Don't own K-On! Kakifly and Kodansha does. Bla bla bla. I got this idea after reading the "Ritsu's mysterious boyfriend" chapter.



Ritsu was in shock, not because her one and only best friend had hit her. Sure every since they've been kids she had always been the target of the bigger girl's wraith, heck most of the time she was the cause of it; however this time it was different this time it freaking hurt. Tainaka Ritsu knew how to push her best friend's buttons however this time; the one time Tainaka Ritsu needed Akiyama Mio, the one time she has to see her smiling face; she felt betrayed.

It was just a regular school day. She got up, brushed her teeth and washed her face, everything was a normal drearily routine the same routine that she actually loved. That was until she opened the door into her best friend's room, only to find her awake for once and... sitting on the floor in the corner of her dorm, her face was pale like as if she had barnacles on her knees.

"I'm pregnant"

How can she say that with a straight face, what about our dream, what about Budokan what about becoming famous. Why didn't she listen to me for once!

"Mio, did you hear what I said?"

"Idiot," how could she do this to me; to us. I told her, I warned her that this is all men wants, men are animals yet. How could she betray me.


"Idiot Ritsu," the slap was so loud that remaining members of HTT could hear the commotion and rush out to see what sorts of trouble the brunette managed to get into with her raven haired friend.


"You ruined, everything."

"Mio I..."

"I warned you about him, about men, this is all they wanted," obsidian eyes welled with tears which has now started streaming down porcelain cheeks.

"Mio its not his..."

"Shut up! You ruined everything, do you understand Ritsu! You ruined my life, I could have been something I could have been a great lawyer if I never had to follow you like a stupid puppy! Not only did you ruined my life you ruined theirs." At this point the remaining members of HTT noticed the big red hand mark on the side of their Drummer's face and rushed to her side.

"Ricchan," squeal their lead guitarist Hirasawa Yui.

"Goodness what happened here," questioned their blonde Keyboardist Kotobuki Tsumugi. The drummer was silent, touching her cheeks where the slap landed.

"You ruined everything," continued the enraged bassist. It hurts, every time she broke my heart the day she started going out with, "him" the day she told me that she, "slept" with him. And now today, how many more times could she break my heart like this.

"Mio please," beg the drummer, "I need your support, I'm scared..."

"You're scared? How do you think I feel? Of course not, you never cared about me, you never cared about anybody except yourself. Everything had to be about YOU YOU YOU!" Why am I such a coward, why couldn't I tell her, tell her about how I feel...


"I never wanted to see you again Ritsu," she ran into her room and shut the door which she had locked for the first time since moving into this dorm, she doesn't want to be bothered, at least not today. The girl cried her hearts out that day, she cried till it was night, then she cried herself to sleep.

The next day, as she woke finally realizing the magnitude of what she had done.

She's gone.

Ritsu's room was empty, she had dropped all her classes and against the objections of her friends had moved out. She never told anyone where she was going, which worried Yui and Mugi to no end. After it was all said and done HTT, never saw their drummer again. Even when Mio went home for that summer she found out that the Tainaka's had moved away.

What have I done?

This was 7 years ago.

Houkago Tea Time never made it anywhere. It was just a childish dream after all, that was that and this is life. Mugi continued her studies of social science and transferred to Tokyo University for her masters. Yui graduated, and is now a teacher like she promised, Nakano Azusa followed her, Mio knew she would. Mio stayed at the Women's University, she stayed for one reason. Just in case she would come back.

"You are NOT making any sense"

"I'm tired Sempai, tired of waiting for you to decide about what you want!"

"Jun, I can't do this right now. You know I have my bar exam coming up."

"Sempai, I love you but I don't know how long I can wait for you to make up your mind," the poor girl is crying her hearts out to the raven haired beauty that is her soon to be ex-girlfriend.

"Just a few more months Jun, then you we can go away together, maybe that island that my parents took us, remember?"

"No sempai I cannot wait for you any further, I don't want to wait..."

Mio never answered, she knew her type of relationship is one that is not in the norm and is usually frown upon. Being a, lesbian would only deter her from landing the job she wants. Why couldn't she understand? Why couldn't she just wait a few months, once I am hired things will be different.

"You don't under..."

"Sempai, I am not her," screamed Suzuki Jun deep down she knows she's just a replacement for Ritsu-sempai. "I will never be her, and I don't want to stay in this town just because YOU wanted to wait for her."


"Ritsu-sempai is gone, she has her own life now, its time you to move on. I know you feel guilty for... what you did. But know this, she moved on and I know she forgave you, she might not be..."


Jun was in shocked, not once in their time together had Mio raise her voice to her. Her legs quivered and gave way, she was now kneeling on the floor, defeated.

"Look, I don't want to have this argument with you anymore, NOT RIGHT NOW. Jun please just...not right now."

"I'm leaving sempai," Mio never really noticed her girlfriend was in the middle of packing up her things. Her mind was elsewhere buried into one of the many many law books that she had accumulated.


"I'm not coming back sempai," then she moved out closing the door behind her. Mio and Jun had been through this before, this very same conversation exactly 6 months ago. She knows Jun will eventually be back, she knew her girlfriend too well, however Mio really wanted to make it up to her. Jun was the only person who was willing to put up with all her flaws, well besides Ritsu. However she can't have this right now not when she's so close. Just a little longer.

And so ends another chapter in the turbulent life of Akimiya Mio.

"Yes please have the paperwork on my desk by the time I get to my office tomorrow morning, yes thank you."

Sigh, why must they test my patience. The escrow papers should have been on my desk before I left. Why must I be subjected to incompetence.

Ending her call, she placed the phone inside her purse.

"I'm home," she called out to no one in particular. A part of her was hoping a familiar voice would answer her from the kitchen. I'm sorry Jun, you must hate me now.

She glanced at the hallway mirror as she kneels down to remove her high heels, wrinkles at such a young age. She glanced at the woman in front of her, long flowing raven hair now tied to a neat pony tail, Mio felt it gave her more of a professional flair.

She fumbles through the fridge, I guess I'll just buy a bento tonight.

Locking the door behind her, the autumn breeze brushes against her face as she make her way to the nearby Family Mart. Christmas again, how long has it been since she moved out.

Most of these are about to expire, the raven sigh, how many nights have I been settling for these supermarket bento. She promised herself that this weekend will be different, this weekend she would go out and maybe have dinner even if it is by herself. Maybe Mugi would want to come with me to that new club she was talking about. Nothing seems to pop-up at her, Mio hasn't been eating well. Jun had been feeding her all this time, she was sadden to realize how much she had taken Jun for granted. I'm so sorry.


A young girl with amber hair had tugged on her coat, surprising Mio. She was cute as a button.

"This is good," as she pushed a box of today's bento into Mio's hands. "Mommy bought this for me before!"

And smart too. Mio always wondered about having children, what a pretty little girl.

"Th..thank you," Mio mustered a smile.

"Mii-chan, don't bother the nice lady dear..."

That voice! The raven turned around to confront its owner. This familiar voice.

"...please don't mind her, she's just being curious," the lady's voice was cut off. She looked like she was trying to make something out, her eyes widen in realization of who she was in fact looking at.

Mio couldn't believe who it was, the woman standing in front of her, hair adorned with a yellow head band, which used to be cut short now flows all the way down her back. So beautiful. Her faces, new found feminine features emerge with her longer bangs. Eying her like a piece of meat Mio noticed that the lady is quite athletic, she probably kept herself fit, Mio could only remember how beautiful it was watching her run. To Mio, the woman standing in front of her is probably the most beautiful being to grace this world.

"... please don't mind us, let's go Mii-chan," the woman called the little girl to her. Trying to hide her face as if she was some sort of criminal. Why are you acting suspicious?

Wait! Mio could do nothing but stare.

Mio was just standing there watching the woman take her leave after paying for the groceries. Why couldn't my legs move.

"Dammit," Mio ran after the woman.

"H..hey... umm..," Mio tried to form a coherent sentence. Why is this so hard, I've dreamed of this day.

The woman stopped, she she never turned to face Mio.


"Hey, I think we used to be neighbors. My name is Akiyama Mio," well this is a start she figured. "Can I have your name?"

"Takahashi Ritsu"

So he did marry her, more importantly its her. All Mio wanted to do was hold onto her and never let go, sadly this is no longer possible. Long gone were those childish fantasies they had has a kid, when the prince would ride in and rescue her the princess stuck in the castle. No more riding off into the sunset living happily ever after, no all of that was in the past.

"R...Ritsu...," Mio after 7 and a half long years finally broke.