Since '09, I have written small bits/pieces of this story. It completed in November of 2010. I did some editing and I was ready to post. But then I second guessed myself and told myself no. So, It's collecting dust, and I decide to post it. I hope you guys like this. Anyway, Tonks and Lupin are buried in Godrics Hollow.

Set pre-Epilouge.

Disclaimer: J.K. Rowlings owns Harry Potter.

Chapter 1: Teddy's Wish

A thirteen year old Teddy Lupin sat on the grass, staring at two graves. His eyes only moved between the stones and was sitting there as if thas where he was taught to sit there. "I Haven't been here before. But I begged ..I turned thirteen today. Harry told me I could come over. He's over there with his parents, Lily and James." Teddy explained as he read the names for the thousandth time. Remus Lupin and Nymphadora Tonks-Lupin.

"It was pretty hectic, Mum and Dad. You know, Tonight, I wish i had you anymore today than ever before. I'm turning thirteen. I'm a Ravenclaw. Most people told me I was a Gryffindor, Dad. And everyone else said I was a hufflepuff, Mum. I want you to be here, instead of me staring at your headstones, talking to you. Without responses." He muttered. Teddy looked into the row right infront of them and saw Harry was transfiguring flowers.

"I never knew you and I miss you. They tell me you were really in love and say I can rival your falls, Mum. Mostly everyone has parents to write to, or a parent. I just wish you could be there to see me off, ya know. I've lived 13 years without you. I wish you were alive. I want to know what having parents are like. Just...What would it take for you to come back? In march, I turned my hair pink and Grandma cried. She told me it was just like my mum. I wish none of you died. I want you alive. Gosh, I've never cried 'cept for when I was a baby, 'course and now I am." He ranted. What made them want to go fight?

"Sirius' was moved next to James Potter. Harry found a spell and it's there. Just in case you needed to know." He whispered, whiping his eyes, flinging his tears ontop of Lily, James and Sirius' grave.

"Ted! It's time to go buddy!" Harry called from the gate. Teddy stood up. Two remaining tears dripped onto each stone. One ontop of Remus' and another on Nymphadora's. Teddy pulled out a few Rose petals and spread them in between. Walking over to Harry, He opened the gate, allowing his Godfather to go infront. "Harry.." Ted began. "Yes?" Harry awnsered.

"I wish my parents, Fred, your parents, and your godfather, Sirius was alive. I think It'd be nice to be happy with them, right?" Teddy asked. Harry slung his arm around Ted. "Yes Ted. It would." Harry muttered.

As the duo walked away, not one of them noticed the pale yellow light that had settled over Lily and James', Sirius', and Remus and Nymphadora's grave.

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