean. Another big revelation for him.

When Dean touched the burn marks on Cas' thigh he drew in a sharp breath. Dean had an even bigger mark on his thigh because he hadn't been wearing clothes. They decided they were done with that particular war and went to the kitchen to get something to eat.

As they were sitting at the table, Dean suddenly asked: "Aren't you curious about your possible child?"

Cas had completely forgotten about that. He had been so preoccupied with having his fantasy coming true.


"Don't you wonder what it looks like?" Dean asked.

Cas couldn't believe he was still stinking about that.

"Dean. I haven't thought about it. It was a business transaction. Nothing more," he said.

When Dean didn't say anything he asked: "Do you wonder?"

"Well, I love you. And hearing that you could possibly have a child...yes, it makes me wonder."

"Oh," Cas said. That hadn't occured to him.

"A lot of gay men have children nowadays," Dean said.

Cas gave him a quick look. Was Dean telling him he wanted children?

"Wait." Cas rubbed his forehead. "You're not saying you want to have children, are you?"

"Well, not now, but maybe some day," Dean said.

Cas thought for a while. Children? From what he knew they took all the parents' time and that would leave no time for days like today.

Then Dean said: "Please don't leave me."

Cas could hear the worry in his voice.

"I'm not going to leave you," he said. "Why would you think that?"

"Because I've just managed to convince you that a relationship is a good thing and I don't want to push you away by forcing the idea of children on you."

Cas chuckled and took Dean's hand. "Dean, I love you. I'm not going anywhere, but I can't really see myself having children. At least not now. I'm only in my early 20s and I want to live a little before I even consider settling down with such a big responsibility as children."

Dean squeezed his hand tightly. "I understand. I won't mention it again," he said and kissed Cas.

The rest of the day, Cas couldn't help thinking about what Dean had said. He could actually see Dean as a father; Dean, the tough lawyer in his black suit with a green-eyed toddler on the arm. Dean, the worried man who would do anything to keep Cas in his life. Dean, the soft warm body Cas loved waking up next to every morning. He felt something shift inside him. Just over a year ago he had been a happy single man but then he had met Dean and he had changed his life completely. Cas now wanted different things in life. He wanted to be with Dean; he had tried being without him and couldn't live like that. Now he felt himself opening up to the possibility of some day having children with him. Just not now.

When they were watching a movie in the evening, Cas leaning against Dean's chest, Cas said: "I'm not saying I'm against having children all together. Just so you know." He knew Dean's tendensy to worry about things and he wanted to ease his mind.

Dean kissed him on the temple. "Alright," he said, and Cas knew he understood.