A/N: Thanks for the reviews, and I'm sorry for the short chapter lengths… and for the long wait! School is full blast now and so it was chaotic trying to find time for this chapter while balancing out High School, a choir audition for a festival, and the musical.

Okay, now to answer some reviews!

-DGM otaku:

^_^ I love how Pippin was basically the only one automatically caring for Harry's health. He's so sweet! (Pippin and Merry are my favorite hobbits, in the running for my favorite characters too)

I also like how you changed Harry's name when Gandalf was saying it; it makes more sense for him to see it like that!

Wolfie: Yeah I love Pip and Merry too! Harry's name is actually the trend lately… and I just picked up on it. :3


Je suis désolé de répondre en français, je lis bien l'anglais mais l'écrit mal ^^. En tout cas il est rare de trouver un bon crossover HP/LOTR et le tien commence très bien, je t'encourage à continuer! J'ai hâte de lire la suite!

A bientôt!

Wolfie: Wow, this is a first, French review! Glad you're enjoying it Angel and hope you have fun reading through this chapter as well, can't wait to see what you think of it as it progresses.


OH NO! Don't kill beloved characters! At least not the hobbits and Faramir! I would be so depressed...

Lol Skin changer... The first thing that pops in my head is snakes and the fact that Harry is a parseltongue, so my vision of Harry shedding skin like a snake is very very weird... XD

Great chapter! Please update again soon

PS: I also imagine Harry, who is all bashful with females, be all mortified to know that elf maidens have seen him naked... Beautiful! XD

Wolfie: Yes, skin changer is the term I took from the Hobbit… so his animagus form fits right in with Middle Earth! xD

Oh yes, I know! I laughed typing that part! Don't worry, I won't kill off hobbits, I love hobbits! (They are just like children! Beautiful, funny….but also, annoying children) and of course dear Faramir must stay!


you're so mean to Harry! Putting those gasping elven maidens in there.

Wolfie: Yes! I'm the evil-insane-crazy-loveable-author-of-greatness and you guys still enjoy my work! xD I couldn't help it, really couldn't, and sounded entirely like something that would happen to poor Harry!

For the rest of the reviewers, thanks for sticking around and I promise this chapter and the rest of the chapters (hopefully) will be longer then the first two!


"The boy… he is different." Elrond's familiar voice spoke from behind him as Gandalf turned to meet the half elf.

"Skin Changers are not uncommon." He replied as they watched the skin changer being dragged down the corridors by the excited hobbits.

The two had both been more than shocked when young Pippin had brought in the poorly bandaged wolf and asked (or demanded) for its wounds to be treated. The creature's unruly, black fur had been stained by blood on one side, but luckily the wound had not been too deep.

When starting put clean bandages on the wound, the wolf's body jolted upwards and fur began to shed and fall to the ground. They could hear bones cracking and reforming as limbs began bending in awkward positions. It soon became clear that this wolf was becoming human.

Pale skin could be seen where the fur had fallen to the floor, it was doubted that any of the onlookers could go on watching without a shudder as the tail shot back up into the wolf's spine. Sharp claws shrunk and became thinner and smaller while paws became fingers and toes, hind legs becoming legs, front becoming arms. Before they knew it, they had before them the pale form of a human boy!

After clearing many elf maidens out of the room, including Arwen herself, the remaining men were still shocked to the core at the pale form of the dark haired boy laying on the bed now sound asleep after that little adventure.

"We don't know where his loyalties lie." Elrond's voice brought Gandalf back from the memory with a silent sigh.

0_0_0_0_0_0_this is a line break0_0_0_0_0

Harry rubbed his forehead as he sat under the shade of the tree; he had gathered a little information from the two energetic hobbits (as they were evidently a different race, go figure). For one, he was in a land called 'Middle Earth' and more specific this residence was Rivendell.

He was still clueless, however, as his mind pondered everything. How had he gotten here, where was his wand and more importantly where were his friends and were they ok?

Were they ok?

Even with Voldemort dead, the same question passed by his mind instinctively over and over again. There were still rogue death eaters that would show up every once in a while and Hogwarts was still being repaired in some parts of the castle.

He sighed with the thoughts of the dead dark lord, then with the thoughts of Tonks, Remus, Dobby….George, and so many others that had died for him.

A single tear ran down his cheek, he blinked and hastily wiped it away as the sun peaked out from the clouds. It was then that he heard the, now familiar, voices of Pippin and Merry who walked beside the other two hobbits.

Sam, and-


While Sam was giving the young wizard a clear, hostile glare that was like piercing daggers to Harry; standing in front of the dark haired hobbit as if his small frame would protect him from the 'evil' forces. Crystal blue eyes met emerald green and time continued without them as no one dared to break the silence.

It hurt.

The same throbbing presence presented itself in full force on Harry as he fought to not immediately fall straight to the soft, grass below his feet. Frodo in turn seemed to have similar feelings, or it was just in his head, as he clutched his chest his eyes narrowing-

"Harî!" Pippin cried out with, in Harry's opinion, could almost be forced, and yet not so. The young hobbit was quick to latch himself on to the ill feeling teen and drag him over by force to his companions.

"This is Harî." Merry and Pippin said with large grins on their faces, "He's a skin changer!" The two hobbits put emphasis on the odd term for his animagus form as they showed him off like a new pet or toy. While Frodo showed interest in his eyes, this only made Sam glower more.

"Skin changer?" He muttered directing his words to Harry.

"Guess so." Harry replied with a frown.

"Your not an elf."

"Sorry to disappoint you Mr. Gamgee," He answered slowly, "but not all of us can be everything you desire."

This resulted with a stare down, and the trouble maker hobbits for once (or for the hundredth time rather,) were dumbfounded by how their new buddy was talking to the Gardner (now 'protector?') of Frodo Baggins. The small hobbit that had been glaring early blinked a couple times now at this exchange of words.

"You are a strange big folk Mr. Skin Changer." Sam finally replied with a soft tone.

"I'm Harry."

"Sam. Sam Gamgee, hobbit of the Shire."

The onlookers had just witnessed a wordless battle and apology between big folk and Halfling as the two nodded to each other, Sam allowing a small smile to the teen.

With Hobbits and Human at good terms three days past easily for Harry and the Shire companions in Rivendell before the big events began to unfold. The five watched on the balcony as a human rode through the complex arc of stone and vines that served as the entry to the grand homely house. Riding a bay gelding, the middle aged man had a sheathed sword that bounded against his left shin and a shield could be seen on his back as he dismounted leading his horse to the stables. This wouldn't be the first visitor they would find themselves watching as a troop of elves with bleach blond hair and fair faces graced Rivendell with their ethereal aura they brought with them that was more exotic than that of the elves that they had already met. Short men, who Harry was told afterward were 'dwarves', did not take long to follow as beings of all shapes and sizes arrived.


Why were they coming to Rivendell? What could possibly cause the deep thoughts that must be going through these being's heads as they secluded themselves to various places talking in mummers to their group members. It wasn't until the old wizard, Gandalf the Grey came up to Harry that anything began to dawn on him.

They wanted him to attend a secret council.

Yes, he was hearing just fine when the old man spoke. He was to attend the council and sit beside Gandalf himself as his…. Apprentice of sorts…. Or just for being the first widely known skin changer for a good decade.

Someone really had to let him in on how he had become…important…so quickly in a world that hardly knew him. Looking at the wizard again, something about Gandalf reminded him full heartedly of Dumbledore. Even with a more free flowing beard he had a striking resemblance, if it had been in Hogwarts Harry might have mistook him for the reincarnated headmaster himself. The same blue eyes watched him now, knowingly, with a firm hand on his shoulder.

"Come Harî, the council waits for no one."

The 'secret' council seemed to be in one of the many courts Rivendell had to offer as Gandalf had Harry sit just beside Frodo… who gave him a curt nod as Elrond (as Harry was told what the old elf's name was) stood before them.

"Strangers from different lands," The dark haired elf began, "Friends of old, you've been summoned here to answer the threat of Mordor."

"What thre-" Harry whispered to Gandalf who gave him a stern glare which silenced the teen immediately.

"Middle-earth stands on the brink of destruction. None can escape it." He continued. "You will unite, or you will fall."

The young wizard fought with his self to stay quiet as questions buzzed in his head: 'Destruction by what!' his mind screamed.

"Each race is bound to this fate, this one doom." He paused to look at Frodo, "Bring forth the ring, Frodo."

All grew silent as the hobbit stepped forth his hand clutching what seemed to be the center of the council's attention, as he placed the gold ring on the pedestal. Harry cringed once more, it was evil… something about that trinket was evil. Even now, when he was no longer a horcrux to Voldemort, something in him wanted to run far away and forget he had ever laid eyes on the ring.

"So it is true."

Harry snapped out of his fears as a man spoke, Boromir.

"In a dream I saw the eastern sky grow dark, but in the west a pale light lingered." He said as he continued, "A voice was crying: 'Your doom is near at hand, Isildur's Bane is found.'" He reached towards the ring as he spoke now, "Isildur's Bane."

"Boromir!" Elrond yelled.

The sky above grew dark as if layers of smoke were suddenly placed upon the council, reminding Harry eerily of a dementor attack. Cringing, his hand reached to find his wand, which, of course, was not there. It became clear to him that their was something being said in the darkness, and those words emitted from Gandalf himself.

"Never before has anyone uttered the words of that tongue in Imladris." Elrond stated as the light flooded back to the clearing as Gandalf found his seat once more.

"I do not ask your pardon, Master Elrond, for the black speech of Mordor may yet be heard in every corner of the West!" The grey wizard replied, not only to Elrond, but to the rest of the council as well. "The ring is all together evil."

"It is a gift." Boromir stood once more, "A gift to the foes of Mordor. Why not use this Ring? Long has my father, Steward of Gondor, kept the forces of Mordor at bay. By the blood of our people are your lands kept safe." The middle aged man continued in his walk among the council members, "Give Gondor the weapon of the enemy. Let us use it against him."

"You can not wield it." Strider spoke up, "None of us can. The one ring answers to Sauron alone. It has no other master."

"And what would a Ranger know of this matter?" Boromir replied with a slight glare in his eyes.

"This is no mere Ranger." One of the elves spoke as he stood before Boromir, "He is Aragorn, son of Arathorn. You owe him your allegiance."

"Aragorn." Boromir stated looking to Strider, no, Aragorn now, "This is Isildur's heir?"

Aragorn merely nodded as the elf spoke once more, "And heir to the throne of Gondor."

"Gondor has no king." Boromir replied with a glare, "Gondor needs no king."

"Aragorn is right, we cannot use it." Gandalf stated.

"You have only one choice." Elrond began, "The Ring must be destroyed."

The council continued as Gimli, a dwarf, attempted to destroy the ring with his ax, but only managed to shatter the weapon into many pieces. Harry learned then from Elrond, as well as the others, that the ring could only be destroyed in the fires from which it was made; Mount Doom, deep in Mordor. It was decided that one of the council members was to go into Mordor to accomplish this task.

"One does no simply walk into Mordor." Boromir spoke up after Elrond had finished, "Its black gates are guarded by more than just Orcs. There is evil there that does not sleep. The Great Eye is ever-watchful. It is a barren waste land, riddled with fire, ash and dust. The very air you breathe is a poisonous fume." Harry was beginning to fear this 'Mordor' place as it seemed the whole council then, was Elrond completely, bloody mad? "Not with 10,000 men could you do this. It is folly."

"Have you heard nothing Lord Elrond just said? The Ring must be destroyed." Legolas replied.

"And I suppose you think you're the one to do it!" Gimli yelled.

"And if we fail, what then? What happens when Sauron takes back what is his?"

"I will be dead before I see the Ring in the hands of an Elf!"

Just like that the council was in chaos, with Gimli shouting more on something along the lines of never trust an Elf as Harry covered his ears to tone down the noise with no success. Gandalf shook his head, and Frodo seemed to start breathing harder before he stood up.

"I will take it." Frodo called, but was not heard by the bickering council, "I will take it."

Harry stood wondering if anyone would hear the small hobbit as he repeated himself louder.

"I will take the ring, though I do not know the way."

He could hear Gandalf sigh beside him, as he offered his help to the hobbit, and before his eyes Harry watched as Aaragorn, Legolas, Gimly, and Boromir followed suit. He hadn't expected, however, the next sight before him.

Sam burst through the bushes determined to follow his Mr. Frodo to the end of Middle Earth. He was not surprised by who followed; Merry and Pippin.

"So it is nine-" Elrond began, but was cut off by Gandalf who looked at Harry now.

"Harî, you shall join us as well."

Oh bloody hell. He was getting himself into another war.


Dark had fallen over Rivendell as Harry pressed his hands against his forehead, sitting down next to the stone fountain of one of the house's many courts. Why him? Why did he always have to be caught up in some dangerous plan or war? He just wanted to go home.

Back to Hogwarts, back to Hermione, Ron, and Ginny. Even as beautiful as Rivendell was, without his wand he felt vulnerable. Growing up with an evil Dark Lord around did that to you.

Another thing he had learned, however, in this life; was that you couldn't run away from your problems. Whether he liked it or not, he was a part of something bigger then himself; he was a part of the fellowship now and it would be part of his responsibility to help Frodo until the end-even if he died in the process.

He never heard the footsteps that sounded from behind him.

"Who is the girl you speak of?" Harry turned to find Frodo behind him, the evil ring hanging from his neck by a golden chain.

"What-" He replied, how did he?

"This…Ginnî, you mutter about her when you think no one is near." The hobbit replied walking over and taking a seat beside Harry staring into the fountain's water.

"My girl-The girl I love."

"Oh." Frodo replied in understanding, "You miss her?"


Frodo nodded closing his eyes as his hand clenched around the ring, Harry in turn cringed as a chill raced through his body.

"It hurts us both." Frodo commented noticing Harry's reaction.

"Yeah, it does."

"I do not know what to do Harî, it is heavy burden-the ring." The hobbit sounded exhausted as he let his hand drop limply to his side again.

"Keep your friends close." Harry replied grimly. "Never loose them."

"You speak as if you have experience."

"I don't want to talk about it." He replied in a mutter turning away from the hobbit. He neither bragged, nor told stories of his life. He had enjoyed being noticed as just a normal human here, not as "Harry Potter, the boy-who-lived," and he wished to hold onto that.

He also did not want anyone to pity him.

"You should sleep Frodo we are setting out early tomorrow I hear."

"And you." Frodo replied with a nod.

A/N: And here concludes another chapter of this fan fiction with a meaningful yet simple conversation between Harry and Frodo. I hope you guys liked it and please read and review, I write the best chapters I can for you, and with every review: whether good or bad I'm determined to try harder!

(Just don't flame me 'kay? I'm trying! :D )