Harry Potter vs. Twilight

A Poem

By AerisEvans7711

Dear Potter

Who isn't a Otter

Is up against a vampire

This brings great dishonor

To the world of Harry Potter

Not only does this vampire glitter

But his girlfriend is kinda bitter

This vampire is stalkerish

Which doesn't seem awkwarderish

To bitterish Bella Swan

(I made up my own words!)

Harry has Ginny Weasley

Who can beat Bella Swan easily

With a flick of her wand

She'll send Bella to infinity and beyond

Then you have Alice

Who lives in what seems like a palace

Who can look into the future

Now isn't that some creepy creature

Now Hermione Granger

Poor Alice your in danger

Because Miss. Granger knows every spell

And will send you to a bidding farewell

Ron you have a challenge

To beat Jasper who causes a lot of damage

Can you manage?

Of course you can!

Because you have a plan

To punch Jasper in the face

Who fell with not so much grace

When Emmett comes Neville will follow

And he'll send Emmett to a world called the Congos

Rosalie and Luna will fight

Though Rosalie will try with all her might

Luna will just feed her to the Theastrels

Even Voldy will have a part

Because he has no heart

For sparkling monsters that are suppose to be demons

Now who will Jacob Black face?

None other then Draco Malfoy will show him his place

Both have good looks

But Draco wins and sends Jacob back to the books

Dumbledore and Snape can beat

Any Vampire who tries to cheat

But the Weasley twins will shine

After they hurt a Vampire's spine

With a nasty Bludger attack

So here you go dear reader

As Harry Potter is the leader

And wipes Edward Cullen off the face of the Earth

You sit and ponder

and sometimes wander

Who is better?

Can't you see?

Harry Potter is the best

For those who don't think that we don't regret

Because who likes sparkly vampires

Over spell books and owls?

So don't say Harry Potter is crap against Twilight

Cause as of right now it's not a mystery

That Harry Potter became a part of my history