A/N: Surprise surprise, I'm still alive. Training for the Navy I am, yes. Just thought I'd let you guys know I was still around. Still working on my other stories, so no worries. :D

Disclaimer: Me own nothing.

Read on!

All was quiet throughout the hero community. Each of them fulfilled their duties each day, saving lives and defeating crooks, though with less than optimum enthusiasm or kindness. It had been almost a month since the world was nearly destroyed, no thanks to the Light. Plans to destroy all Meta humans and heroes alike had been fluttering through the grapevine, all due to a small slip up in Cadmus's security. Justice Leaguers had prepared months in advance for the inevitable, never knowing quite when the Light would strike, but studied the device's blueprints diligently, attempting to find a way to safely shut it down.

When all hell had come crashing through, the Light's attack was a large machine-like device meant to wipe out all life on Earth. While the adults went out to play hero, the teens where told to stay.

Young Justice never did well with following orders, they themselves having looked at the blueprints to the machine themselves, thanks to a certain little hacker.

During the attack on the new Cadmus lab that hid the machine, the JL were too busy fighting off the latest G-Nome creatures, leaving the younger heroes to take up the challenge. The team had fought their way to the center of the complex until they reached the machine.

Radiation pulsating off of the mechanism would have killed any normal human, and as it overheated, the building began to quickly crumble. The team couldn't stay, their hopes of destroying the machine dashed with the killer radioactive waves and the roof and walls caving in. They had been shocked when Superboy had entered the dangerous room, disregarding his friend's plea for him to get out. He destroyed a panel, which in turn, sealed the lab shut with the other teens on the safer side.

Nothing could be done from there, leaving Young Justice no choice but to escape, leaving their comrade behind. The team had escaped mere moments before the Cadmus building exploded, still with Superboy inside.

With the Light's mainframe from the lab no longer working, the G-Nome army dropped dead, with nothing else keeping their systems operational. It had taken hours before anyone found the super clone, and when they did, it was to a horrific sight. Superboy was sent to the Watchtower, near death and almost unrecognizable due to the damage done by the blast and radiation. It was during then that the League found out about the boy's deteriorating state, which seemed to have been going on since his escape from the previous Cadmus a year ago.

Superboy hadn't woken up since then, injuries still healing. Thanks to the combined minds of scientists and the League's more intellectual minds, a cure had been found, ending the deterioration of the clone, yet still, he did now awake. Days turned into weeks, and the strain was hitting everyone hard, especially that of Young Justice.

Robin stood staring at the door, had been for some time, almost afraid to enter. No one had gone into Superboy's room in weeks. The Boy Wonder had taken it upon himself to give the space a good wipe down or a quick clean, so it would be ready once its owner had returned from the Tower. Finally sucking up his nerves, the teen opened up the door and stepped through.

It wasn't bad, could use a little dusting. There weren't many items, even with it having been occupied for over a year since the instatement of YJ. Few clothes were strewn across the bed and floor, a pair of boots in the corner. An old video camera on the dresser caught the boy's eye. He had bought it for the larger teen, many months back, at a garage sale. Robin and Conner had gone together; the others where either busy or out of town. While scoping about, the young Wayne heir caught the clone eyeing the outdated machine.

"What is this?" Conner asked, finally picking up the camcorder.

"Dude, Supey, it's a video camera. You know, to make movies. Save memories."

The clone furrowed his brows at the last statement. "Save memories?"

"Yeah, you can make a movie when you're out with friends or family, or you can be by yourself. Record what you're seeing, and then if you forget, you can go back and watch it." The bird smiled, taking the device from his friend's hand and walked over to the owner. Moments later he returned, the video camera in the crook of his elbow.

"Let's go back to the mountain and I'll teach you how to use this."

"Why?" The larger boy was genuinely curious.

Robin sometimes enjoyed seeing his friend so naively cute. "Because, if one day the team separates, and you're on your own, you could have a whole bunch of memories to look back on and appreciate, and remember all of the time we spent together as a family."

The smile that spread on Superboy's face was large and genuine. "I'd like that."

For the next few weeks, anyone around the Mountain could see the young clone and his trusty camcorder, videotaping rocks and crabs on the beach. Robin bought disks upon disks for the large teen to record on; it didn't take long before the boy had quite the collection, such that could be seen on a small shelf on the wall. The Boy Wonder hadn't regretted buying Conner a laptop to edit his little homemade movies, in fact, he found it endearing how much care and work had been put into all of them, as random and sometimes strange a few turned out to be.

Grabbing up the clothing on the floor Robin began his cleaning. As he pulled off the sheets from the bed, his hearing caught the sound of sliding and something hitting the floor. Dropping the linens, he investigated. A small manila envelope, having been hidden within the bedding, had slid from its confines when the boy had jerked and pulled back the sheets. Curious, he opened it up; a disk slipped into his hand. Like so many others, this one was titled, but unlike the others, it had no date labeled.

Superboy's Favorite Memories

Behind his expensive shades, the teen cocked an eyebrow. Interested, he abandoned his work and slipped out of the room. He had a DVD player to find.

The TV room was devoid of life, the team having gone out for the day with their mentors. Slipping in the disk and turning on the screen, Robin planted himself on the couch and watched the show.

It started out slow, the camera angling in on a crab as it scuttled by, the sound of waves crashing somewhere nearby.

"Conner, quit scaring the wildlife and come over and join us already!" Artemis's voice called, the lens quickly focusing on her where she sat in her green two piece bathing suit. She lounged on a towel in the sun, Megan in her blue one piece next to her on another towel but under a large umbrella.

The camera rotated, capturing Robin and Kid Flash in their swim trunks playing volleyball in the water. Kaldur was nowhere to be seen, most likely socializing with his more aquatic friends somewhere below. Superboy and the camera moved over to the two girls, scanning the surrounding area in mid walk.

"Hey! No cheating Wally. You can't use your powers to go after the ball!" Robin chided the speedster who had ran across the top of the water to knock the ball before it could hit and scoring himself a point, much to the youngest teen's objection.

The redhead only laughed at the younger boy. "Don't be a spoilsport Shorty and try to keep up!"

"SHORTY?" The brunette all but lunged out of the water to tackle the speedster, sending them booth into the water. The two struggled for a while until a huge wave washed them both back onto shore; a smug looking Aqualad standing in its wake. A battle of three quickly turned into four when Kid Flash unintentionally kicked sand onto Artemis. The blonde archer joined the fray, chasing after the speedster whilst wielding Megan's umbrella.

The fight continued on, Megan and Conner laughing behind the camera until the lens was turned to face the two smiling teens, the female Martian waving to the device as she tucked herself to the clone's side.

The last scene seen on the beach was of the camera catching an irate Artemis now chasing after all three boys. She was dripping wet. One could only assume that Kaldur had accidently splashed her in the midst of using his manipulation of water to go after the Boy Wonder. Miss Martian's giggling and Superboy's deep chuckle mixed in with the shouts and screams of their friends before abruptly being cut off to show the next video.

So enraptured by the screen, Robin didn't notice the sounds of his team and Justice League mentors entering the mountain.

It was obvious that it had been right after a mission, if by the tired looks and roughed up appearances of the teens had anything to go by. Surprisingly enough, Red Arrow had joined them on the mission, looking the same as the others.

"Man it's good to be back. I think my feet actually got whiplash." Wally complained from his spot on the couch.

"It is good that none of us where hurt and the mission was a success. But our thanks should go to you again Roy for your quick assistance." Kaldur exited from the kitchen with a glass of water in hand. The camera quickly transferred to look at the red archer as he leaned against the wall next to the television, a small smile upon his face.

"Yeah, just don't expect it to turn into a full time deal. You're just lucky that I was passing by to catch the thief." Red Arrow smirked.

The camera panned over again to see Megan moving about in the kitchen. "What are you doing in there?" Conner asked from behind the device, the screen zooming in to focus on the green skinned girl.

"I thought I'd make smoothies for everyone in celebration for our working together as a team today, and since Roy is here, it'll be more fun."

"Sounds like a good plan to me beautiful."KF remarked, leaning over the back of the sofa to look into the kitchen.

Robin stood up from his spot next to the speedster "Megan let me help you; I know this wicked recipe for the best smoothies in the world."

"Oh that would be great, thank you Robin!" Megan smiled, as the boy began to pull items from the fridge.

"Hey! Why do you get to help Miss M?"

"Because Einstein, the last time you tried to help in the kitchen, we were scraping burn marks off the ceiling for a week." The bird boy snarled; him and Megan slicing up bananas and strawberries.

"I was rusty, usually my family cooks."

"You caught the kitchen on fire while making a sandwich! Who does that?"Artemis jousted from the other side of the couch, causing everyone else to break into laughter.

The sound of the blender drowned out the majority of the bickering between the blonde and speedster. Moments later Robin was passing out glasses filled with a cool pink mixture. As everyone else drank their smoothies steadily, Wally chugged his in seconds.

"Got any more there Robbie?"

A scowl from behind black shades said otherwise.

Seeing that Artemis was the one with a glass mostly full, KF snatched it from her and quickly gulped down half of it before handing it back to her. She growled in anger, glaring at the redhead.

"Hey, I just did you a favor, with all you girls worrying about your weight and all." The comment made everyone in the room pause.

"Did you just call me fat?" The rapidly growing anger suddenly went serene, a sweet smile spreading across the green archer's face. "You know, you're right Wally. Let me thank you." In the blink of an eye, the yellow Flash suit quickly became pink, the once half full glass of smoothie now empty in its owners grasp, tilted in the air.

Artemis smirked, "Now you've just gained ten pounds. Better start running fatty."

Wally was in shock, eyes wide, the smoothie already drying and becoming sticky on his body. The freckled face quickly became vicious, lunching across the couch and tackling the girl, who in turn knocked into an unsuspecting Aqualad, whose smoothie went flying and doused Megan and Robin in the kitchen.

A living room brawl soon transitioned into a food fight, Miss Martian's day old cakes and other pastries being used as ammo. Out of nowhere a cupcake collided with the camera lens, blacking out the screen but not the war going on beyond. The white icing was wiped away haphazardly, smearing on the once clean glass, catching Superboy's smiling mug before returning to the fight, the room having been divided with Artemis, Robin, and Megan on one team, using the Kitchen island as their base, Kaldur, Wally, and Roy pinned down on the other side of the couch.

The smiles and shrieks of laughter drew on for several more minutes before the camcorder's battery died, cutting off the grinning food covered faces.

The couch dipped on all sided. Robin looked away from the screen to glance around. All of the teens were squeezed together on the couch; Wally and Megan flanking the Boy Wonder's left, Artemis and Kaldur on his right. The mentors along with Black Canary, Red Tornado, and surprisingly enough, Superman, stood around the back of the sofa, eyes glued to the screen.

Voices on the video caught everyone's attention, and all eyes centered back to the movie.

A large red 'S' surrounded by black took up the lens, as the teen fumbled with the camera. Superboy stopped and stepped back, seating himself on the end of his bed, while facing the video recorder. The teen looked tired, his body thinner than it should have been, bags under his eyes making him look years older.

He smiled, though it looked more like a cross between a pained grimace and a smirk.

"I don't know what I can say right know. Whoever's watching this probably already knows about my…condition." Conner leaned over, settling his elbows on top of his knees, head bowed.

"As you can see…I'm kind of sick. Heh…a little more than that I guess. I've known about it always, didn't say anything. I guess that I just didn't want to be thought less of than what people already thought of me; stupid right?" He sighed. A large hand slid through short black hair, working its way over his scalp before sliding off of shoulder and neck to hang with its other between Conner's knees.

"I'm surprised I was able to keep it a secret as long as I did. An entire year passed, and no one noticed. I don't know whether to be glad or…" He broke himself off, biting at his lip, his brows furrowing before he looked back up into the lens.

"If you don't already know, at this time, the Light's attack is supposed to happen any day know, the fate of the world at stake. Everybody already knows that the adults are going to tell us to stay put. They've done it before. But we'll go anyways…because that's what heroes do. We save people." The clone paused to sniff and rub his eyes; he looked tired.

"I'm a year old now. I don't know how I'm supposed to feel about that. I'm not sure that I'll make it to two with the way my body is right now. Next to Robin, I'm the youngest on the team, and I know I'm going to die before everyone else. Being a clone of Superman, I think puts life for me in a different perspective. Never having a childhood. No parents or relatives. I go to school but already know all of the material. It's hard for me, looking back on this one year, and there's so much that I haven't done, or gotten to do."A tongue pokes out and wets his lips, his hands clutching between his knees still.

"Never really got to figure out who I was…who I could be. I have a name. It was a start. But with such a short time having already passed, I found out, I still don't know who Conner Kent is. His background, his likes or dislikes, what was he going to do when he got older. Beyond Superboy…well I guess there really wasn't a lot to go along with that either…"

"Thanks to Robin, the team's been able to look at that device. Everyone's working on through their heads how to shut it down, but coming up with nothing. But not me, I've already figured it out. The team's not going to know it though…at least not until after it's been destroyed."

"The radiation that the machine will blow off is going to be deadly, but if a Meta with a strong body were to be able to get close enough, they could open up a panel and just start ripping things apart, the excess buildup of energy will blow the entire thing…and the person as well."

A sad smile exposed itself, blue eyes brimming with unshed tears.

"I don't have to explain the rest. I'm pretty sure you get the gist of what I'm saying. Logically, I would be the best person for the job, seeing as my time's short already. Unlike Superman, I'm expendable. As far as anyone knows, Conner Kent and Superboy never existed. I chose this, so when the time comes, I'll be ready."

"I've got to thank Robin for getting me this camera. It's made my days brighter, getting to save the days as they go by and be able to watch them over and over again. I think I can say that…I was really happy…and if I could start over again…it would be back in that tank again, waiting for Kaldur, Robin, and Wally to come bursting through the door and whisk me away promising the moon. See Megan for the first time, have her comment on my shirt. Fighting bad guys on missions, spend the day with my friends."

By now the crystal blue eyes were dripping, the salty droplets landing on his lap with small plops. But he was smiling.

"Being created, falling in love, sharing a first kiss with a girl who was literally from out of this world, sparring against Kaldur, going on walks with Robin, watching Wally and Artemis fight. Those days spent with the team and the League are ones I treasure most. I might even go as far as to say as that my life is perfect. Even though I don't have parents or a family like they do…just having friends made up for everything that I didn't have."

"To my teammates, if they're watching this:

Thank you, for making every day special, and always keep me in your memories. This is Superboy, Conner Kent, signing off."

Immediately after the video cut off, clips began going by from alternate days and occurrences; Conner's surprise birthday party, him walking in through the door eyes wide as his team shouted joyously. Megan walking from the kitchen with a cake, a single candle centered among the sweet frosting.

"Blow out the candle and make a wish Birthday boy!" Wally slapped the clone on the back, grinning at his own bad pun.

The room had been filled with genuine laughter and smiles. More video; Artemis and Wally fighting again, Megan cooking, Robin training his acrobatics on the bar in the gym, Kaldur reading a book. The clips went on for several minutes, seconds in a day that spanned on forever in the heart of the one that held the camera.

All too soon, the group was looking at a blank screen, the movie having ended. It was safe to say that the majority of the room was in tears.

Superman was the first to leave—he had someone in the Watchtower's infirmary to visit. Next, the rest of the adults bid their children goodbye, work still having to be done, most of which having to do with cleaning up after the Light.

Slowly and very quietly, Robin went back to the room, scooping up all of the videos he was able to carry and bringing them back to the living room. With care, the video was ejected from the VCR and put back into its case, set next to the television where it could be found again. Picking a random DVD from the pile, the teen popped it in and pressed play, regaining his spot among his teammates on the couch.

Wiping their tears and blowing their noses, they calmed. They watched as the camera spanned the length of a park. Smiles replaced sad faces, memories returning. For the rest of the night they watched the movies. They laughed, smiled, pointed, and joked. Each day was as good as the last, if not better. Unconsciously they knew that, if not for Superboy, those memories on disks would have never happened. It was because of him that they got to do what the loved together each day.

And when he was ready to wake up, they'd all be ready to make new memories as one, one family for many years to come.

A/N: I got this idea in my head where Superboy gets a video camera. Yep, this is how it turned out. I feel like Superboy is kind of neglected, not enough FF for him. T_T
But no worries, I wipped one up for ppls.

Thnx for reading!

Review at your own risk.