Hello, this is my first fan fiction I hope that you guys enjoy it. I came up with this idea after reading a book. Tell me what you think. Thanks.

When I was younger I could remember anything,

Whether it happened or not. –Mark Twain

Clare's POV

I listen to music blaring through my headphones it's my favorite song Love you like a love song. By Selena Gomez. "Hey Clare", My mom says. "Yeah?" I say back. "Are you hungry?" She asks. "Um no I'm good." "Well okay then." And with that she turned back around. We were currently in the car driving to Canada. I was born in Canada and lived there till I was 8, then I moved to Sunny Florida, Now were moving back. I was sad because I really like Florida. I just really hate moving because it means making new friends and leaving old ones behind which is never a good thing to me. Even though I don't like moving its good sometimes like if you need a fresh start. Or just want to move.

After a bit of silence I heard my mother's voice again. "Clare?" "Yes mom?" I replied. "I'm happy to be moving back and I hope you are too. Plus you get to see some old friends. I remember the day we left you were so sad. So was everyone else, but still." "Mom, to be honest I'm not really happy to be moving back. Also I don't remember anything from some of my childhood. Remember?" "Oh that's right sweetheart. I forgot."

When I was 9 I got into a really bad car wreck with my mother. I was in the front seat and I hit my head really hard on the dashboard. I don't remember anything from my past except for my family. So when I woke up in the hospital to today is all I remember. "Mom who were my friends? The ones I left? I kind of want to know." "Well there's Alliah my mother began but you called her Alli. Also Adam he was a sweetheart. Then oooh. Your favorite Eli." I called him Elijah his full name to mess with him.

"I thought you said you didn't remember anything." "I don't I… just remember calling someone Elijah. But that's all I remember." "Oh. Well maybe moving back will help you get your memory back." My mom told me as she turned around. "Maybe." I whisper. Just maybe it will.

I know its short but it's just the beginning. The story will be in Clare's POV for a few chapters. Yeah I know no Eli don't hate me. He might be in the next Chapter. Well please review. Thanks.