Look, guys….
I'm really sorry that this is another authors note instead of a chapter, I'm also really sorry that I haven't given you a chapter in a long time. First of all, I would like to know that even though the actual Son of Neptune came out, would you like me to continue? If so, please comment saying whether or not you'd still be interested in reading this or if I should do a Mark of Athena fanfic.
I would also like to say the reason I haven't been updating as much is because, well you all know about school and how that is, but I just got a major leg surgery and have basically been drugged and unconscious, without access to a computer for almost a month.
I will remind you that I still have a poll up on my profile for a 'Reading the Books' fanfic, but I'm trying to make mine different from other's, so please vote, I only need four more votes and then ill start, so vote!
And thanks to everyone who has reviewed, I love you guys!
Love, Peace, Happiness, Hope, Faith