Okay, whoa….I've been absent for like, FOREVER! Hehe, well, you see, there is this wonderful thing I like to call SCHOOL *cough, cough -JAIL- cough, cough*! So much work for this crazy little kid! Okay, maybe 14 isn't a little kid technically, but I am still a KID! Right now I am in the process of picking classes for FRESHMAN year of HIGH SCHOOL! Stressful, am I right you high school kids? I thought so! Well, enough of me rambling, and I will just get on with the story! It won't be long by the way, because I have to get to bed, and this is my "I'm Sorry" chapter!

"I dedicate this chapter to all the kids going through the High School drama right now. It's hard, but you will get through it! I promise you! Oh, and to Sterling Knight, for being such a cutie;)"

I carefully slid the screen of my vibrating phone open, and read the text.

Sonny, I've got you're precious Chad here in New Zealand. If you want to see him ever again, come find me. You have three days. Good luck


My body was shaking like a fierce earthquake. I could barely get the scream that's held up inside my soul out of my burning vocal chords. I am a nervous wreck.

"Sonny, what's wrong? Who was that?" She asked her voice full of panic.

"….Connor. He has Chad hostage. We have….3 days to rescue him….." I choked out of my scratchy throat, tears freely streaming down my red puffy face.

"WHAT! This has to be a joke! He can't just take someone hostage! It's against the law!" She squealed, pacing the pink carpeting of her room.

"Oh trust me, it's Connor! He does whatever comes to his sick twisted little mind!" I yell, covering my face with the sweaty palms of my hands.

"We have to do something! Call the Police!" Tawni told me, running to her phone.

"DON'T! It will only make things worse! We need to do this on our own!" I screech, grabbing my coat, and walking out of her room.

"Where are you going?" She asked, running after me, out the front door of her small cottage.

"We're going to the airport. We are heading off to New Zealand." I bluntly stated to her, getting in the driver's seat of Tawni's pink convertible.

"Are you seriously insane? What if this Connor guy kills us? No more So Random! No more Cocoa Moco Cocoa!" She screams, hugging her purse full of her favorite lipstick.

"I've been already almost killed by him plenty of times. Plus, I'd rather be dead then live in a world without Chad!" I tell her, not believing the words that just came out of my rambling mouth.

"You are seriously in love with him, aren't you?" She asks, putting her arm around me, her eyes looking sympathetic.

"Actually, I think I am in Love with him….I am in love with Chad Dylan Cooper!" I yell, Tawni's hand slapping over my mouth, making my yelling a soft muffle.

"Do you want to wake up the entire neighborhood? It's nearly past Midnight!" She whisper yells to me, making me grin at her.

"Sorry, just stating the facts…" I smile driving down the road, off to me, Super girl, saving my Superman.

Sorry if it's short, but it's sort of a filler chapter! But….It was very suspenseful if I couldn't say so myself! CHAD GOT KIDNAPPED! OH SNAP! Haha, well hope you liked the chapter! Review!