It was brought to my attention by Calico Avangi on FF.Net that there are still people who "check up" on The Cousin (book II of the Radditz Bloodline Saga). This is ironic, because I was just reading it today and realizing how much it sucked.

No, it will never be finished. I wrote up a few random scenes from later in "The Cousin," but I don't know if I'll ever get around to finishing/posting them. I think I just dug myself a hole in this one; I knew where I wanted to be, but had no real plan of how to get there.

I abandoned DBZ fanfiction over two months ago, and I don't plan on going back. "Even the Ruthless Fall in Love" was my official introduction into the real world of writing, and my Escaflowne fic "Beyond the Moon" is my way out. When it is completed, I'll probably leave fanfiction forever and go on to write my own original novels. For now, I have to concentrate on my sophomore year of highschool and try to get into a good college.

I hope this doesn't put a bad taste in anyone's mouth, but here was the original plan for the Radditz Bloodline Saga: every spoiler in the book, and a brief, mushy summary.

The Cousin was intended to continue on with a brief romance between Trunks and Ona before the arrival of the Androids. Events were changed considerably, of course, and Android 19 was destroyed when he first arrived on South Island, since Ona had posted sentry there for at least a month. Android 20 was quick enough to awaken Androids 16, 17, and 18, but was just as easily destroyed by Vegeta. Ona is smart enough to see when Goku starts showing his first signs of illness: at least a week before the Androids arrive. He takes his medicine and fails to become too sick to fight. Vegeta manages to become a Super Saiyan months before the games, giving him time to perfect it.

This is where the plan got sketchy. Cell arrived and was confronted by most of the Z Fighters: he failed to absorb 17 or 18. 17 escaped somehow, and 18 was taken captive by the Z Fighters and eventually remained voluntarily with Krillin. 16 assisted Dr. Briefs and Bulma prior to the Cell Games.

Goku and Gohan train in the Room of Spirit and Time together, and both manage to perfect their Super Saiyan skills. Piccolo enters the room; instead of going alone (and thus fighting himself), Ona joins him. Ona is almost to the Super Saiyan level, but she can't seem to reach it. It is later discovered that Saiyans cannot transform with tails, and merely turn into Golden Oozarus (though such a thing doesn't happen to Ona, due to a lack of a moon). Afterwards, Vegeta refuses to go with his son into the ROSAT, so Trunks and Ona go two days later.

This is when it gets hot and heavy between the two. Just days before their year is up, Ona becomes pregnant. Only she is aware, of course. At this point, Vegeta has unconsciously "adopted" Ona as a kind of daughter.

The Cell Games go over without a hitch. The first up to bat is Goku, ironically. He gets wiped, followed by Vegeta and Trunks. Cell refuses to "fight a woman"; this knocks him up a few points on Ona's hate list. The Cell Jr.s are released, and are shot out of the sky by a much more highly developed Gohan.

When all hope seems to be lost, Ona steps onto the stage. She takes advantage of Cell's disdain, and scores enough points against him to piss him off considerably. But when Ona is shot down, all hell breaks loose.

Vegeta and Trunks unknowingly team up against Cell, and manage to knock the bloody bastard out of the sky. The unlikely bond Ona formed with Tien, Chaotzu, Krillin, and Yamcha comes in handy; the bizarre quartet, along with a less-than-helpful Android 18 assist the father and son in attacking Cell from behind. Goku and Gohan get him from the front, and *poof*; Cell's dead.

I'm not a strategist. I know. I specialize in plot weaving and romance; that's all. I could never pull off writing anything like that, because it would just be too hole-y.

Post-Cell Games is a disaster waiting to happen. Vegeta knows of Ona's pregnancy, but when confronted, she finally coerces him into not telling anyone about it. She doesn't want to bind Trunks to her time, and believes he should return home and protect what is left of the future. Without knowing anything of this, Trunks bids them all a sad farewell and disappears forever.

Vegeta at first tries to disown Ona, but is instead roped into taking care of her when the pregnancy makes her deathly ill. An unlikely friend comes back full force to help out: Yamcha. He quits his baseball career to take care of her 24/7; after the birth of the little full-Saiyan (yeah, it's a genetics thing. There's a 3/4 chance the child will be fully Saiyan) boy, Britain, Yamcha takes up his job again but devotes himself entirely to taking care of his friend and her baby. Vegeta is disgusted with the whole thing and makes a competition out of being a "fatherly figure" for little Trunks.

Eventually, Yamcha and Ona hit it off enough that Yamcha takes fathership of Britain. The boy teams up with Goten (who has Goku as a full time father as well.. Go dads!) and Trunks to be the "Terrible Trio." This is when book III, "Last Blast Warrior," rolls around.

A lot of bizarre things go down. Britain learns inadvertently from Vegeta that Yamcha isn't his real father. The boy begins to hate his "father" for lying to him, and his mother for the same reason. With his help, Buu is defeated early on. But when Britain reaches teenager-hood, his anger at not knowing anything about himself leads to him trying to blast everyone away. When he fails, he disappears for ten years.

Ona's health is failing (but she still looks 20), and Yamcha's getting on in years (people are beginning to mistake them for father and daughter, causing rips in their relationship). When Britain abruptly returns with a seven-year-old half-human daughter in tow, everything is turned upside-down. Her source is mostly unknown: it appears to be the result of an unprotected prostitute, who Britain later killed in a rage about it.

The little girl's name is Cinda. Britain has long since gone insane; in order to protect Ona and Yamcha, Goku and Vegeta transport him to the Supreme Kai's planet in hopes the other-worlders can salvage him.

Cinda is immediately befriended by her "uncles" Trunks and Goten. Bra is seven years older than she, and Pan ten years older (leaving them at 14 and 17). This marks the beginning of the second saga, "Space Monkey." Cinda is on a mission: to find her father. No one has the heart to tell her everything about him (he had a good soft spot for her, even in his insanity, and always treated her like a princess), so she sets her sights on going into space. I tried to think of a silly rip-off of GT; Vegeta and Pan inadvertently tag along with Cinda on her little quest. They run into a long-frozen Turles, whose desire to kill is slowly overrun by a ridiculous protectiveness for the little Saiyan girls. They run into a half Saiyan boy, who turns out to be the result of one of Brolli's "attacks." They encounter many stupid things in the universe, including a race of two-foot-tall people, a shape-shifting woman whose only designs are to enslave men (her sights are set on Turles and Vegeta), a band of space pirates consisting of all that remains of Frieza's men, and a bunch of other equally ridiculous things.

That was the plan. Nothing ever came of it, of course. I'm not sure yet if I would be willing to give this story to anyone to continue: if someone has reasonable skill and thinks they can make this nice little saga become something, feel free to give me a ring at either my email: [email protected] or on my AIM name erie chan.

Thanks for all your reading.


Erie Dragon.