Okay, so this is a new story, that is dedicated to the lovely and talented NeverLetGoes2Love-the-Twihard! She is special, that's why she gets this story! It is also based off the song, Two is Better than One, by Boys Like Girls. So, with no further adieu, lets get on with the story!

Sonny's POV

I sat in the Cafeteria, picking at my food. I was bored and was new to the studios. I had no friends, nor family to keep me company. All the So Random cast hates me, and My whole family lives in Wisconsin. Life is tough, but this is my dream to be on a TV show, so I have to endure it.

I looked over at the so called enemy's, Mackenzie Falls. I never met any of them, but they seem nicer than my cast. I watched them, laughing and smiling, as they were eating their plates of lamb chops. Their food is much better than our food. Ours is fried chicken on a stick, which sometimes isn't even cooked all the way. I looked over at the blonde boy. He looked sad, almost like he was going to cry. I saw him as he got up from the table, and walk away. I decided to follow him, since I had nothing else better to do. I followed him to a little door. I quietly opened it, and saw a staircase. I tip toed up the stairs, to see a rooftop garden, and the blonde haired boy sitting on a bench with his head in his hands. I walked over to him and he looked up. He had an irritated look on his face.

"Oh, sorry, I didn't mean to disturb you. I just wanted to see if you were alright." I said, walking a little closer to him.

"I'm fine." He snapped at me.

"Okay, I guess I'll just leave you alone." I mumbled, slowly backing up.

"I'm sorry, it's just that I'm going through a tough time right now." He sighed, getting up and walking over towards me.

I nodded as he stopped right in front of me.

"Your name is?" He asked, pointing at me.

"Sonny Munroe." I chirped, extending my hand to him.

"Oh, so you're the new girl over at Chuckle city." He smirked, shaking my hand.

"Um, yeah, but it's not very enjoyable." I sighed, going to sit on the bench.

"How so? Enlighten me a bit." He said, joining me on the bench.

"Well, when I first arrived, I thought it would be the best thing that's ever happened to me. Being on the TV show. But when I met the cast, they all hated me. They said that I was ugly and fat, and that I was a disgrace. When I got to my apartment after the first day, I basically just cried." I explained to him.

"I'm sorry. The people on the cast are just jerks. That's why our casts are rivals. We tried to be nice to them, but it just didn't work." He replied.

"Really, cause they say that exact thing only about you."

"They are liars. Do not listen to them." He told me.

"Thank you. Even though I just met you, I feel as if you are the nicest person here." I said to him.

"Well, I try my best." He teased.

I laughed and stared at him for a second. He had crystal blue eyes that shined so bright. They were so pretty, unlike my ugly brown eyes.

"Hey, I never got your name." I said to him.

"Chad Dylan Cooper, mam." He replied.

"Oh, my sister has tons of posters of you in her room!"

"Awesome, and her name is?"

"Thalia. She's fourteen. She just absolutely loves you." I told him, with a smile on my face.

"Ahh, I have a fourteen year old sister. But her name is Princess. She looks kind of like you, only she has a little tint of red in her hair. (That's for you NeverLetGoes2Love-the-Twihard!)

"Hah, cute. I like her name."

"Thank you. I named her." Chad smiled, feeling proud about himself.

"That's funny. I named my sister too."

We laughed as we got up from the bench. I felt so proud of myself. I finally made one friend at the studio.

"Well, I'll see you around. My cast will be surprised once they find out that I made friends with a random." He smirked.

"Hah, okay, see you later." I said, as I walked away.

But as I walked over to the door, He stopped me.

"I forgot to ask you. My mom is making an actual meal tonight. You wanna join us for dinner?" He asked.

"Sure, what time?" I replied.

"I'll pick you up at six. Be ready." He said.

I smiled, as I gave him my address and cell number. I waved at him and ran down the stairs, and back into the studios. Wow, an actual guy invited me over for dinner. I was kind of surprised, since I just met him. But he seems nice. I skipped happily to my car, and drove away to go get ready for dinner at Chad's. I was so excited.

Well, there you have it! The first chapter! I hope you liked it! This was originally supposed to be a one-shot, but I decided that I would make it a Multi chapter. Review!