Chapter 22

Charles pulled a knife from his waist and cut away Brooklynnes' heavy water soaked dress leaving her in her undergarments. This side of the river was more wooded then the other side. Charles pulled them both under the cover of the nearest tree. They were truly out in the countryside now on the farthest reaches of the estates. Charles straddled Brooklynne as he worked to pull off his chain mail. As tired as she was, he wasn't giving her the chance to flee. She had surprised him at every turn. He pulled a small bundle of cord from his pouch and tied her hands above a low lying branch. Knowing she would only anger him, but determined not to accept the situation without a fight, Brooklynne kicked him square in the stomach with both feet. The blow sent Charles back but a step. He returned her action with his own to her face. "That, my lady, is for making me chase you into the water. I do not care for being wet, though it will not inhibit my plans with you in the least. I had wanted to do this in the comforts of my room at the inn, however, for now this will do."

Brooklynne refused to look at him. If this was her fate, she would not give him the pleasure of a reaction. Her cheek stung. He stepped up close to her and pulled her chin up to look at him. She squeezed her eyes shut. "Look at me," he growled out in a low voice. She shook her head. He chuckled. A reaction that made her more nervous than his anger. He ripped her chemise down the center in one fluid motion exposing her damp skin to the air. "hmm… honeytits." He knelt down in front of her and let both hands feel their way up her back. He rested his forehead between her breasts and let out a deep sigh. "I rise to your challenge, my Lady." Brooklynne looked at him in confusion. "You are determined not to give me a reaction… I am determined to draw one from you," he let that sink in for a moment before adding, "I will win."

Guy had no real idea if he was headed in the right direction. The only lead he had to follow was the hint of a path through the long grass that looked as though it was recently trod. He prayed to God this was the right path. He knew everything was at stake. He cursed the man that had his wife. He inwardly berated Brooklynne for not telling him about the solider earlier. How could he protect his woman if she wouldn't tell him what to protect her from? He was Guy of Gisbourne. He was not some weakling that needed to be protected from unpleasant things. Guy tried to pull more speed from his horse. As he came to the river he pulled the horse to a stop. As he looked down the river in both directions searching for some clue as to which way they had gone, he spied some rider less horses grazing down the way to the left. He blew out a shaky breath and thanked the heavens. This had to mean they were close by. Or at least traveling on foot.

He made his way down to the two horses and jumped off. He began searching the area for any signs both along the edge of the ravine as well as in the waters. He shaded his eyes with his hands and squinted at something lying on the opposite river bank. Without a second thought Guy plunged over the side of the ravine, slipping and sliding down the loose dirt and stones into the water. He hit the water and made his way across. His heart plunged when he lifted Brooklynne's gown up from the ground, only to find it ripped down the center. He had hoped she had taken it off to make running easier. That was clearly not the case.

Charles let his hands wander over her body. He began placing kisses and nips down her neck as he pulled her waist flush against his. He wanted her to feel him. Brooklynne shut her eyes again and tried imagined she was home in her cave, and it wasn't Charles that was holding her but Guy. But she couldn't, Charles smelled different, he moved different, he sounded different. Charles watched her tightly shut eyes and he touched her. He watched her as he pinch her hardened tit. Her shut eyes tightened. He smirked. He let his hand move lower. As he stroked her sweet spot between her legs, he felt her whole body tense. "That's right," he purred in her ear, "Your mind and soul may resist, but your body reacts."

Charles opened his mouth to make another comment but instead of speech, Brooklynne heard a sickening crack and a gasp before he slumpt forward into her and slid to the ground. Standing behind him with a river stone in his hands stood a murderous looking Guy. He pulled Charles knife from his belt and quickly cut the cords from Brooklynnes hands. Brooklynne cringed as her legs gave out from under her. Guy pulled off his shirt and quickly dressed his wife before pulling her into his arms.

No words were spoken. They weren't needed. They both wept, she for the safety of Guys embrace and he for holding his wife alive in his arms. Something neither of them took for granted. Brooklynne pulled back in his arms, "we have to do something with him. He has made it his mission to have me and he knows I am an outlaw and that you probably are too. We aren't safe as long as he lives, yet he is a high ranking officer and important to Prince John. He will be missed." Brooklynne rambled as she sorted through her thoughts.

Neither of them wanted murder added to their offenses. "Do you trust me?" Guy asked. She nodded. "We are a days ride to the coast. Let us take him to the coast and put him on a ship. We will devise a story so that no one will believe anything he says. If we are fortunate, he will not make it back to England." Brooklynne looked at Charles. It was an insane plan, but one that may work. "I am going to tie him to this tree. We will ride back to Nunnington Hall for fresh clothes and horses."