Full warnings were stated on the first chapter, please go back to reread if needed.
I own nothing, literally.
Mastering Kurt
Chapter 040 – Clandestine Classroom Meeting
With all the disasters that happened at David's birthday party most of the jocks and cheerleaders are out of school, which has made it safe for us to meet up this Wednesday lunchtime.
Hanging around the out of use classroom on the edge of school in the area no one really goes to I wait for him to turn up, he has a key to the door and he gave me a copy, no one's going to disturb us here.
Pacing I continue to gloat at how well my party went, to the point that everyone at school is calling it a better party than the one at Azimio's. They all stayed all night and most of the next day, it was a complete success and I have a good feeling about this year and next.
Maybe high school won't be a total nightmare for me, and that was as bad as it got, it can only get better now.
And then I hear a key in the lock, spinning around I bite my lip in anticipation and wait for my boyfriend.
Holy crap I still can't believe the cops busted the party. Thank fuck I'd already given up on it and gone in the house. When the cops raided the place there I was innocently playing card games with the Adams' and I got off scott free.
Not so awesome for the other kids though, including Z.
Another week of suspension for them all, their parents have all been told and they have to go to a mandatory drugs prevention thing. School is back to being a party as all the kids go crazy and enjoy a jock free environment.
And in the crazy Kurt and I have a chance to slip into an old classroom that I have a key for and I can see him properly.
He's been on top of the world because his party was a success, he's crowing about his friends turning up and they have to be his friends because they turned up. Just one more clue at how lonely he is, I'm glad they can see how great he is, even Puck, that idiot has been boasting about being to the best party and it's something to see Kurt walk around with his chest all puffed out after he heard it.
Unlocking the classroom I slip inside to find him already there. Locking the door behind me I hurry over to my beaming boyfriend and I'm reminded of how like an angel he is as he looks like he really could fly right now.
Hugging him tightly and sliding my arms around him I nuzzle his neck and breathe him in, so very Kurt, so very mine and I press a kiss there making him shiver.
"Hello David," he whispers into my ear.
"Hey Kurt," I whisper back as his arms wind around my neck and his fingers ruffle the nape of my neck, fuck he is so sexy and amazing.
We stand there for awhile and it's so good to be able to do this, "We should do this more often," he murmurs, "I miss you so much in the week, I know our schedules are hectic and we have to hide but I don't feel like I see you enough."
"Hmm, I know what you mean," I tell him and snuggle him closer, "Maybe we can work this in and have lunch together during the week, I miss our coffee dates too."
"Those weren't dates David," he corrects, "But going forward they could be…" He hints.
"Yeah, going forward we can have coffee dates, and maybe go back to that posh restaurant place you liked? The steak was amazing and I really liked sharing the dessert with you," my hands slide down his back and cup his ass.
A soft moan in my ear and he asks, "You really liked it there? No one else does."
"You were there, I was there, and the food was good, what's not to like?" I query and get a happy chuckle from him.
"Oh David, you are SO smooth sometimes," his nose rubs along my jaw and then his mouth hovers near mine, I wait for him to kiss me but he doesn't he just looks at my mouth and then back to my eyes, he wants the kiss but he's not doing anything about it.
And I'm drawn back to the thought that he rarely, if ever, initiates our kisses, squeezing his ass I move my mouth closer and wait to see what he does next, while fighting my own need to kiss him.
David walks in and locks the door behind him, a boyish grin on his face, though I've noticed he's looked more relaxed and happy at school now the jocks and cheerleaders have been kicked out again. All the kids have and I've wondered how hard it would be to get them all out permanently, but then my schemes were brought back to the real world with a bump, if we get rid of them the sports teams stop winning and we lose a lot of money that goes into science and Glee, so we need them to keep going, damn it.
He hurries over and pulls me into a kiss, his arms wrapping around me and his nose settling into my neck, it feels so good to be in his arms, so safe and so loved by him.
Lips press a gentle kiss to my neck and I shudder in his arms, my innocent thoughts getting swamped by my non-innocent thoughts, "Hello David," I greet him to distract myself.
"Hey Kurt," his breath ghosts over the shell of my ear and I automatically clutch him closer as my fingers roam through those close cut curls on his nape.
I wish we could do this everyday, I wish we didn't have to hide, but now I've been listening properly I've been hearing more tales of his family so I know we're being sensible but I dislike having to ignore him in the hallways. "We should do this more often," I murmur, "I miss you so much in the week, I know our schedules are hectic and we have to hide but I don't feel like I see you enough."
Those big hands tighten on my back, "Hmm, I know what you mean, maybe we can work this in and have lunch together during the week, I miss our coffee dates too."
"Those weren't dates David," I remind him, "But going forward they could be…" Oh please I would love to go on official dates with him, even if they are only to get coffee.
"Yeah, going forward we can have coffee dates, and maybe go back to that posh restaurant place you liked? The steak was amazing and I really liked sharing the dessert with you," I'm surprised at his offer and then his hands are squeezing my butt gently.
I can't hold the soft moan back and then ask, "You really liked it there? No one else does." And they really don't like it.
"You were there, I was there, and the food was good, what's not to like?" The big romantic says and I laugh at his words, I can't believe my boyfriend is this amazing, how did I get so lucky?
"Oh David, you are SO smooth sometimes," I complement him and as much as I want to keep this PG because we're in school his mouth is right there and I really want a kiss from my boyfriend.
Only he slants his mouth closer to mine and does nothing, he doesn't kiss me, and I start to ache for him, I can't help breathing in when he exhales and he breathes in when I exhale.
The moment turns intimate in a heartbeat and I literally melt into his body, his hands stay on my ass and he does tiny little squeezes that are driving me crazy with need for him.
How does he do this to me?
I go from romance and a heart that's full to bursting, to this liquid fire in my veins, a fire only he can give me and only he quench. He still isn't kissing me and my eyelids are so very heavy I have to close them and I pitch forward to rest full against his body, he simply takes it and holds me as my knees grow weak.
"David," I whimper and I rub my cheek on his shoulder, "Please," I beg and I have no idea what I'm begging for but he seems to understand and his hands squeeze harder as I whine for more.
"Kurt," his voice is deep and rough and I try to listen to him, "Kurt, what do you want?"
"You, I want you," I tell him and then he's moving, backing me up against a wall, and I whine again, "God, David, I mean Gaga, Gaga, David."
"Gaga?" He queries and the moment is broken.
"Um, yes? Since I don't believe in god I thought it was a bit blasphemous to keep saying god so I'm going for Gaga or Prada and things I believe in," he's stunned for a second and then he laughs.
"Babe only you could make that work so well," and I finally get my kiss, it's soft and slow and doesn't involve tongues. "Babe?" He asks and his eyes are very serious, "I know we normally discuss things and then leave it for a while so we can both think about it first, but right now I really want to try something and you have every right to say no."
"Okay," and I know he'll let me go if I don't like his suggestion.
"Um, you're wearing a scarf and I would like to put that long scarf over the very handy hook currently above your head, then I want you to grip the scarf and pretend you're restrained, then I want to ravage your neck and maybe undo a few buttons on your shirt, maybe even touch your nipples, and if you like it as much as I'm going to like it I'd like to propose a new game for Sunday," he says and his voice is so matter of fact as I blink stupidly and glance up to see there really is a big round hook we could feed my scarf through, something must have hung here before and I look back down to see him studying me.
Swallowing I try and work out what I feel and think about it but my body is starting to clamour at me to say yes and get his hands and lips on me right now, and my nipples seem to really like the idea of getting some attention too.
"Okay," I whisper, "Green, but you have class straight after lunch…"
"I know," he nods and sets the timer on his watch, "I promise neither of us will be late to class, and I know what amber and red mean."
And then with trembling hands I undo my long grey scarf and pass it over so he can thread it through the hook. His hands guide mine up and I grasp the soft material leaving my arms up in the air and my body vulnerable to him.
Biting my lip nervously I watch as his eyes rake up and down me, they're darkening quickly and he must like what he sees as he strips off his horrible ugly letterman and steps up to me.
Leaning in he murmurs in my ear, "God, you look amazing like that, I hope you want to give this a go on Sunday, but I understand if you don't want to or aren't ready to. Green?"
And once more he gives me the power to turn him away but I nod and shakily say, "Green."
I can feel his mouth turn up in a smile as his hands land on my hips.
I wait for him to say something but instead the whole thing turns heated in less than a second, his body shifts into mine and his pupils dilate before the lids close, he leans into me and little shudders run through him.
I was not expecting that and I have to fight off my own needs as Kurt's clearly get the better of him, only I glance over a very handy nook that would keep us out of sight even if someone walked in and I could kiss him to both our satisfactions.
I just need him to admit to me what he wants first.
Except I should have realised that this is Kurt that I'm dealing with and he moans, "David," he nuzzles my shoulder, "Please," his voice is low and breathy and such a fucking turn on.
And then I spot the hook on the wall in the handy nook. The hook that's the perfect height and my imagination supplies the image of Kurt bound with his hands up and helpless.
Struggling to ignore my cock that really liked that idea I squeeze his ass harder and now I remember what it looked like out of those tight jeans, all round, and how pink and red it went.
Shit, so not helping the problem in my pants right now.
"Kurt," I ask him, "Kurt, what do you want?" I'm determined that he's going to give in and ask for a kiss.
"You, I want you," and I give up resisting him, I back him up into that nook and when his back gently bumps the wall he whimpers, "God, David, I mean Gaga, Gaga, David."
"Gaga?" What the hell? And it snaps me back to being in control.
"Um, yes? Since I don't believe in god I thought it was a bit blasphemous to keep saying god so I'm going for Gaga or Prada and things I believe in," he tells me earnestly and that's so freaking Kurt I laugh.
"Babe only you could make that work so well," and I kiss him, we'll work on the him asking for a kiss thing another time because right now I really do want to explore my idea of binding his hands. "Babe? I know we normally discuss things and then leave it for a while so we can both think about it first, but right now I really want to try something and you have every right to say no."
"Okay," he says his tone curious and his eyes still dilated.
"Um," I have no idea how he's going to take this, "You're wearing a scarf and I would like to put that long scarf over the very handy hook currently above your head, then I want you to grip the scarf and pretend you're restrained, then I want to ravage your neck and maybe undo a few buttons on your shirt, maybe even touch your nipples, and if you like it as much as I'm going to like it I'd like to propose a new game for Sunday."
Kurt blinks at me a few times and then he tilts his head back to see the hook above him, when he brings his head back down his eyes are even more dilated and his breathings sped up, I can't tell yet if its in fear or desire, or both. He swallows loudly and licks his lips, a move I pretend not to see.
"Okay," he's words are barely audible, "Green, but you have class straight after lunch…" he reminds me.
"I know," I set my watch's timer, "I promise neither of us will be late to class, and I know what amber and red mean."
And then I get to see him unwind that soft scarf and he hands it over with hands that are shaking slightly and I vow to get myself under control and make this fun for him, this isn't just about me and my desires, this is about his as well.
Threading the scarf through the hook it dangles down and then I lift Kurt's hands up to it, his fingers wrap around without me having to ask him and then he's ready for me.
Oh my god. He's better than any dream I've ever had of him, and I want to take my time exploring him, touching him lightly, drawing out little sounds from him, giving him pleasure and knowing that it's all me, that he desires what I'm doing, and the ultimate head rush of knowing that I'm in total control of what's happening, all he can do is stand there and accept it.
Okay so in reality all he has to do is day red or amber but the whole game is set up so that I can really enjoy this and get the power trip I want and he can be pleasured.
Getting my head in the right frame I step forward murmuring into his ear, "God, you look amazing like that, I hope you want to give this a go on Sunday, but I understand if you don't want to or aren't ready to. Green?"
"Green," he nods and I can't help but smile knowing he's mine for the taking.
A/N: Sorry for any and all mistakes, I've tried to catch those I could, but I'm only human.