Right, this is a very unusual and strange idea but please, I've never let you guys down before so please bare with, give it a go and let me know. I present my newest story...

Disclaimer: I own nothing but my stories, my love for writing and you readers.

Braxton Hicks

Pam was pregnant.

Nothing in that sentence made any sense. It was implausible. It was ridiculous, impossible and fucking hilarious. But it still remained the same; Pam was pregnant.

She gagged once more into the round porcelain bowl of the toilet and cried harder than she had ever cried before. She was going into shock. The blood she was puking up by the litre was spattering back up at her face and over the bowl and her eyelids were glued shut with bloody tears.

Her retched sobs reverberated through her body like a sickness and she desperately reached through her bond for her Maker.

She had been feeling awful for ages. Eventually, giving up the ghost, she had gone to see Doctor Ludwig. She had explained all her symptoms and Doctor Ludwig had then asked her a very strange question. When did you last have sex with a man? Pam laughed, before thinking seriously about the question.

'During the sudden eclipse a month ago, the air had felt strange that night and the sky glowed red. My Maker and I didn't plan it. It happens like that every ten years or so. It just so happened to be on the eclipse this time round.' Pam said growing colder and colder by the second as she explained her story. Doctor Ludwig nodded knowingly and when Pam had finished she simply said, 'Yep. Just as I thought.'

Pam snapped at her, standing up on wobbly legs. 'What? What is just what you thought?' Pam shouted fiercely but inwardly terrified.

Doctor Ludwig explained. 'Since that surprise eclipse, there has been reporting's of Were's who changed during it, are now permanently stuck in their animal form. Vampires who were injured during it haven't healed since, or those who slept, have never woke up, and one Vampire in Mississippi who had sex during the eclipse, has fell pregnant like a human would. It seems to have had a strange effect on supernatural's.' She finished with a knowing look at Pam.

Pam couldn't talk for a moment. 'W..what? I can't be p..pregnant.' She stuttered.

'Yes you are. You shouldn't be but that eclipse has made it possible.' Doctor Ludwig explained with a smirk, satisfied by the look of utter terror on the female vampires face.

'Well...what happened to the girl in Mississippi?' Pam mumbled in shock.

'She killed herself as soon as she believed what I was saying was true.' Ludwig said flippantly.

Pam stood up once more, paid Ludwig and silently, on shaky legs, walked home.

'Fuck!' She howled into the toilet lid as she puked up even more blood. 'Eric! Eric!' She cried so loudly she was sure she'd wake the dead-actual dead.

He didn't arrive that night and Pam fell asleep in the sun proof bathroom. Drenched in blood and paler than possible even for a vampire. The small bulge on her stomach glistened with the dying blood.

To be continued, sounds absolutely ridiculous, but please bare with I have a good feeling about this. A good friend inspired this when we were discussing ideas.

Please review if you think I should continue...