
Disclaimer: All those characters belong to J.R.R. Tolkien. Ivy Sandyman, the Took's nurse, belongs to me.

A/N: Everybody feels like an outcast sometimes ...

1 Chapter 1


Peregrin Took cried out as his father beat him up once again.

He didn't know what he had done that time, but he guessed that he deserved his punishment.

Whenever he did something stupid –like putting worms in his father's beer can- he was punished and he'd gotten used to it.

"It's so embarassing!", Paladin Took yelled. "You're a disgrace to our family!"

Pippin, as his friends called him, started to cry.

He didn't care about the physical pain, but he did care a lot about what his father had said.

Everybody seemed to hate him.

Everybody was disappointed.

"Stop crying!", his father ordered. "That's so disgusting!"

Pippin couldn't help it.

He felt so sad and lonely. Why did noboy understand him? Why did nobody care?

His mother entered the room and put a hand on his father's arm.

"Paladin.", she said softly. "Please stop it. Merry is going to visit him tomorrow and you don't want him to be bruised then, do you."

Paladin sneered.

"Why would anybody want to visit him, anyway?!"

But then he left his son with one final slap.

His mother rushed to his side.

"My poor little Pippin.", she whispered. "You're my youngest son after all. I should protect you, but you know your father."

"It hurts.", Pippin replied, silently. "It hurts so much."

Pippin's mother thought that he meant his bruises.

"I'll tell Ivy to come to you later. She'll do something about your wounds.", she said and kissed her son's forehead.

Then she walked out of the room and left him.

Ivy Sandyman, the nurse, came to his room about two hours later.

"Poor little baby.", she said as she saw Pippin in his misery.

She washed his wounds with clean water and bandaged them.

"Your father said that we mustn't give food to you, but here's some bread.", Ivy told the young hobbit.

"It hurts.", Pippin tried to explain to her.

"I know. It' going to be a hard night, but it won't hurt as much tomorrow.", Ivy promised.

And she too left the young Took behind.

"Good morning!", Merry called as he saw Paladin Took coming towards him.

"Good morning, Merry!", Paladin answered, friendly. "How are you doing?"

"I'm fine! Why should I feel bad on a morning like that?", Merry replied and pointed to the deep blue sky.

Paladin laughed.

"Is Pippin at home?", Merry asked.

Paladin's face clouded over.

"Yes, he is. I have important business in the town. I have to go now."

Merry wondered why Paladin behaved like that when it came to Pippin.

Merry really cared about his younger cousin; he was his best friend after all.

Pippin was still laying on his bed, but he couldn't sleep.

His back hurt. His chest hurt. His face hurt.

But more than all that hurt his soul.

He had forgotten about Merry a long time ago.

Why would anybody want to visit a freak like him anyway?

Merry met Pippin's mother as he walked to his room.

"Merry!", she greeted him, happily.

"Good morning! Where is Pippin?", he asked.

"He ... well ... he's in his room. He doesn't feel well."

Merry nodded, slowly. Something was going on in that house.

"Am I allowed to see him?", Merry asked, worriedly.


Pippin's mother smiled.

"He'd like to see you, I think."

Merry walked in. It was dark and he could hardly see anything – but there he was. There was little Pippin, panting heavily as if he was in pain.

Merry stepped closer.


Pippin turned his head slightly so that Merry could see that Pippin's left cheekbone was bruised.

"Oh my God.", he whispered. "What happened?"

"Nothing. Go away."

Pippin turned around again.

"Pip, what did happen to you? Who beat you up?! I'm going to beat up that bastard, too!"

"So you want to beat up my father then?", Pippin asked, silently.

Merry gasped.

"But why did he do that?"

"Because I'm a freak. I'm a disappointment for my family."

"What did you do?"

"I ... it was just one can of beer ... I mean ... I just wanted to try it."

"He beat you up because you drank beer?!"

Pippin moaned.

"Leave me alone, Merry. Please."

"No. You need me and I'm not going to leave you."

He sat down beside Pippin and started to stroke his back.

Pippin winced.

"No ... that hurts."

Merry frowned and pulled up his cousin's loose shirt.

Pippin's soft skin was ruined; there were lots of blue, green, yellow and purple bruises there.

Pippin whimpered as Merry touched them, gently.

Pippin knew that Merry was going to tell him that he was poor, but then he would abandon him just like his mother and Ivy.

"Poor little Pippin."

Tears started to form in Pippin's eyes.

He wanted Merry to stay. He was the only one who maybe cared.

But then something suprising happened: Merry lifted his cousin out of the bed and carried him out of the room.

"Merry! What are you doing?", Pippin asked.

"You're coming with me. I will not leave you here with that insane bastard."

Merry took one of the Took's ponies and helped Pippin up. Then he sat down behind his friend and they rode away.