Disclaimer: I do not own the franchise of X-Men including its characters, I do own the original character Laura Wilkes and any other original character that is in this work of fiction

Mutant and Proud

Chapter 1: The Beginning of Everything

Banbury, Oxfordshire, 1944

"Help!" came the shrill cry of my younger sister. We'd been running to the air raid shelter when one of the walls of a nearby crypt had collapsed trapping my sister. I tried with all my might to help her. Tears blurred my vision.

"Hold on!" I called as I tried to push a wooden support beam out of the way, but it wouldn't budge. Frustration and panic took over me, I closed my eyes as I began again to try and push the beam away. The cries from my sister fuelled my efforts. That's when I felt it, a strange twinge in my head, that's when the beam moved away from my heads. But it was too late my sister lay dead underneath the rubble. Even so I didn't give up, I continued to try and get her out of there. Sirens blurred in the background of my mind. The beam moved again. A pair of hands pulled me away from the rubble.

"Anna! Laura!" someone shouted, I fought against the hands, but they wouldn't let go.

"No! Let go of me!" I screamed my hands stretching for the rubble as my legs kicked against my captor. The beam moved towards me and I was dropped to the ground. I scrambled through the mud back to the rubble.

"Monster!" the voice cried again, I knew who it belonged to, my mother. I looked over my shoulder to see my mother in tears pointing at me accusingly. A couple of people stood around her also looking horrified. I had been trying to help Anna, I didn't want her to die, and I wanted to save her.

"Vile demon! You did this! You killed her! Your own sister! Murderer!" she screeched, the words stung. The people around the graveyard began to disperse, heading over to the air raid shelter to await the all clear siren.

"Mama!" I cried, trying to grab her hand however she swatted my hands away pushing me backwards. "Mama!"

"You're not my daughter." she stated coldly before she turned round and walked away, leaving me alone in the mud. I took one last look at my poor sister, before heading over to the shelter to take cover however they had locked me out. I tried my hardest to get inside and failed miserably and so I tried to find shelter elsewhere, that's when my world blacked out.

I woke up in a completely white room, it felt all too clinical as if I had wound up in the hospital, and maybe I had been injured in the air raid? I got out of the bed and tried to open the door to see if I could find someone that would tell me where I was and why I was here, but it was locked. That was strange for a hospital you were always allowed to leave if you wanted to. I went back to my bed, maybe the staff here had locked the door because my mother had told them to do so, and maybe they believed my mother when she told them I had killed my sister. I felt so alone and unloved, my mother would never love me again and my sister was gone. After a while, a doctor entered the room followed by two nurses, I asked why I was here and what was going on but they ignored me and held me down as the doctor injected something into my arm; everything began to spin as they dragged me into another room.

For what seemed like weeks the doctor ran 'tests' on me, leaving me feeling sick and violated. One night after another session with the doctor I heard a commotion outside my room. I had long given up hope on any sort of rescue; my father and brothers were away at war, my mother had disowned me, my sister was dead and my grandfather was far too old to rescue me. The commotion ceased, the handle of the door began to move, and I scrunched up into the corner. As the door opened I was greeted with a happy sight, my grandpa had actually found me. I vaulted from the corner and into the arms of my grandpa.

"Grandpa!" I cried, bursting into tears. He picked me up, I clutched to his chest believing that if I let go he would vanish and I'd be back in my cell.

"You are safe my child." he whispered, I watched as he moved the gates without touching them. I didn't feel alone anymore. "No one will harm you ever again."

Westchester County, New York, 1944

I woke with a start, I heard the distinct sound of a lock clicking, a door creaking open and footsteps on the squeaky wooden floorboards. A burglar? I grabbed my dressing gown and baseball bat before I quietly left my room to investigate. I hoped I wasn't about to come face to face with an actual burglar. I tip-toed down the stairs trying to make as little noise as possible, the sounds were now coming from the kitchen, I opened the door to reveal…my mother? What was she doing down here?

"Mother? What are you...? I thought you were a burglar!" I said, lowering my baseball bat. She whirled round shutting the fridge door. What was she doing down here?

"I didn't mean to scare you darling. I was just getting a snack. Go back to bed." she said, walking over to me. There was definitely something wrong here, my mother would not come down into the kitchen especially not to make a snack. I stared at her intently trying to read her thoughts to see if my hunch was correct.

"What's the matter? Go on? Back to bed." she inquired, obviously alarmed at my intent stare, "I'll make you a hot chocolate."

"Who are you? And what have you done with my mother?" I questioned walking closer to her; she started to back away from me, obviously knowing that I had figured everything out. Her thoughts were nothing like that of my mother's, her thoughts were more like that of someone my own age.

'My mother has never set foot in this kitchen, in her life. And she certainly never made me hot chocolate, unless you count ordering the maid to do it?' I said telepathically, the woman seemed shocked at first, but then the form of my mother started to shift and change and before I knew it a young, blue-skinned girl was stood before me. So there were people other than me that had special abilities.

"You're not...scared of me?" she asked timidly, I shook my head smiling.

"I always believed I couldn't be the only one in the world, the only person who was different. And here you are." I said making her she smile. She knew she was safe around people like her, even if I couldn't shape shift. "Charles Xavier."

"Raven." she introduced taking my outstretched hand shaking it.

"You're hungry and alone, take whatever you want. We've got lots of food, you don't have to steal. In fact, you never have to steal again."

Poland, Auschwitz, 1944

Mother clutched me close to her as we were marched into one of the many camps the Nazis had set up. They were for those who opposed the Nazi regime or for those who the Nazis deemed as weak for Germany. I looked around at the many people dressed in striped clothes working hard in the heavy rain, they all had one thing in common; a tattoo on their left arm, a number like a brand. They were treating us like cattle! We kept moving, mother whispered reassuring phrases to me, but it didn't help calm the dread that was building up inside me. A man adorned in Nazi regalia stood at the front of the marching crowd, directing people to the left and to the right. Mother clutched me tighter to her, but her hold on me was nothing compared to the man who separated us.

"Erik!" she cried, as she was pushed to the right by the crowd.

"Mama!" I shouted, scrambling in the mud, to get to her, but a gate separated us. Two guards tried to restrain me and take me away to the left side of the camp. I fought against the guards trying to reach the gate with my arms outstretched.

"Erik!" she cried once more, the gate began to bend towards me as the guards restraining me and I slid towards it.

"Mama!" I screamed, as two more guards came to help the struggling ones, but they couldn't restrain me either.

"Erik!" I reached out more dragging the guards with me. The gate bent more and for a second I thought I would be able to reach her, but that hope was crushed as another soldier hit me on the back of the head with a gun.

A couple of days later, I was taken to the office of Dr. Schmidt, rumours spread through out the camp that he was supposed to be a horrible man who did horrible things to those he called in, I hoped that was just simply a rumour and not true. The feeling of utter dread and fear came over me once again as I stood in front of a man who could easily have me killed within a second. He sat happily behind his desk eating some chocolate, I hadn't eaten properly in days and that was made more prominent as I stared hungrily at the bar that was left on the table. To the right of the chocolate was a coin and next to that was a small bell.

"Understand this, Erik...These Nazis. I'm not like them. Genes are the key, yes? But their goals? Blue eyes? Blond hair? Pathetic." he mused, sliding the chocolate towards me. "Eat the chocolate, it's good. Want some?"

"I want to see my mama" I replied, the man frowned slightly quickly putting the chocolate in a drawer. He moved the coin closer to me smiling or more like smirking.

"Genes are the key to the door leading into a new era, Erik. A new future for humanity. Evolution. You know what I mean? I'm not asking for much. A small coin, it's nothing compared to the huge gates. Isn't that right?" he stated, nodding at the coin on the desk. I looked between the coin and the doctor, maybe if I followed his orders then I would be able to see mother again. I brought my hands up towards the coin, trying to make it move like I had done with the gate. But it didn't move even when I concentrated more, it just wouldn't budge.

"I've tried, sorry Doctor. I cannot...I do not...it is impossible." I said, lowering my arms in defeat. The doctor raised his eyebrows and looked at me sceptically.

"The only thing I can say in favour of the Nazis is that their methods are producing results. I'm sorry, Erik." he said, before he reached for the ball and rang it. Two guards entered the room escorting my mother.

"Now this is what we will do. I count to three, and you move the coin." he explained as he pulled out a pistol from one of the drawers, clicked the safety off and aimed it at my mother. No! "If you do not move the coin, I'll pull the trigger. Do you understand?"

"One." I brought my hands up once again and tried to move the coin. But it just wouldn't move no matter how hard I concentrated. I look at mother and then the doctor. I couldn't let her die.

"Mama!" I cried, I just couldn't let her die, she was everything to me. I can't live without her.

"You can do it." she reassured, I looked at her. The fear was present in her eyes. I returned my gaze to the coin, it wasn't moving.

"Two." Panic started setting in, I focused more. It still wouldn't move. Tears started to sting my eyes as I looked at mother once more.

"It's alright. It's alright. It's alright!" she repeated, it brought more tears to my eyes as I concentrated more, but the coin just wouldn't move. I tried with all my might to move the damn coin but it just wouldn't move, tears blurred my vision and the pounding of my heart drowned out most of the noise around me, except for the doctor's three and the bang of the gun. I stopped focusing on the coin and stared down at the lifeless corpse of my mother. My body shook violently. Anger took over me.

"No!" I screamed raising my arms as everything that was metal in the room swirled around in an invisible violent tornado leaving the room in complete and utter disarray. The helmets of the two guards began to shrink, they clawed at them, but within minutes their heads were crushed as they lay dead next to mother. The doctor stood behind his desk laughing manically at the chaos as the room we stood in and the adjoining room were completely trashed. My anger storm ended, I lowered my arms, tears streamed down my face.

"Unbelievable, Erik. We have opened your gift with anger." he mused, clapping a hand on my shoulder and leading me into the adjoining room. Medical equipment littered the floor and the giant steel tables had been bent out of shape by my powers. "Anger and pain. You and I are going to have a lot of fun."

Author's Notes:

Hi I hope you have enjoyed the first chapter of this story, I'm planning on writing for all three of the new X-Men films and hopefully I will be able to stick to a good upload schedule that won't completely be all over the place. I will apologise in advance if for some reason the uploads become slower than they originally start off as. Again I hope you have enjoyed this first chapter, any advice or suggestions would be great.