Disclaimer: Digimon Adventure, Digimon Adventure 02 and Digimon: Tamers belong to Bandai. B Kino's Journey is a light novel written by Keichi Sigsawa. Takato's Light is a story idea belonging to creepingshadow. Takato's Light 2: Hikari's Hazard is a fan-based narrative intended to promote the original Digimon franchise. This is a not-for-profit story.

Author's Notes: Hello dear reader(s). I recently came back to fanfiction writing to work on another story - The Tamer: A Digimon Adventure. I'm excited about that story and have many ideas I want to explore with it. However, because of that, I have been asked repeatedly if I would finish Takato's Light 2. The answer is no. I have a lot of ideas I want to explore with the Tamer and that won't give me time to commit to Takato's Light 2. However, as a special request, I am writing out one often requested chapter - the dance between Takato and Hikari. Bear in mind that some details may be off, it's been some time since I actually had to do any writing for this story - honestly, I may have forgotten a few minor details in favor of keeping the original structure. For that I apologize. We'll just say The Digimon Tamer and Agumon caused it during the many adventures. And hey, when this is done, go and give The Tamer: A Digimon Adventure a read. Merry Christmas children. Merry Christmas.

Takato's Light 2: Hikari's Hazard

Chapter 9: Eyes On Me

"Leomon!?" Takato gasped. Guilmon marched ahead and buried his nose into the digimon who greeted them like a dog meets a curious new discovery. Leomon fidgeted nervously while Guilmon smelled around him. The other digimon with them were just as surprised - a large orange toad with two horns growing out the side of his head and a small white bunny with purple accents on his ears.

"ShogunGekomon and Calumon," Takato added. Calumon bounced onto Guilmon's head and laughed, "You guys! You guys! You died and came back to life! That's so cool!"

Guilmon barely registered Calumon landing on his head and continued to smell Leomon before backing away, "He looks like Leomon but he smells different."

"Correct," Leomon replied, "I am a Leomon, but I am not your Leomon. I am Leo, charged with training the digimon of Holy Angel Castle and leading the DSDF."

"Oh," Takato frowned. Hikari could it see it written plainly on his face. Part of him wanted this to be Jeri's partner digimon. But that wasn't going to happen. Part of her was disappointed as well, recalling how often Jeri occasionally reflected over her broken digivice, lost in the memories of her now deceased partner.

"And I am Gekovitch," the ShogunGekomon introduced himself, "Head caretaker of Holy Angel Castle. It is an honor and a privilege to welcome the two heroes of the Digital World."

"Hikari, that frog is talking," Takato's father whispered into he ear. Hikari remembered that Takato's parents were present and spun on her heels to explain, "This is the Digital World. Digimon like ShogunGekomon are fairly common here."

"After what we've been through, I guess this really shouldn't surprise us," Mister Matsuda frowned, "Maybe it's just something you never get used too."

"Wait, you guys have names?" Takato asked. Lord HolyAngemon nodded and explained, "It was an idea recommended by Taichi. He suggested that using names might make it easier for humans to see us on a personal level."

"Oh, I guess that makes sense," Hikari said, "Although, I didn't think Taichi would be smart enough to think of something like that."

"I think it's humiliating," Leomon frowned, "To have to go by another name to make their lives easier."

"It's called cooperation," Lord HolyAngemon stated. While Takato's father was clearly alarmed by the various types of digimon present, it was clear that his mother was much more accepting. She was immediately enamored by a small pink MarineAngemon that she was excitedly coddling in a playful manner. Lord HolyAngemon waved to get their attention over the throngs of cheering digimon and gestured towards the door, "If you'll please join me inside. We can discuss the arrangements in a more private setting."

Mrs. Matsuda sadly released the MarineAngemon and followed them inside. Hikari stifled a chuckle, amused at how Mrs. Matsuda was so readily able to fawn over the small creature. Lord HolyAngemon led them through a grand marble entrance hall bathed in light. There were multiple Piddomon running back and forth with cleaning supplies, some wiping down the floors, a few polishing windows and others moving tables and other furniture. Lord HolyAngemon guided them to a meeting chamber where sat a long wooden table and chairs. He took the seat at the head of the table, while Gekovitch and Leo stood beside him. Takato's parents sat on one side, Hikari and Guilmon took the other. Takato sat across from Lord Holy Angemon and the angel digimon began, "Thank you again for agreeing to relocate here. We have rooms prepared for you here in the castle and the guards have been informed to allow you anywhere in the castle, and into the village outside. There are exceptions, though. The east corridor of the castle is off limits, as is the main chamber."

"What about our things?" Mrs. Matsuda asked, "This was dropped on us with little warning. Most of our things are still in our world."

"Agents from DATA will be retrieving clothes from your home and any other items that you need," Lord HolyAngemon stated. Hikari looked from Takato to his parents and to Guilmon, feeling rather useless at the moment. She didn't know when Taichi came up with this plan, but she didn't like not being told anything about it.

"Our photo albums! I had some jewelry in a box in our room," Mrs. Matsuda began, naming off everything she needed from their home in the Real World. Gekovitch scribbled everything on a piece of paper and tucked it away somewhere behind him. Hikari didn't know where he was keeping it, but was certain she'd burn it if he handed it to her.

"DATA will be informed to gather everything and bring it here for you," Lord HolyAngemon said calmly, "Truthfully, we want to do whatever is necessary to help make this transition as easy as possible for you. Is there anything else we can do here to help you adjust to life in the digital world?"

"Personally, I would like to do some baking," Mr. Matsuda explained, "We owned a bakery back home so it'd be nice to make some bread. It's very relaxing."

"We have a kitchen in the lower levels of the castle," Lord HolyAngemon explained, "Leo can take you there afterwards."

"That would be nice, thank you," Mr. Matsuda nodded his head gratefully.

"There are others who wish to see you though, Matsuda Takato," Lord HolyAngemon added, placing a hand on the table to reveal a bright light in the center. The light revealed images of four digimon: a bird, a dragon, a turtle and a tiger.

"Zhuqiaomon! Baihumon! Ebonwumon! Azulongmon!" Takato said excitedly to the four sovereign digimon. Hikari vaguely recalled meeting one of them long ago, but it was only the digimon called Azulongmon, the dragon who guarded the East. The sovereigns ruled over their own quadrant of the Digital World - the north, the south, the east, and the west. Azulongmon specifically helped the digidestined battle a rogue Black WarGreymon attempting to destroy the Digital World in his pursuit of an enemy he could call a worthy opponent.

"Oh, so he is alive," Zhuqiaomon commented, "The human isn't as easy to kill as we thought."

"Don't be rude Zhuqiaomon," Azulongmon reprimanded, "You missed him just as much as we did."

"That's the closest we're going to get to seeing Zhuqiaomon be nice," Ebonwumon joked, "All the same, it's good to see you still alive. However that happened."

"So who are they?" Mrs. Matsuda asked.

"We are the sovereigns," Baihumon introduced himself, "Guardians of the Digital World who each govern our own quadrant."

"Zhuqiaomon was the one who sent the Devas to our world a while back, remember?" Takato added, "They also helped us with the D-Reaper."

"Oh! I remember!" Takato's father said with vague recollection, "You were the ones who pulled the D-Reaper back into the Digital World."

"Yes, we did," Baihumon, "We are honored to see you again, Takato."

"Likewise!" Takato answered.

"Sorry that we can't be there tonight. We're still monitoring the gates between worlds, keeping an eye out for Bagramon's armies," Azulongmon said, "There's been no activity since the outbreak a few days ago."

"Tonight? What's happening tonight?" Takato asked, looking to Gekovitch and Lord HolyAngemon. Lord Holy Angemon frowned, "It was supposed to be a surprise."

"Oops," Azulongmon said. Hikari couldn't help but snort as she tried to hold back her laughter. The all powerful sovereign Azulongmon made a careless mistake, and an amusing one at that. Watching Azulongmon make apologies while being scolded by Lord HolyAngemon was something she never expected to see in her lifetime. It was like something out of a comedy to watch the tiny angel berate the large dragon who cowered before the other digimon. After a hundred apologies, Hikari asked, "So what's going on?"

Lord HolyAngemon sighed, "We were going to throw a party to welcome you to the Digital World. It was very difficult to convince so many digimon to keep quiet. But Azulongmon spoiled the surprise."

"Oh, we're thankful," Mr. Matsuda said, "But…um, parties aren't really my thing."

"Oh come on now dear! We haven't gone out much since we went into hiding a year ago," Mrs. Matsuda tugged on her husband's arm, "Let's go!"

"We're not really dressed for a party," Mr. Matsuda smiled nervously. His wife laughed, "Sweetheart! No excuses! We're going!"

"Will there be bread?" Guilmon asked excitedly.

"And games?" Calumon added

"The kitchens have been busy preparing all day," Lord HolyAngemon answered, "We'll have whatever you'd like to eat. And there'll be plenty of digimon for you to play with."

"Yay!" Guilmon and Calumon cheered.

There were a few more things that they discussed although Hikari tuned out most of it. A lot of it was regarding Takato's actions during the battle with Lucemon, and how they'd made him something of an icon in the Digital World. Lord HolyAngemon warned them that they would definitely meet one or two fans if they went out of the castle walls. He also advised them against receiving any gifts, otherwise some of the more sneaky digimon may try to call in favors. There were a few other things that Lord HolyAngemon mentioned but she'd long since tuned out. After the meeting, Lord HolyAngemon had Leo show them to their rooms located in one of the high towers from which they could see the whole of Infinity Mountain and File Island below.

Takato's room and his parent's room were located side by side, with Guilmon being given one across the hall although he admitted that he probably wouldn't use it. To Hikari's surprise, she was told her room would be opposite Takato's.

"Wait, I have a room?" Hikari gasped quietly.

"Yes, as per your instructions," Leo stated, "You are two escort them here in the Digital World. In this case, you'll be guarding them."

"Oh…I guess we'll be spending more time together huh?" Hikari looked at Takato with a soft smile that he returned with a big grin, "Looks that way."

"Wait, what about my school? I have homework! And a job!" she said with panicked realization, "What about my parents! They'll be worried."

"Your brother has already informed your parents," Leo stated, "As for your job, well, this is technically an official DATA assignment. Also, are you really saying you'd rather be in school?"

Hikari shook her head in embarrassment, "No, not really."

"Allow me to show you inside," Leo said, ushering her into the room. It was a gorgeous bedroom adorned with fine upholstery to match a large queen sized bed in the center of the room. Hikari was so caught up in the surprise that she didn't notice Leo lock the door behind them until it was too late. She instinctively put a hand to her gun and turned to face Leo, "What are you doing?"

"I'm sorry, there was one other part to your assignment," Leo frowned, "But there was no way for us to inform you in private."

"Private?" Hikari asked worriedly. Leo nodded, "Officially, your job is to protect Takato. Unofficially, Yamaki wants you to spy on him."

"Spy-!?" Hikari gasped but her mouth was covered by Leo, and he put a finger to his lips. At just above a whisper, he explained, "You might have noticed. There's something off about Takato. He…doesn't seem quite right. We'll all be monitoring him, but you're the only person besides his parents who could get close enough to him. If you see anything wrong, please, let us know."

"I refuse," Hikari said adamantly. She'd lost Takato once and would be damned if she lost him again. Leo frowned, "I'm not talking about saving the world. Rather, this is to preserve Takato's memory. If this is not the real Takato, then it would ruin his memory for someone to be masquerading as him."

"No one's masquerading as him," Hikari stated flatly, "Because that is Takato."

"For your sake, I hope you're right," Leo frowned. He allowed her out of the room afterwards to rejoin Takato, Guilmon, and his family outside. They explored the inner workings of HolyAngel Castle, trying to figure their way out around their new home and learning the layout. Hikari looked at Takato occasionally, quietly wondering what Leo meant when he referred to Takato as off. He seemed perfectly normal to her. When the sun began setting in the horizon, the Digidestined, Tamers, and their digimon arrived appeared in the courtyard holding boxes and carrying suitcases. Oddly, they were all dressed in nice clothes other than student uniforms or their DATA gear. Takato, Hikari, and Guilmon ran out to the courtyard to meet them where they found Leo already greeting them. Upon seeing her, Gatomon leapt into Hikari's arms, "Hikari!"

"Hey Gatomon!" she cheerily hugged her partner.

"Guys!" Takato shouted upon meeting them.

"Takato!" Henry called back.

"Hey Goggle Head," Rika greeted, "I see you didn't waste time getting any alone time with Hikari."

"Rika!" Takato blushed. Hikari went just as red as he did but retained enough composure to calmly say, "I'm on the job, protecting Takato and his parents."

"Uh huh, sure," Rika laughed, "I'm sure Jeri wouldn't mind swapping out with you if you ever get tired of the job."

"I'm over it, Rika," Jeri rolled her eyes. Jeri and Hikari briefly locked eyes, and she could see the support in Jeri's eyes. Hikari was surprised at how mature Jeri could be for her age, but not ungrateful. Hikari offered a sheepish smile at Jeri who returned it with a smile of her own. Taichi didn't hesitate to hug his little sister, "Hey Kari. Not a bad plan, huh?"

"Would it have killed you to give me a bit more warning?" Hikari asked him exasperatedly. He snorted with a big dumb grin, "You could be more appreciative. I think you've had…five hours alone. Twenty if we count that overnight stay at their place."

"Tai!" Hikari snapped, making the older brother back away.

"Hey, can we talk after we're done carrying all of these?" Kazu asked, "My arms are tired."

"What are you talking about?" Daisuke asked, "We went to their house, packed their stuff, then walked through the digiport. It's been…less than a minute."

"My arms are still tired and these boxes are heavy," Kazu stated.

"You're tired from carrying clothes," Daisuke stated mockingly, "That's so sad."

"You wanna fight buddy?" Kazu asked, dropping the boxes he was holding. They made an audible crack resembling broken glass as they hit the ground and Kazu's expression turned to utter horror. Whatever was in there was not clothes, and everyone knew it. He could feel all eyes on him as he embarrassedly proclaimed, "I can pay for those."

"My guards will take these to their rooms," Leo said. A group of Knightmon appeared and relieved them of the boxes. Kazu loudly stretched his arms and sighed, "Oh, that feels much better."

"So, is no one going to address the fact that Leomon's standing in front of us?" Kenta asked, earning him an elbow from Rika and Mimi at the same time. Leo groaned and introduced himself, "I am Leo, leader of the DSDF and the one who trains all of the digimon who will one day guard this castle. I know of your Leomon and I am sorry for your loss. Unfortunately, he and I are two different digimon."

Jeri noticeably sank when Leo finished talking but maintained enough composure to appear unperturbed. Realizing they needed a change of subject, Mimi asked, "SO! When's the party?"

"Ah yes," Leo stated, "We were supposed to start when you arrived. Please, come this way."

Leo led them back towards the entrance hall and into a large ball room on the far side of the castle. A large chandelier hanging above the room bathed in a warm glow. On the far side was a buffet table where a few Piddomon hurriedly supplied it with food. Beside it was a stage where a group of musical digimon such as Gekomon, Otamamon, Dondokomon, Shoutmon and more. Several circular tables were already set up around the ball room, but a large space had been set up in the center as a dance floor. There were already several digimon here, many from the crowd they'd seen earlier today. The Shoutmon on center stage spotted their entry and happily proclaimed, "Everyone! It looks like our guests have arrived!"

The musicians began performing a slow waltz on their eloquent instruments. Takato and Hikari looked at each other, Hikari asking, "How did we miss something like this?"

"It's a big castle," Leo said, "Very easy to keep quiet. Until Azulongmon spoiled the surprise."

Kazu, Kenta, Daisuke, and Guilmon immediately crowded out the buffet table - consuming everything they could in sight. Sora and Yamato went to dance with each other in the center of the dance floor, moving with the melody while their partners Gabumon and Biyomon looked on in silent adoration. Miyako and Ken joined them, along with a few other digimon. The whole time they danced, the couple did not look away from each other. Takato turned to Hikari and was about to mouth something but found himself being dragged along by Leo, "Come with us Takato. Lord HolyAngemon had a request of you before you joined the celebration."

Hikari wanted to go with them, but stopped when she saw Koushiro, Tentomon, Henry, Terriermon, Taichi, and Agumon go with them. Her digimon partner patted her, "He won't be gone long. You don't have to look so sad."

"I'm not sad!" Hikari defended herself, only for Gatomon to laugh. She hopped out of her arms and made her way to the buffet table, "Of course not. If you don't mind, I hear some tuna calling my name. Gatomon! Gatomon! Please eat me!"

Hikari laughed at Gatomon's joke and quietly made her over to one the tables where she had a seat. She felt strangely out of place at the dance. She knew there had been a party planned but it was dropped on them so quickly that she didn't have time for a proper change of clothes. So she was still wearing her school uniform and combat gear while the others had changed into more clothes more suited for the event.

Ryo attempted to flirt with Rika, trying to convince her to dance with him only to be shot down each time. Renamon watched the two from afar with mild bemusement, quietly chuckling each time Ryo complimented her and she in turn replied with a back handed compliment of her own. Suzie and Takeru were idly chatting with each other while her partner Lopmon leered cautiously. Impmon and Patamon were also visibly at odds with each other - Impmon appeared to be ready to play a prank involving a watermelon he'd taken from the buffet until Patamon had stopped him. Ai and Mako would've berated him but were too busy entertaining some of the younger digimon present to notice.

Takato's parents were also there, happily chatting with some of the more human-looking digimon and laughing while drinking bottles of beer. As she understood it, this was the first time either of them were able to relax since they'd gone into hiding a year ago. Joe, Palmon, Gomamon and Mimi moved to a corner of the ball room to talk, with Mimi occasionally stealing side glances at Koushiro. Palmon, and Gomamon were encouraging her to make the first move since Koushiro was genuinely too shy to do so. When she denied any interest in him, Joe called her out by stating it had been obvious since they were kids and that Koushiro missed her the most after she'd moved to America.

After a while, Takato returned with the others dressed in entirely different clothes from what he'd worn earlier. He was now dressed in a yellow cape, a blue collared shirt, brown shorts, white gloves and sneakers. The clothes initially appeared child sized but somehow grew to fit Takato when he donned them. Hikari couldn't help but realize how much he resembled a younger Taichi dressed that way. Henry, Koushiro, Takato, and Taichi were quietly talking with Lord HolyAngemon despite their digimon's attempts to get them to join party. Taichi refused each time, as did Koushiro who would bashfully steal a glance at Mimi until Henry mocked him for it. Henry refused so that he could babysit Terriermon because he knew the little digimon would have joined Impmon in his antics given the chance. They all noticed Takato wasn't paying any attention to a word they were saying and allowed him to go join the party. She suppressed her laughter as Takato joined her at the table and moped, "Lord Holy Angemon says these were the clothes worn by a legendary hero who defended the Digital World with his digimon partner. He says the clothes are respectable, but I look like an idiot."

"Yes you do," Hikari giggled, "But it's not as bad as wearing your school uniform."

"Birds of a feather, right?" Takato laughed nervously. She laughed with him. Even if she felt out of place dressed this way, having Takato with her was all it took to put her mind at ease. She relaxed slightly as Takato spoke, "Really, though, Hikari. You look great."

"You're just saying that," she said, bright red. Takato leaned in close to her, "You always look great to me."

Hikari moved her gaze down to hide how bright red her face had become, unable to believe he'd be bold enough to say something like that out loud. It was incredibly stupid, but sweet all the same. She opened her mouth to respond but was cut off by the sound of tapping on the microphone, "Excuse me everyone!"

One of the Gekomon who'd been performing with the band had called for his attention, "If I could have your attention please. I hope you've all enjoy the music we've been playing. One of our guests, the digidestined Mimi, asked if she could sing a song for us. Who'd like to hear it?"

There were some cheers from the crowd of digimon gathered. Hikari perked up interestedly as Takato commented, "They all seem excited."

"Mimi was always a good singer," Hikari explained, "They're probably all excited for the chance to hear her sing."

The Gekomon stepped aside and resumed his place at the band while Mimi took the stage. She took the microphone off its stand and cleared her throat, "Hey everyone! I hope you guys are having fun! This party is great, but I think what it really needs right now is a love song for all those couples out there! This next one's for you lovebirds!"

The lights dimmed and a single spotlight came on to focus on Mimi. She offered a wink and the musicians began strumming a soft tone, gently hitting a few soft notes before engaging in a dramatic flare. Takato turned to face Hikari and offered his hand, "Do you want to dance?"

"Takato, I don't think we're dressed for that," Hikari pointed out. He took her hand gently in his hand and said, "If I'm dancing with the most important person to me, then I don't care."

"That was really cheesy," Hikari commented with a bemused look, "You're not really good at flirting."

"I thought I'd give it a shot," Takato laughed, "Let's dance."

She took his hand and he guided her out to the center of the dance floor. Yamato, Sora, Ken, and Miyako were there, dancing with each other alongside a few other digimon couples. Even Takato's parents were there dancing to the music, albeit in a very drunken and awkward manner. Takato sighed his disbelief, to Hikari's amusement and the two locked eyes. He held out her hand in his, and used his free hand to wrap around her waist. Hikari, in turn, put a hand around his neck. The two of them danced together slowly as Mimi began singing.

"Whenever I sang my songs, on the stage on my own,

Whenever I said these words, wishing they would be heard,

I saw you smiling at me, was it real or just my fantasy?

You'd always be there in the corner, of this tiny little bar."

Takato spun Hikari in place and the two continued their waltz as Mimi sang. The two kept their eyes only on each other, completely ignoring the looks they were getting from the others. For Hikari, this moment was only for her and Takato. She thought about what Leo said. Takato was different. He was taller but, for Hikari, this was the boy she fell for.

"My last night here with you, the same old songs just once more,

My last night here with you? Maybe yes, maybe no,

I kind of liked it your way, how you shyly placed your eyes on me,

But did you ever know that I had mine on you!"

The two of them were dancing more closely, neither of them realizing their faces were merely centimeters apart. Takato smiled softly, and she beamed back. She no longer cared that they were dressed ridiculously, or that her mission was to observe. Her face flushed and her heart raced. She wanted this moment to last forever.

"Darling so there you are, with that look on your face,

As if you're never hurt, as if you're never down,

Shall I be the one for you, who pinches you softly but sure

If a frown is shown then, I will know that you're no dreamer."

Mimi's singing faded out to a flute solo. Takato gave Hikari another twirl, spinning her around to see all the people who were looking at her. But the only one who mattered at the moment was Takato. When the twirl finished, Hikari found herself resting her head on Takato's chest. She could hear his heart beating in his chest and knew right away that he was just as excited as she was.

"So let me come to you, close as I want to be,

Close enough for me, to feel your heart beating fast,

And stay there as I whisper, how I loved your peaceful eyes on me,

Did you ever know that I had mine on you?

Darling so share with me, your love if you have enough,

Tears if you're holding back or pain if that's what it is,

How can I let you know I'm more than the dress and the voice?

Just reach for me and then, you will know that you are not dreaming!

Darling so there you are, with that look on your face,

As if you're never hurt, as if you're never down,

Shall I be the one for you, who pinches you softly but sure

If a frown is shown then, I will know that you're no dreamer."

Mimi's voice faded and the instruments carried on for a short while after. Hikari looked into Takato's eyes and lost herself in them. Perhaps it was her teenage hormones, or maybe just the heat of the moment that drove her to press her lips against Takato's. It was like a bolt of electricity, running through the both of them. In that moment, something had awoken inside both of them. A need that they both needed to satisfy.

"I think that's enough dancing for now," Hikari said softly when she finally pulled away from the kiss.

"I think so too," Takato nodded quietly, "We should…go."

"Yeah, you're right," Hikari said. The two of them were still locked in each others arms, neither one wanted to pull away. But not here. They needed to be alone. Hikari thought about it briefly and whispered, "My room."

Takato nodded and the two hurried out of the grand hall just as the song came to an end. They disappeared just as the lights came back. It would be a while longer before anyone noticed they were no longer at the party. The two had retreated to Hikari's room for some privacy. The kiss they'd shared made the two realize how desperately they needed each other's company. There was no hesitation or worry. Only passion and love as the two lost themselves in each other's embrace that night, bathed only in the moonlight of the digital world. It wouldn't be until morning that the two of them finally slept.

Author's Notes: And that's all dear readers! I hope you enjoyed the chapter and give The Tamer - A Digimon Adventure a read. Merry Christmas, Happy Chanukah, Happy Ramadan, Kwanzaa, Festivus, Winter Solstice, and any other holiday/winter celebration I forgot to mention.