disclaimer: This is fanfiction, I don't own Atlantis or the characters *sob*

rating and warnings: rated M for steamy scenes and violence

A/N: This is the next installment following 'Revelations and Expectations' and 'Ramifications and Repercussions'. John/Teyla very established and getting married. Guest list includes Dave and Julia, Sam and Jack, Sora and Shiana, no wait they aren't on the guest list! How did they get here?

Thanks: As always to my #1 cheerleader, Sagey, who faithfully waves her purple pompoms furiously and lovingly and sends me so many virtual hugs and some wonderful suggestions. Thank you, dear friend! To all my fans/friends who have given me so many wonderful reviews and keep asking for more. You keep me going! To T'Pring for creating the wonderful Julia and allowing her to play in my sandbox on occasion.

Feedback: Reviews are so wonderful and help us writers know what we are doing that you like, so we will keep doing it.

The story is complete, it will just take a few days to post.


Recriminations and Obligations

by kariesue




"I have just received some information about the upcoming nuptials that should work into our plans quite nicely."

"Excellent! I have been able to recruit almost a dozen former Genii who were displaced when Radim took over command of my people. They will work for very little as they too blame Atlantis and Sheppard for helping Radim take power. They would like to see justice metered out almost as much as we do."

"And I have the perfect location to take them to. I think it would be fitting to bring them to the scene of the crime, so to speak. My decimated home world is barely inhabitable anymore since the Asurans destroyed it but it will do nicely. I could think of no more fitting place to see Sheppard and his love subdued and their lives finally obliterated."

"We will finally have our revenge and maybe I will be able to sleep easier at night, Shiana."

"Yes, Sora, in one lunar cycle, justice will be ours."


