I'm a fighter and a killing machine.

If you're looking for bigger words to describe me, ask someone else. I'm not here to write speeches. I'm here to do what I was created to do- meant to do. And that's be the strongest warrior on the battlefield.

This battle is about more than just being a strong defender of your own country. Enemies don't care about what flag you wear, what group you originate from, what wars you've won. They'll come for you, looking to slaughter you where you stand.

When that happens, you either roll over like a coward and die- or you fight.

When your back is pressed up against a wall and you find yourself surrounded by enemies everywhere, you take out your biggest gun and you blow them away.

That's my job. That's why I'm on this mission.

That's why I'm joining Gibbs.

He's a true warrior who's worthy of being called a leader. He acts on his natural instincts. He trusts himself to make the right decision every time. He doesn't allow himself to be intimidated by anything or anyone.

I like that.

Gibbs can have his role as leader of this team. He's earned it.

Me? I'm here to kill.

Gibbs is my commander- he has no match. It's him and him alone that I'll listen to.

If he tells me to kill, I'm gonna kill.

If he tells me to shoot, I'm gonna shoot.

If he tells me to destroy something, I'm gonna destroy it.

If he tells me to stop, I'll stop.


Heh, heh, heh.

If my enemies aren't gonna stop, I'm not going to either.

I'm not weak, I'm not stupid. I'm as pure a soldier as ever existed. If they don't know it now, they will soon.

My name is Gage.

And I'm joining Agent Gibbs.

Not because I love Americans.

But because I love to fight.

A/N: Please review and give me feedback!

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