Hey! So after I read CoFA I couldn't stop thinking 'what's gonna happen next?' And as I was thinking about it, I came up with this idea and decided it would make a perfect story. I hope you like it and PLEASE review! I will not update until I get 5 reviews! Soo, if you wanna keep reading, you'll just have to review. As you guys already know, I own nothing. All rights go to Cassie! I can't even claim the title. Eve of the End is a song by August Burns Red. But the title fits so I decided to go with it. My other story The Truth of a Liar (Sorry!) is also an August Burns Red song. They just have really good names. So anyways, I know you want me to just shut up so you can read the story so, enjoy! :)

Jace flung Clary against the wall. She didn't even feel it. All she felt was Jace. His hands tangled in her hair. His body pressing against hers, like he was trying to somehow fuse them into one being. His lips moving with hers. Jace kissed her with desperation, as if this was the last time that they would be able to. Clary gasped and pulled away. She hated doing this, but she literally couldn't breathe. She was panting and light-headed. The last thing Clary wanted to do while she was with Jace was pass out on him.

"Can't… Breathe…" Clary wheezed as she collapsed onto the bed in Jace's room. Jace chuckled and plopped down next to Clary, pulling her onto his lap.

"It's okay," Jace was playing with her hair. "I was starting to get hungry anyway. Taki's?"

Clary nodded and jumped off the bed. A little too quickly. She started to wobble. Jace grabbed onto her hand and shoulder, steadying her. Then, keeping hold of Clary's hand, Jace lead them out his room and down the hall. At the same time, Isabelle stormed out of her room and slammed the door closed.

"By the angel, what the hell were you two doing in there? I swear if you guys don't keep it down I'm gonna move out!"

"And where exactly do you plan to go? Magnus'? Then you'll just have to live with him and Alec canoodling all the time, which in my opinion is worse than me and Clary." At that, Isabelle scrunched up her nose and stuck her tongue out.

"We're going to Taki's if you want to come too." Clary suggested. She and Isabelle and grown even closer after what happened the night of the Ironworks party.

"Sure. I'll call Simon, and Alec and Magnus can come too. I'll even invite Maia and Jordan." Maia and Jordan had bonded after the catastrophic night too. They weren't dating, but they weren't exactly 'just friends' either.

"That sounds like a great idea."

"Okay, well I'll meet you there. I have to change." Clary thought Isabelle looked fine in her skinny jeans and tight-fitting sweat shirt, but then again Izzy had a habit of changing her outfit at least three times a day. Clary shrugged and walked toward the elevator and mashed the button down.

20 minutes later, Alec and Jace were shoving two tables together so they could all fit. Kaelie came to get everyone's orders and attempted, unsuccessfully, to flirt with Jace. He barely even noticed her; all of his attention was on Clary. He watched her as she joked and laughed with the other couples. Clary noticed and looked at him curiously. "What are you staring at?"

"You." Jace answered, unashamed. Clary began to blush and Alec rolled his eyes.

Clary smiled when Magnus leaned over and kissed him on the cheek. She was pleased that they worked out their problems. Clary hadn't known Alec for long, but the only times she had ever seen him truly happy was when he was with Magnus.

"So are Jocelyn and Luke completely ready for the big day?" Maia asked.

The first couple of days after what happened Jocelyn spent most of the time in her room, only coming out when absolutely necessary. But eventually, she went back to being her normal self and the wedding was the day after next. "Yep," Clary grinned. "They can't wait."

"Where are they going for their honeymoon? France? Or maybe Italy? I have connections so they'd stay in only the finest hotels." Magnus was the only one truly interested in where they were going.

"No, they're just going to the farmhouse. They want to keep it simple. But I'm going to have to stay at the institute for the week." Jace smirked when she said the last part, but Izzy just shook her head.

"If I hear one peep out of you guys at night, Clary's rooming with me for the rest of the week."

"Don't worry; I'll be sure to put up sound proof runes beforehand." Jace said squeezing Clary's hand as she turned a dark red.

Alec made a disgusted face. "Looks like I'll be spending the week with Magnus." Magnus beamed and caressed Alec's face. "I'll really enjoy that."

The group stayed in the diner for several hours just having a good time. After a while, Clary looked at her watch and sighed. "I should probably get home. Jocelyn and Luke will be wondering where I am."

"Do you want me to take you home?" Jace asked.

"Naw. I live in the opposite direction of the Institute. Besides, I have money for a cab."

Everyone left the restaurant and said their goodbyes. It took ten minutes, but eventually a cab pulled over and let Clary in. "Brooklyn." Clary said, not really focusing. She had so many things on her mind. Admittedly, most of them were about Jace, which made her even more out of it. The cabbie had to call her several times until she realized that she was in front of the bookstore that Luke owned. She climbed out and went to bed. Her thoughts of Jace transitioned to dreams and she slept very soundly that night.

How'd ya like it? Remember, I absolutely love comments and I won't update again until I get 5 reviews so make sure you do that. Just press that little button right below this. That's all you have to do. :) So tell me what you like, dislike, etc. If you want anything incorporated in the story just tell me what in your review. There wasn't any Simabelle, but I'm getting to that. I promise. Oh and if you want, at the end of each chapter, I'll put a teaser from Clockwork Prince or CoLS. You know how to tell me if you want those ;)