A different take on Peetas rescue from the Capitol!
Told from the POV of Katniss. Also sort of OOC!
My first story!
I can't move, I just stand behind the sheer curtain while Haymitch pushes his way through the wall of white coats. The surgeon puts his hand on Haymitch's chest to halt him from going any further forward; with a single look back at Peeta, his gesture is reconsidered. I peek slowly around the curtain, for some reason I do not want to miss Peeta seeing Haymitch again for the first time in months.
Peeta sits with his legs dangling off the side of the table, head down. His once strong shoulders seem to curve forward in a defeated way. Haymitch rests his hand on Peetas left shoulder, instantly Peeta jerks his whole body away.
"It's alright kid, you're safe now." Haymitch announces in the most soothing voice he can manage.
What happens next shocks even Haymitch. Peeta reels back and slugs him straight across the face. Haymitch falters back and raises his arm as if to strike Peeta back, but instead wraps both his arms around Peetas frail body. I can tell Peeta is struggling to get free, but he's so weak that Haymitch easily holds him still. I think I might be sick when I hear Peeta begin to sob. Haymitch speaks in a low voice to Peeta for several minutes before settling back and smiling.
"I brought you something...well, someone." Haymitch says as he runs his sleeve under Peetas nose as if he was a small child.
Peeta doesn't speak, he just stares past Haymitch into the wall. He must still be crying because his body is shaking ever so slightly. Haymitch glances over at me, and nods for me to come in. I feel almost giddy, I wanted to see Peeta first but I knew Haymitch would find a way around the doctors.
I swallow hard and force myself toward Peeta, he's so small and frail looking. I don't know how it happens so fast but my hand flies up to my mouth and I just start sobbing like a lunatic. Peeta turns quickly and forces his body in my direction. I can't stop myself from crying, this is my fault! I'm about to lunge myself into his arms when Peeta stands up and begins to hobble towards me. He just stares at me with tears streaming through the dirt and blood on his face.
Finally we are face to face, forehead to forehead and crying so hysterically I'm surprised no one has come in to check on us. Peetas hands find my hair and he pulls me as close as he can, holding me tightly against him. I wrap both my arms around his torso and refuse to let go, I can never let him out of my sight again.
Peeta pulls my face back and brushes the hair from my face. His blue eyes are still as beautiful as ever and they hold my gaze for what feels like an eternity. We still this way until he kisses my forehead before pulling me back against his chest.
I want to talk, to tell him how much I've missed him and how sorry I am; but I can't manage any words. This only gets worse when Peeta starts crying louder and mumbling my name. His good leg is buckling and I know I cannot hold him up, so we fall to our knees. Again he pulls my face back, only this time he kisses me.
Butterflies. It's all I can feel the entire time Peetas lips are against mine, and I never want them to go away. We stay kneeling for a long time just kissing and touching each other's faces. Which makes me think of the way Finnick and Annie collided; do people think Peeta and I are that in love? Right now…I think we might be.
It feels like hours have passed before I can help Peeta back to his hospital bed. We manage, and he lies down on his side, never letting go of my hand. I lay down next to him, with my face pressed against his chest and his left arm under my head. I look up at Peeta, he is so handsome even through the mess the capitol has created. He kisses me; it's a real kiss, deeper and longer than our usual. I don't pull back. I don't want it to end. I can feel his hand brush my cheek as he continues to kiss me; he breaks the session with a small peck and smiles.
"I love you", my words hang in the air for a moment while Peeta searches my face. I can feel my cheeks turn pink, I've ruined it! What's wrong with me? Until he smiles, the biggest smile I have ever seen on Peetas face. He leaves a trail of kisses from my forehead to my lips, and then pulls me so close I can feel his body heat radiating off of mine.
"I've always loved you; I will never stop loving you." His voice cracks as he tries to keep from crying again. My whole body fills with this weird sensation, I don't know how to place it or what to call it. I am happy, so happy a let a grin cross my face against Peetas chest.