AN: So, this is the first story I got inspired to write. It's also my first story to have multiple chapters (As long as I don't get a horrible writers block in the middle because I don't know exactly where I'm going with this after a certain point). Also, I changed the format since there is a lot of dialogue and for me it seems slightly overwhelming, unless its broken up a bit more. If it's harder to read this way just let me know.

Disclaimer: No, I don't own Totally Spies and that is not going to change. No matter how many of these I write.

Double Agent

Chapter 1: Facing the Truth

Jerry sat at his desk, trying to think of the best way to tell the girls the truth. The truth that he had kept a huge secret from them, for good reason, but a secret nonetheless. A secret that meant part of their lives had been a lie. He sighed thinking of a way to avoid telling them, but knowing there was none. He had to tell them, this lie had gone on long enough. He was tired of keeping such a big secret. Now the fate of the world depended on him telling the truth.

A voice pulled him out of his thoughts. "Jerry, relax. They might be a little upset or confused, but they'll get over it. They aren't going to deny working with me, just because I had to go undercover for a couple of years. Not when the rest of the world is in danger." The man walked over and put his hand on Jerry's shoulder.

"I just hope they won't hate me for keeping the truth from them for so long." Jerry's eyebrows drew together in worry.

The sun was shining on what was a beautiful, late spring day. Flowers were in full bloom and the only thing that stopped it from feeling like summer was the slight refreshing breeze in the air. If one looked outside they would see people walking and young children playing while enjoying the weather. However, for those stuck inside, the weather was simply taunting them and making it much harder to concentrate. Most of those people were the students of Beverly Hills High, who were so close to spring break, with less than an hour left, and were struggling to make it through the rest of the day.

Sam sighed as she sat in History class. Normally, she loved school, but she was extremely bored at the moment. Her excessive studying for finals, which were still a few weeks away, had caused her to read ahead of the necessary material. As a result, she had already gone over everything being taught for the remainder of the semester. It didn't help that history happened to be the last class of the day. The class seemed to drag on forever as she waited for it to end. She decided there was no harm in zoning out for once. Her teachers assumed she knew all the answers at this point and she was rarely called on in class. The only unpredictable thing that could happen was that Jerry would decide to suck her into WOOHP headquarters in the middle of class. Sam frowned at the thought. I really hope we don't have any missions today. I just want to go home and relax. I've been studying so much that I haven't done anything else. I know Clover and Alex wouldn't have a problem with an impromptu shopping trip. We can buy some stuff for our trip to the beach over spring break. She smiled at the thought. As soon as the bell rang, Sam was the first to run out of class.

She first stopped at her locker to gather all her things and then descended the steps of the school building. Sam looked around for a moment before assuming her friends were likely by the fountain in front of the school. She hurried over before realizing she still couldn't see them in the crowd of people excitedly talking about their spring break plans. She continued to look for them until a voice rang out over the noise of the other students.

"Over here, Sam!" called Alex. Sam smiled over at her friends, relived at having found them. She walked over to join them and was just about to ask about their thoughts on shopping for spring break when the ground underneath them opened up. Oh great! Sam thought as they all fell, screaming into a W.O.O.H.P. tunnel.

"Jerry has the worst timing ever," yelled Clover, her voice echoing in the small space. All three girls tumbled down the tunnel before they unceremoniously fell into a heap on the less than comfortable couch. They managed to untangle themselves from each other before Jerry began to speak.

"Hello girls," Jerry said, unaffected by their annoyed expressions.

"Jerry, is this really important? We finally reached spring break and I really just wanted to relax," Alex complained.

"I'm afraid I have no choice but to cut into your break time, Alex. I have some news for you girls," Jerry stated, looking nervous. The girls shared a look as they had rarely seen Jerry appear to be uncomfortable. In fact, the more Sam looked at him, the more she realized just how nervous he was. Jerry had begun to sweat and wasn't meeting any of their eyes. He looked like he would rather be anywhere but where he was now. This must be something bad for Jerry to be in state like this. Sam thought worriedly. I really hope it isn't anything too serious.

Realizing that he still hadn't said a word to explain why he was so anxious, Sam spoke up, hoping to make him comfortable enough to continue. "Well, what is it Jer?"

Jerry opened his mouth as if to speak and once again hesitated before he seemed to make up his mind to speak. "There will be a new temporary addition to your team." Clover barely let him finish before she interrupted with her thoughts on how they were already the perfect team and they didn't want any new additions. Especially after the incident with Mandy the last time Jerry had given them a new partner.

Jerry silenced her objections with a stern look. "If you would please let me finish, Clover. He will be joining you…" Clover upon hearing this completely changed her previous opinion of having a new partner. She interrupted Jerry again almost immediately.

"He? It's a boy? Is he cute?"

"Clover!" Alex exclaimed. "Jerry is never going to finish telling us what is going on if you keep interrupting him!"

"What? I want to know," she replied. "These are important details!"

"Go on Jerry," Sam said with a sigh in response to her friend's behavior.

"Yes, well, as I was saying he will be joining you for one very important mission. He has been working on it undercover for a few years. However, recently, it became apparent that the problem is much bigger than any of us had originally anticipated, which is why the agent and I have decided it's time to call you girls in to finally finish this mission," Jerry finished.

"What's the mission Jerry?" Sam questioned. They had never dealt with a mission that had spanned multiple years which made Sam wonder just how serious this mission could be. She frowned at the thought of her relaxing spring break being ruined before she mentally scolded herself for putting her own enjoyment before the safety of the world.

"And who's the mystery man?" Clover asked with a dreamy look in her eyes. Sam and Alex both rolled their eyes at Clover's one track mind before looking back to Jerry for more details.

"Now girls, I will introduce you to him before I go into details of the mission, but you must promise me that you will not jump to conclusions or overreact until I fully explain the situation," Jerry said, suddenly looking wary. He seemed even more nervous than he had in the past few minutes. Sam watched him nervously loosen his tie as if it was restricting his breathing as she once again wondered just who this person was that made Jerry so nervous to talk about him.

"Okay," the girls agreed, confused by Jerry's behavior. As soon as the word left their mouths Jerry looked over the door. For the first time since they got there the girls noticed the silhouette of a man that had clearly been waiting outside Jerry's office the entire time Jerry had been talking to them. Sam waited with baited breath as she saw the door handle turn so she could see just who this agent was. The door slowly swung open to reveal a tall, well built man. He walked with the utmost confidence that he belonged there, which didn't seem out of the ordinary until Sam finally looked up at his face and her mouth nearly dropped open in shock. All three girls had an identical look of surprise on their faces until they all yelled out at once.

"Scam!" All three girls exclaimed.

"Now girls, I was promised a chance to explain."

"But, Jerry, its Scam! What is there to explain in that?" Clover screeched. She looked livid at the fact that Jerry had let the man who had made their lives so hard these past few years simply saunter into WOOHP headquarters like he owned the place. Sam had to admit that she wasn't exactly happy about it either, but her confusion at the whole situation overrode her anger for the time being.

"Clover, he's right. We told Jerry we would listen to him. There has to be something going on," Alex said, attempting to calm her friend. She too looked skeptical at what kind of explanation Jerry could possibly have for what was going on, but Alex wasn't the type of person to not give someone a chance to explain, especially when it was Jerry. Clover still looked irritated, but stayed quiet to allow Jerry to explain what was happening. Through all this, Sam had been watching Scam. He looked at ease being here, as if he felt perfectly at home being here, instead of acting like couldn't stand the place. Her eyes widened as she spotted a WOOHP badge on his jacket, clearly indicating he was an agent and had certified clearance to WOOHP headquarters. There must be an extremely interesting explanation for this. She thought, looking back at Jerry who had begun to explain.

"I know this may be hard for you to believe, but all this time Tim Scam has been working undercover as a double agent to help get rid of some of the worlds most dangerous criminals, by pretending to be one himself."

All three girls seemed beyond capable of any coherent response at this point until Sam managed to regain some form of composure and asked, "So, all those things he's supposedly done are fake?" Sam couldn't believe it. All those exhausting hours chasing Scam meant nothing? It was all fake? There were so many times she came back from those missions covered in bruises from the strenuous fights and it wasn't even real? He certainly could've been less of a handful if none of it was even real? Sam thought, more annoyed as she remembered all their encounters with Scam.

"Of course. Many of them were staged because everyone had to believe that Scam was really a criminal. Even WOOHP agents had no idea of this mission, aside from myself and Tim," Jerry replied.

Clover, who at this point had regained her ability to speak, was slightly irritated, "So all those times he escaped and we had to run after him, were never real! He was never actually locked up was he?" she huffed. "We wasted so much time chasing after him, Jerry! And it was all for nothing!" Clover was the only one who said what all three girls were actually thinking and voiced the frustration that came along with it.

Jerry smiled sheepishly in response. "Well, no. There was always a fault in his cell, I made sure of that, although, with his intelligence, Tim didn't need it. I think he only used them when he was bored," Jerry confirmed looking over at Scam, who was smiling in regard to Jerry's last statement. Sam had to admit it was odd seeing him genuinely smiling and not smirking for once. "We really needed Tim to be seen as the best villain out there in order for him to succeed in the mission. I can assure you that the his continuing escapes were absolutely necessary."

Clover glared at Jerry in response as if she seriously doubted that it was all completely necessary. "I'm sure some of it was just to inflate Scam's already huge ego." Sam looked at Scam expecting him to be glaring at Clover in anger, however, he was simply sporting his trademark smirk before he replied to her statement. "My ego doesn't need any inflating. I know I'm the best agent at WOOHP." Clover's eyes narrowed at how full of himself he was. "You just love to hear yourself talk, don't you?" She spat.

Clearing his throat to being everyone's attention back to him Jerry gave Clover a stern look before he continued his previous explanation, "Regardless Tim was about to come back to WOOHP, when my brother Terrance formed L.A.M.O.S., enlisting Tim's help. We never really thought L.A.M.O.S. was a threat, but we decided we'd rather be safe than sorry. My brother, believe it or not, occasionally comes up with good ideas on his own. It seems this is one of those times and he has actually begun enacting a dangerous plan that could bring about the destruction of the entire planet."

Sam for one was immediately skeptical of Jerry's statement and by the looks on Alex and Clover's faces, so were they. As hard as she tried, Sam could not imagine LAMOS truly being a threat, none of them were smart enough to pull off anything that would cause mass destruction. Well not without Tim Scam, at least. Sam thought wryly.

"Where do we fit in to all this?" questioned Alex. "What exactly are we doing that Scam wasn't able to complete on his own anyway?"

"We have all the necessary information to completely overthrow L.A.M.O.S. and guarantee that there will be no trouble from them in the future. This mission has to be completed as quickly as possible which is done with more agents, however since it is fairly dangerous, I only want my best agents on the mission. My brother's plan involves some lethal chemicals that if used incorrectly could be deadly. I don't believe he, or any of his accomplices have the foresight or skill to carry out the plan effectively. This puts many people in danger," Jerry finished.

"That is where you girls come in," Tim spoke and Sam was once again surprised when she couldn't hear the usual malice or sarcasm in his tone when he talked. "With your help, we can lock up all the members of L.A.M.O.S. permanently as well as ensure that all the chemical substances are safely transported back to WHOOP to be locked up in secure holding facilities where they can't harm anyone," he continued.

"However, it is up to you girls if you agree to help. I will not force you, since I know this has been a lot to take in. Despite that I must remind you that this mission is time sensitive and I wouldn't trust anyone aside from you girls to carry it out properly," Jerry stated worriedly, for once unsure if the girls would willingly agree.

While Clover looked completely opposed to the idea and even Alex looked hesitant, Sam answered for all three of them, "Of course we'll help Jerry. L.A.M.O.S. has been a pain for all of us. If Sc-I mean Tim, was never even a criminal to begin with, then there isn't any problem with it. We aren't going to put the entire world at risk," Sam replied, looking towards Tim in the end with guarded eyes as if she still wasn't entirely sure about agreeing to working with him.

"Splendid! I will see you girls bright and early tomorrow morning, for a short briefing, and then you will be on your way to begin the mission," he said, before pressing a button at his desk and sending Sam, Alex, and Clover flying through the floor.

Back at their villa, the girls were still in slight shock with all the new information. "Scam, a double agent? I can't even wrap my head around it, it's just too weird," Alex said. The man that they had spent all that time chasing, that had a criminal record miles long, that was the ultimate super villain was actually WOOHPS best spy. None of the could bring themselves to believe it because it just felt so wrong.

"It's odd to think that he's actually on our side. He played the part of a bad guy way too well," Clover responded. "I doubt he had to be THAT convincing. He probably enjoyed playing the bad guy."

"Jerry certainly went through a lot to make everyone believe that Scam turned bad. Although, this will be a welcome change. Scam was always the hardest to catch. We spent majority of our time as spies chasing him or L.A.M.O.S.," Sam stated.

"That's true! I never thought of it that way!" Alex exclaimed, "No more running after Scam for days on end! Maybe our workload will go down and we'll actually have time to relax every now and then."

"I don't know, I still feel like he was too good at being a bad guy. It almost goes against instinct to trust him now. I'm going to need a lot more time to get used to this, working with him or not. It also doesn't seem like his personality changed much," Clover pointed out, still skeptical.

Sam couldn't deny that by the brief interaction they had with Scam in Jerry's office that he still seemed as arrogant and conceited as always had been. She sincerely hoped that maybe it was just a bad first impression because otherwise this mission was going to be a hard one and not because of what they were up against, but because of who they were working with.

"Well I don't know about you guys, but Jerry said bright and early tomorrow morning, and I happen to be exhausted. I think if we all get some sleep it'll do us some good. Maybe it'll even help us wrap our heads around Scam being a good guy," Sam said. Alex and Clover nodded their heads in agreement.

"Goodnight, Alex. Night, Clover," Sam said as she walked towards her room.

"Goodnight, Sammie," they replied, heading towards their rooms as well.

Laying in bed, Sam knew she wouldn't be getting nearly as much sleep as she liked. Even though she acted coolly toward this whole new discovery, she was immensely worried. Not as much for her safety or Scam's trustworthiness, even though she'd be lying if she said she wasn't still a little worried about that. However, she was more worried about her feelings towards him, feeling she thought she had long buried. She knew that Scam knew how she had felt about him during his time as Mac Smit. When she thought he was a villain, it didn't matter because she forbade herself to do anything about her feelings because she knew he was absolutely off limits. She also knew he didn't feel the same way. Now, however, having to work closely with him, for what would probably be a long mission, would be bad. She was worried that her long dormant feeling would resurface; yet she doubted he would feel the same way. Why would he? She was just a high school girl who had practically thrown herself at him a few years back. She was embarrassingly obvious with her feelings. It would be completely embarrassing to work with him, she would be like a pesky little school girl with a stupid crush. If her feelings for him came back, they might come back stronger now that Scam was a good guy. There was no need for her to force herself to not like him as she had before. He also happened to be everything she had ever wanted. She sighed turning over in her bed, kept wide-awake by the turmoil going on in her head.

So this will be my first chapter story and I'm really excited, but nervous as well, because, like I said, I'm not entirely sure where I'm going with it, so if you have any ideas, please let me know. Also, I'm really excited to post this and also tired because it's late so I didn't read it over, so I apologize for any mistakes. I might go and edit it later. Anyway, please review. I really want to know what you think.