A/N: I'm pretty sure I know where I'm going with this story, so the updates should be pretty quick. This is my first fanfic so go easy on me =]

Let me know if you like it, and thanks for reading! Constructive criticism is always welcome.

"Hinata! What're you doing? Hurry up, we're gonna be late!"

I glanced into the mirror one last time and hugged my hoodie tighter around me. I looked a mess. My grey eyes were tinged slightly red from sleeplessness, and my hair looked like a nest on top of my head. I had been so nervous I couldn't have slept for more than an hour or so. I sighed as my stomach squirmed in the familiar, nervous way that it always seemed to do.

"Coming, Kiba-kun!" I managed to stutter out as I grabbed my bag to run down the stairs.

It was the first part of the Chunin exam. I had no idea what to expect. Kurenai-sensei hadn't let us know too much, only that there were three parts, and to get a good night's sleep the night before… Well, so much for that.

I ran out the door after quickly nodding a goodbye to my father. Kiba and Shino were waiting outside for me. Shino dipped his head slightly, acknowledging my presence. Kiba grinned and said "hey." I muttered good morning and leaned down to pet Akamaru.

We started walking toward the Academy, my stomach still squirming. I had no idea what was going to happen once we walked through the front door of the school.

We didn't talk much on the way there. Kiba made a couple of half-hearted attempts at conversation, but neither Shino nor I offered much back. By the time we reached the Academy, my stomach was churning so much I felt nauseous.

We walked single file through the double doors at the front of the Academy and were met with three dozen other Genin. Although people were talking, there was a nervous hush around the room. I could tell everyone was as nervous as me. Well, probably not quite as nervous.

I scanned the room, registering new faces and familiar ones. There were a good number of ninjas I didn't recognize. More than half of them weren't from Konoha. I continued my scan of the room when my eyes fell on Naruto's group. There was one person that didn't look one bit nervous. He came in the room with a big goofy grin on his face, his arms up by his head. He looked very relaxed and confident. I stared at him, studying his big blue eyes and his cocky smile.

He caught my gaze and waved wildly at me.

"Hinata! Hey! Hinata! I'm gonna crush all of these guys here! Dattebayo!"

I felt my cheeks redden, and I quickly ducked my head and pretended I hadn't been looking at him. Kiba nudged me and laughed.

"He's gonna get rocked if he isn't careful… What a dummy."

I glanced up and noticed lots of smoldering looks going in Naruto's direction from most of the other ninjas in the room. I giggled to myself and went back to studying people. I paused on a group of three standing in the opposite corner. They looked disinterested in the whole affair and were just talking amongst themselves. Well, two of them were talking, a blonde girl with pigtails and a tall boy in all black. It looked like he had some sort of purple face paint on and a large bundle on his back.

The third person in the group stood slightly away from the other two. He had his arms crossed and his eyes were closed in some sort of meditation. The gourd on his back stood out almost as much as his fiery hair, which sat messily on top of his head. There was some sort of symbol on his forehead that I couldn't quite read.

I was trying to make it out when I felt someone's eyes on me. I snapped out of my concentration and saw that the boy's light blue eyes were staring straight back into mine. A pang of fear shot through my body and I quickly looked away. Something about him was… scary. More than that. He felt dangerous.

I kept my eyes on the floor for the next couple of minutes. Kiba tried to talk to me a few times, but I was still a little freaked out about what had just happened. He finally just let me sit there in my nervous silence. I was slightly relieved when an older Leaf ninja entered and yelled for the room to quiet down. Talking ceased instantly and the room hummed with nervous energy.

"Hello everyone, and welcome to this year's Chunin Exam. We are very lucky to have ninjas from three other villages with us today. Please give them your best respectful welcome… well, at least until the exam starts."

There was a rustling as everyone started to whisper. The test proctor cleared his voice to begin talking again. The room went silent.

"I have a couple of things to say to you all before we begin. This is a very dangerous, difficult exam. If any of you are doubting your ability to do well in life or death situations, please leave now. There is no longer any room here for anyone less than an excellent Shinobi. For your sake and the rest of your teammates, please withdraw from the exam."

As expected, no one moved. I started to tremble a little bit, but Kiba put his hand on my arm to steady me. As usual, he could sense my fear.

"Easy, Hinata," he whispered. "Kurenai-sensei referred us, lets not let her down okay?"

I nodded, but I didn't feel any more confident. I wasn't good enough to be here, I just knew it. But there wasn't any turning back now.