Konnichiwa Mina! I just barely found all my drabbles of this story and I thought I'll post this today since it's the continuation of the last drabble I wrote. Other than that I hope I left you guys with a smile, so please enjoy.

Disclaimer: I don't own Hetalia Axis Power but Hidekaz Himaruya does!

Poor America

America: Britain let go of me!

UK: No

America: I said LET GO!

UK: God damn it America, I said NO!

America: *cries* I don't want to go, don't make me go!

UK: Too bad you're going and that's final.

America: China, help me escape from Britain grasp.

China: I'm agreeing whole heartily with Britain on this one.

America: Nooo! China don't go to the dark side!

UK: America shut up. We're leaving.

America: NOOO!

China: Good luck in the gym, America!

America: *cries out loud* NOOO!

UK: *smirks at America and drags him out to the gym*

America: I want my mommy!

America mom: *sneezes* Oh, must be a handsome man talking about me. *blushes*

Me: No, not really.

A/N: Please R&R, thank you!