Edited this first chapter, though I haven't gotten around to editing the rest of the story. hope you like it

"You are unbelievable, Travis Stoll!" Katie yelled at the top of her lungs from inside the girls' bathroom.

Connor and I just chuckled, keeping the camera pointed at the closed door. She would have to come out eventually.

"I can't wait to see her face," Connor whispered through a cheesy smile.

"I know right?" I exclaimed. "Man, I bet you it's gonna be purple."

"What are you talking about?" he asked curiously. "We put blue dye in her moisturizer."

I smiled. "I know, but mixed with the red from her anger…"

We both giggled, shaking the camera a little by accident.

From behind the door Katie screeched, "I'm going to pulverize you two, you realize? Both of you! Right now!"

In between gasps of laughter, Connor yelled, "I'd like to see you try, Smurfy!" We both cracked up for a good minute, and I could hear her mumbling Greek curses under her breath.

"Now really, Katie," I began, tasting the sarcasm on my tongue. "It's about time you got out of there. A camper might tell Chiron the dudes from Avatar are taking a visit."

I heard her growl in frustration. She knew she had no choice. She could either come out right now and be embarrassed, or come out in an hour and still be embarrassed. She snarled, "If I come out of here and you've got a camera pointed at my face, I'm going to take it and shove up your a-"

"Language, my dear." Connor said, cutting her off. We laughed at the irony.

Katie took advantage of our distracted laughter and stormed out of the bathroom, her hood pulled as far over her face as the fabric allowed.

"Hey wait!" I called, snatching the camera from Connor's hand and running to catch up with her. "Come on Kate Pate, look at the camera for me!" I said to the grey hoodie, striding briskly away from me.

"Go away, idiot," she snarled. "And don't call me that."

"Kate Pate, Kate Pate, Kate Pate…"

"Shut up!" She turned around for a split second, saw the camera in my hand, and took off in a run.

"Katie, come back!" I sang, running after her. Sadly, being a child of Hermes, I don't have too much running talent, and I ended up tripping over my own feet and falling on the ground.

"Ouch." I said, lying in the dirt, staring lazily up at the sun.

"Come on, Forest Gump," Connor grunted, grabbing the camera off the dirt and pulling me up from the ground. Let's go."

I jumped back on my feet, and followed him over to the Demeter cabin.

That place was flower mania, I'm telling you. With twelve plant loving, cereal crazy teens gardening every single day, the place gets really overcrowded with roses and petunias, and such. Regardless, Connor and I jumped up the stairs two at a time, making a few Demeter kids angry by stepping on their orchids.

Oh, I'm so terribly sorry.

Conner rapped on the door of her cabin. "Come on Katie, love," he said, his voice dripping with something venomously sweet. "You know you want to come out."

"Go away before murder you," she growled.

"Come on, Katie," I begged. "Be happy we didn't die your lip gloss blue, too."

"Yeah," Connor agreed. "I don't think Travis would like kissing that."

"Nu uh, no way." I agreed.

"Well," she said, trying to sound calm, "I wouldn't kiss Travis if my life depended on it so it really doesn't matter." After a few moments she added, "So go away."

"Hmm, no can do, sweetheart," I said with a shake of my head.

"Sorry love," Connor said. "But we're not going away until you kiss Travis."

"Well then you'd better get comfy."

"Come on Kate Pate, you know you want to."

"About as much as I want to sit in an electric chair… Actually, the chair might be preferable."

"You don't want your skin to go back to normal?" Connor asked, pretending to be shocked.

"Nothing is worth kissing…" She paused. "Wait, what?"

Connor and I quietly high fived.

"Oh, sorry babe," I said making an apologetic face at her cabin door. "Guess we forgot to mention that in order for you to regain your normal, overly pale, and freckled, skin color, you have to kiss me."

Katie went quiet.

"You're lying."

"Wish I were."

"You wouldn't do that."

"Oh guess what! I would."

I heard sharp footsteps from inside her cabin and the slide of a lock. The door to the Demeter cabin opened a crack and an eye peered at us. Glaring at the camera, she blinked her blue eyelid.

"Please tell me you're kidding, Travis," she begged. "Please."

I shook my head. "Nope, not kidding. Sorry. We went to the Aphrodite cabin and got the dye specially made."

Connor chuckled and I raised an eyebrow at Katie suggestively.

She rolled her eye before opening the door to reveal her completely blue face.

"There we go." Connor whispered, zooming in on her nose.

She ignored him and turned to me. "There is really no other way to get rid of this."


"Absolutely nothing?"

"Not a thing."

"You're really positive?" Her voice sounded genuinely scared.

Meanwhile, Connor was probably making our video all blurry from laughing so hard.

"Go die in a hole, Stoll," Katie snapped at him.

"No can do, Gardner," he informed her in between snorts. "There's no way I'm missing this."

She sighed and rubbed her temples. "Alright then, let's get this over with. Come here, Travis."

"Don't need to ask me twice." I grinned and took a few steps closer.

Katie leaned her head against the door frame. It might've been my imagination but her eyes seemed to flick to my lips. "This means absolutely nothing," she emphasized. "Do you understand?"

"I understand perfectly," I said with a grin.

She closed her eyes and I assumed she was praying to her mother.

"Kaaaatie?" I stepped even closer to her.

"Just do it," she whimpered.

"Whoops, no can do. You've got to kiss me."

She opened her eyes. With a small sigh she brought her nose level with mine and gave a sly smile.

"Why are you doing this, Travis?" she asked in quiet whisper so that Connor wouldn't hear.

I shrugged. "'Cause it annoys the crap out of you," I admitted.

"There has to be another reason," she said, touching her blue nose to mine.

I shrugged again, trying to keep my eyes from getting lost in her brown ones. Her deep, deep, brown pools of – Snap out of it Travis.

"Do you like me, Travis?" she asked quietly, shaking me out of my daze. "Do you like like me?"

I felt my head starting to spin. It took all of my willpower not to blurt out the word 'yes' in every language I knew, but Connor had a camera so I had to stay cool.

"I don't know, Katie," I lied. "Do you like me?" I winked at her.

She smiled, her eyes twinkling. "Maybe this will answer your question."

I closed my eyes and waited for her kiss.

Instead I got a punch in the jaw and a door slammed in my face.

"Sorry love," she called from the inside of her cabin.

I regained my balance and held my aching jaw.

"You'll have to kiss me sometime, Kate Pate," I shouted, irritated. "You know you will!"

I heard her high pitched giggle. "There are always loopholes, babe! You, of all people, should know that."

I nodded. I, of all people, did know that, but I wasn't going to tell her.

"Come on, Connor," I grumbled, in a bad mood all of the sudden. "I need some ice."

So, me and my hysterical brother left the house of the clever little Smurfette, and went to get me an ice pack.