Um... I just came up with this during the 1000 Heartless battle. Creepy how quiet it was...

Please review if you've got time or if you think it's worth it... Which it probably isn't. I kinda suck...


Always so quiet.

That was one of the first things Sora realized about the Heartless.

They had empty golden eyes. They were heavier than they looked. Don't touch them; it's physically painful.

They're quiet.

Never one sound. Not a hiss, not a whine, nor any other animal sound Sora could think of.

And among so many other things that could have made the Heartless terrifying—they tried to rip out your heart, they were the remains of people just like him, his best friend was controlling them—that was what scared Sora. The silence.

The hush was so wrong. Quiet was supposed to mean you were safe; nothing was around to hurt you. And yet the Heartless were silent as they slowly swarmed around you until the darkness was so thick you could choke on it.

So the boy shouted as he fought. He sang. He laughed. He cried. He ranted about all the things he would never say. Anything to take away the dreadful illusion of calm.

But when the day was done, and there was nothing left to say, the silence crept up on him once more, and he could swear that in every patch of darkness, yellow eyes peered from within. Just waiting. Waiting quietly, for him to slip, for him to lose balance, and then they would slowly consume him.

He could only smile and pretend nothing could touch him.

And yet, every night, Sora dreamt horrible





