Hello, everyone! I love the show H2O, and I was really disappointed when Emma wasn't on season three because I loved her character. So I thought it would be fun to explore what her experiences were when she was away from Cleo and Rikki, and that's when I thought of this idea! Hope you like it!

There is nothing in the world like this. The sound of the water lapping against the stone, the way the current feels against my tail, the-

What was that?

Suddenly I felt very open and vulnerable stuck in the moon pool all by myself. There was no way I could transform back in time if it was someone I didn't know, and then I would be in BIG trouble.

"Who's there?" I called. "Cleo? Rikki? Is that you?"

Two heads bobbed up in the center of the water.

"Ya, it's us," Cleo said. "We wanted to talk with you one last time before you left, and we figured you would be here."

I sighed. I wasn't looking forward to this one bit.

My family had decided that traveling the world together would provide a good experience for us, and strengthen my college application. I agreed with them, but staying away from Cleo and Rikki was going to be extremely difficult. Especially since this was our last year of school. There was so much we've done together, and so much more that we wanted to do. Now it seemed like that wasn't going to happen.

I really didn't want to cry.

"Oh, Emma," Cleo said, "Don't cry. We'll still be able to keep in touch. We all have cell phones and there's the internet and—"

"But you know that won't be the same," Rikki interrupted. "How can it be if she's all over the world?"

"Rikki!" Cleo shouted. "That's not helping!"

"But it's the truth!"

"It's okay, Cleo," I said. "I already thought about that. It's just a part of this whole trip."

Cleo looked like she wanted to throw one of her waterballs right in Rikki's face. I understood how she felt (like, REALLY understood) but I also knew it wasn't Rikki's fault. She doesn't deal well with change. And after loosing her mother I would imagine loosing anyone else would be hard.

"I'm sorry, Emma." Rikki said. "I'm just going to miss you too, I guess."

I pushed myself off the ledge I was sitting on and drifted to the center of the moon pool and wrapped my arms around both of them. "We're going to make this work, okay?" I said. I stared my two best friends straight in the eye, "We don't have a choice. We need each other."

We all hugged each other tight, but before we could do anything else, the water started to bubble around us.

"What? The full moon isn't until tomorrow night! Rikki you said you had this pegged!" Cleo shouted.

"I'm just going off what Lewis said! He said the full moon was tomorrow night, January tenth!" Rikki retaliated.

"Rikki! That's tonight!" I yelled. "We have to get out of here now! We don't know what this will do to us!"

We all started to swim to the edge, but without even moving a foot we were all yanked under the surface by a current.

I could feel the water going berserk all around me. The bubbles were so intense that I couldn't see anything. Cleo and Rikki could have been yanked out into the ocean for all I knew. I tried to swim up, but the same current just pushed me right back down, so I was lying flat on my back on the ground of the pool. My head hit two hard orbs that I thought were rocks, until I felt hair tickle my face and I realized that we were all stuck here.

Right as I was about to start panicking, the bubbles slowed and I felt the current lift. I swam as fast as I could straight to the surface. I wanted out of here and FAST.

I yanked myself up and over the edge of the pool and flopped onto the sand. The sweet, soft sand.

"Emma? Are you okay?" Rikki asked.

"Ya, I'm fine. Just a little shaken up. What about you and Cleo?"

"We're both alright," Cleo replied. "But, what just happened to us?"

I know this is a short first chapter, but don't worry because there is definitely more to come! If you have any suggestions or ideas for the story, review and let me know!