As far back as I can remember, my life has been a study in contrasts.

I grew up in a privileged house- the successful all-American house that everybody wants. Everything I wanted was at my fingertips.

Except love.

I spent a lot of years as a cop, chasing down leads, closing cases and bringing peace to families. It was a successful career that gave me everything.

Except satisfaction.

I've had a lot of success with women, from high school right up until this grand old day here and now. The old DiNozzo charm, a large Cheshire grin and there you have it- a lot of chicks, a lot of phone numbers, a lot of good nights followed by a lot of good mornings (and no, not in a disturbing Pampers sort of way). Every one of these moments gave me everything I could want in a woman.

Except knowing that any of them is the particular woman that I want to wake up to every morning for the rest of my life.

I guess the only place I've truly felt comfortable is on the job at NCIS. Surrounded by people I can relate to. Finding meaning in coming to work every morning and leaving at the end of the day.

That's all changed now.

NCIS as an establishment is gone. Destroyed. Annihilated.

What remains is something stronger- a bond between teammates. A connection that keeps us together, regardless of where we are.

Even with our new 'allies' on this mission, when you get right down to it, we are going to be the ones at the centre. Fighting together. Fighting as one.

I don't know if we'll come back alive. But I can guarantee one thing- as long as I'm around, there will be no quit on this team.

'Cause I'll be right there to push them along. I'll be right there to have their six.

My name is Anthony DiNozzo.

And this team is my family.

I will fight with them.

And I will die with them.

A/N: I'm aware that last rites are only given in the Christian faith, but it's an appropriate title considering the content. Please review!