Last chapter! I feel like I say this too much, but I'm so sorry it took so long to update – high school is kicking my butt. I hope you like the ending! Thank you for sticking with the story even with all the space between updates! :D


Travis's POV

"Katie Gardner!" I yelled at the top of my lungs from inside the Hermes cabin bathroom. I heard giggling outside the door and I threw clothes on before stomping out.

"What the hades is this?" I shouted, pointing towards my hair. The two of them burst into laughter and the rest of the kids in the Hermes cabin looked over.

"Oh my god, Travis!" said one of my brothers, Alex. "You look like that Doctor Seuss character, 'Thing One,' or whatever."

Connor nodded in agreement. "It's a good look for you bro."

I ran back into the bathroom and stared at my reflection. My normally light brown hair was now the shade of an unripen blueberry. "How can I make it go away?" I whined.

Katie giggled. "Hmm, let me see if I can remember… The last time part of me was died blue, what were the conditions?"

I blinked and then a small smile appeared on my face. I wiped it away, however, and took a step out of the bathroom.

"Are you serious?" I asked her, my eyes wide.

"Serious as ever." she replied.

I rolled my eyes and walked over, messing up her hair as I sat down beside her on the edge of Connor's bed. The whole cabin was watching now as I leaned over and pressed my lips to her cheek, smiling when she smiled. When I pulled away and I stared into her laughing eyes, I couldn't help but think about all the time we'd spent together lately.

After we'd left Alcatraz, we walked around San Francisco for a while, checking out the cable cars and restaurants. When we eventually got tired, Connor excused himself to go to the restroom. When he came back he was grinning from ear to ear to say that our ride was coming. I remember laughing like a banshee in the hot pink helicopter that Aphrodite had apparently sent for us. The best part of it was that Katie was laughing like a banshee right next to me. We spent that night in a hotel so that we could goof around for a little while before heading back to camp. That night we took some time before going to sleep to go through the prophecy.

"Trickery and chaos has shelter to hide

Where hundreds of devils, not angels, reside" was referring to Dolos and Kampe and their plan in Alcatraz.

"The smell of betrayal, a hint of chagrin.

A last minute switch, and a trick with a pin."was talking about when Isabel betrayed us and I felt let down. But then, later, Isabel redeemed herself and switched to our side, using the pin to get out of the cell.

"A god with a mission will finish their task," I still don't fully understand this line, because Dolos certainly didn't finish his task (the gods brought him up to Olympus – his trial is in a few weeks), but Connor said that the prophecy was referring to a different god.

"Revealing a hero proclaimed and unmasked." I feel like this line could refer to all of us at some time or another, but after talking it over, we agreed that the true hero was definitely Isabel. After the gods took care of Dolos and Kampe (she's back down in Tartarus), the allowed us to have a proper burial for Isabel. It was hard on all of us, but we know that we will always remember her as the demigod who saved our lives.

Ever since then things have been pretty normal. The only difference is that Katie and I have been spending a lot more time together. I haven't played a prank on her in weeks, though – and it seems she beat me to it. Everyone in the cabin was still giggling and I was wondering why. It wasn't until I saw my reflection in the small mirror on the wall that I snarled and jokingly grabbed Katie by the shoulders. I pinned her down and said, my face tomato red, "I thought you said it'd go away if I… you know!"

She giggled and so did everyone else in the room. "I said no such thing!" she insisted.

"Well how do I make it go away?" I whined.

She shrugged. "You can't, kiddo…"


"Until tomorrow. It should naturally disappear in the morning."

I let go of her shoulders and flopped backwards. "I have to live with looking like Thing One for the rest of the day?"

"Hey, I looked like a smurf for over a week." she pointed out.

"You did look like a smurf."

"Shut up."

"But hold on," I began, "Why'd you make me kiss you if it wouldn't get rid of the blue hair?"

She blushed. "I don't know, Stoll, why don't you tell me?"

There was a chorus of Ooh's from the rest of the cabin, and I saw a wide grin appear on Connor's face.

"Well, I g-guess," I stammered, "I guess maybe you…" I trailed off. I could feel the anticipation in the air – my hands began to sweat. Katie was staring at me, a small smile on her lips. I cleared my throat. "I guess, that maybe you feel like-"

I didn't finish that sentence. Instead, I leaned in and…

Connor's POV

There's nothing better than staring into the face of an ecstatic goddess.

"You did it!" Aphrodite squealed. "You really did it!"

"When did you doubt me?" I asked, laughing.

"Never." she answered and I beamed. "I'm proud of you, Connor Stoll, or should I say, Mister Matchmaker."

"Connor's fine." I told her and she burst into a fit of giggling again.

"So what do you say, Stoll?" she asked after a few moments.

"About what?"

"About being Mister Matchmaker." she said as if it were obvious. "How about we make a team. Together, we can get demigods together with their other half! We'll be unstoppable…"

I smiled. "I don't know, Ms. Aphrodite, sounds like a lot of work."

"But it's fun, isn't it?" she pointed out.

I shrugged. It had been pretty fun getting Katie and Travis together. But, then again, he's my brother.

"Come on," she began, "Don't tell me you don't want to see Rachel and that Apollo boy as a couple."

"They would look good…"

"With her red hair,"

"And his brown hair." I finished. "Oh my gods, I'm turning into you!"

She smiled. "Who do you see Nico with?"

"Thalia." I answered, without skipping a beat.

"I know right!" she exclaimed.

"They've got the whole 'almost goth' thing going on."

"Exactly." she agreed.

I sighed. It would be a ton of fun to get all these demigods together. "Alright." I decided. "I'm in."

Aphrodite cheered. "We'll be unstoppable!"

And I couldn't help but agree.

"And," she began, "we'll always think of Tratie as our first in a line of many successes."

"Kate Pate and Travis." I agreed, and we both burst into a fit of laughter.

Did you like it? Hope so! If you want to read some Thalico, check out my other story, "Just Another Useless Prince Charming," or if you want more of Connor and Travis, "Half-Blood Idol." Thanks again for reading and reviewing, and have a great Thanksgiving!