I've been reading some BTR stories and I really enjoy them so I decided to write my own. I hope you all like it. Review and let me know. Once I get some good reviews I will update the next chapter! Thanks!



Callie's POV

I'm really going to miss him. We have been best friends for so long, and now… well now he is leaving to go to some performing arts school. He says he wants to be a singer. He has always had a really good voice… I just never thought his voice would take him away from me. He says we will still be friends and still talk, but I have a feeling this will be the last time I ever see him again. He doesn't even know…

James's POV

I'm really excited to go to school! Someday… I'm going to famous! I just wish I didn't have to leave her. I want to still be friends and still talk, but who knows what the future holds. This may be the last time I ever have the chance to… should I do it? No, it will ruin everything more than it already is. We are just kids, this isn't forever. There will be others… but not like her. She doesn't even know…

NOW (AGE 21)

Callie's POV

My best friend Becky and I were laying on my bed when Big Time Rush came on the TV…

"James Maslow is my celebrity crush! He is just so cute and has such an amazing voice! Don't you think so?" screamed Becky

"Oh… uh… yeah… he is something else alright" I replied

Unfortunately, I never told Becky that James and I used to be best friends until he left to go be famous. We haven't spoken since. But, enough with that. That was 11 years ago, it's old news. I have moved on and apparently, he has too. Good things must come to an end, I always say.

"What's wrong with you? Every time something with Big Time Rush comes on TV, you start to stutter and get all… weird" asked Becky

"Yeah I'm fine, just not a huge fan of them" I meant to say I'm not a huge fan of James. But then I would have to explain why and I'm not getting into that now, nor am I a good liar. Some things are just better left unsaid.

"Alright, well I better get going to meet up with Spencer. I'll call you tonight ok?" said Becky, Spencer is her boyfriend. They have been together for almost 2 years now. I hate to say that I'm a bit jealous.

"Ok, have fun and tell Spencer I said hi!"

"I will. I love you girl!" She kissed my cheek and ran out the door.

"Love you too" I could barely get out before I heard the door slam.

About 20 minutes later my mom came into my room. She had that look on her face like she had exciting news. Good, finally something to smile about today!

"Honey, I have some very exciting news for you!" said my mom. Like I said…

"I hope you're right, I could use some excitement" I replied

"You remember James Maslow right? You two were best friends years ago when you were kids "

Uh- Oh…

"Yeah Mom I remember, why do you ask?"

"Well James's parents still live down the street and I ran into his mom the other day at the mall. She said that James is coming home for a few weeks to visit and that we should all get together! Won't that be exciting!"

*SIGH* So much for exciting news and a smile today… James is that last person I want to get together with.

"Suurree Mom can't wait!" I said as I tried to fake a smile and some happiness in my voice.

"Great! I'm going to set up a little cookout for this weekend! We will have to go to the mall and get you a cute new outfit. I heard James is a heartthrob now!" my mom said as she giggled and walked out.

That's just great, not only do I have to spend a whole day with James, but now my mom is trying to set me up with him! I mean… he is kind of hot. No no no! Do not get yourself into that again Callie! Remember last time… only ends up in heartbreak.

But what if…

James's POV

I had just finished recording our new song "If I Ruled the World" when I got a call from my mom.

"Hey Mom! I just got done recording" I said as I answered the phone.

"Oh great sweetie! I can't wait to hear it! Anyway, I just called to let you know that I ran into Callie's mom the other day and told her we should all get together since you are coming home for a few weeks! You remember Callie right?" my mom asked.

She must think I'm really stupid. Of course I remember Callie. Who could forget that angelic face and soft voice? Why did we ever stop talking? Oh yeah… because I was selfish and left to be famous. Leaving behind the only girl I ever loved and probably lost her forever.

"Yeah I remember Callie. And, ok that sounds great. I'll call you when I'm at the airport" I told my mom.

"Ok. Your Dad and I will be there to pick you up at the gate. I'm so excited you're coming home! And be on your best behavior this weekend when we get together with them. I heard Callie has turned into quite the young woman. Her mom showed me a picture, she is absolutely gorgeous!" my mom screamed into the phone.

"Ok Mom, I will. I'll talk to you later. Love you, bye"

"Love you too sweetie, bye bye now"

Great, this is going to be awkward. She probably hates me now. What am I supposed to say to her? I wish I could start by saying 'I'm sorry'.

I bet she doesn't even care now…