Okay, wow. Secret Service! Dalton, who would have thought? This is from someone posting the idea on Tumblr. It popped up somewhere on Mama CP's blog.

This was actually really difficult to write. My extent on things secret service only goes as far as 24, and it's been years since I watched that. So, like seemingly everything I've written, ignore my lack of knowledge and just pretend everything works, okay? A few things had to be twisted a little, for the sake of the story. Just…go with it.

Glee and Dalton belong to their respective owners, RIB and the lovely CP Coulter. I hope I did the characters justice (I kind of doubt it, but whatever).

Artie wheel himself briskly into the nearly empty coffee shop, looking for his contact; someone not much older than his 17, and who would be holding a gold pocket watch. His eyes nearly passed right over him, had not the midmorning sun glinted off the glass face of the watch. He pushed himself over, only uttering the following.

"What's your coffee order?"

The teen glanced at him before answering. "Medium drip." he said smoothly.

Artie nodded rolling himself closer while the teen pulled out a small laptop. "I'm Blaine. Blaine Anderson," he said, waiting for the laptop to boot up. He offered his hand out.

Artie gave it a shake. "Artie Abram," he answered. No more words were said as he fished through the side pocket of his expensive black blazer to fish out a USB port. He waited patiently as Blaine scanned the files that popped up on the screen.

Blaine tapped his Bluetooth device, connecting to Han on the other end.

"You getting this, Caterpillar?"

"You bet," Han's voice came clearly over the device. "Everything seems to be in order. McKinley is fully willing to cooperate, exchange and all. Just work that out now with the contact, and we'll be set."

Blaine nodded, disconnecting the line. He powered off the computer, closing it and meeting his companion's eyes.

"I'm not going to lie. When they said I was meeting an agent from the McKinley department, I expected someone with," he let his voice trail off slightly, gesturing to Artie's prone state in the wheelchair.

"With working legs?" Artie finished for him dryly. Blaine nodded a little, slightly embarrassed. "It's cool bro'," Artie reassured him. "I get that a lot. I don't do any fieldwork of course; I'm in charge of the technology at McKinley. They usually send me because I don't look like an agent."

Blaine nodded. "Well, everything's set. Just the matter of the exchange now," he said, back to business.

Artie nodded. "McKinley gets access to your technology and funds, we send over one of our own for your severely lacking Communication department. We'll join forces eventually to bring down the Carmel agency," he murmured. Carmel was an agency that had recently gone rogue and started producing dangerous robotic experiments.

"Right," Blaine said, talking in the same hushed tone. "When can we pick them up?"

Artie smirked a little. "That won't be necessary. If my calculations are correct, he's already here." He gestured towards the entrance to the shop, where a tall teen with perfectly coiffed coffee-colored hair entered and walked over.

"Wheels," he said in greeting to the wheel- chaired teen.

"Hello Kurt. You got all your paperwork in order?" Artie asked, earning a nod from Kurt as he sat down opposite Blaine.

"Kurt, this is Blaine Anderson, from the Dalton agency," Artie said, introducing them. Blaine extended his hand to Kurt, who gave it a firm shake. "He'll go over everything with you now. Good luck, Kurt. I'd better go; I told your brother I'd go over the new information we'd be getting from Dalton. He's waiting for me outside right?" Kurt nodded, and Artie inclined his head towards Blaine before wheeling himself away.

"You?" Blaine asked, once Artie had left. "Why you?"

Kurt smirked. "I'm fluent in over ten languages. Our department head is a language expert as well, so they can afford to send me over." He left out that he had become a target of a rogue agent and that it was no longer safe for him at McKinley. "Your technology head should find my files in the documents we sent over."

"Well if that's all," Blaine said. "We should head over to headquarters then." They both stood, making their way towards the exit.

They drove to Dalton's headquarters together in a comfortable silence. While Blaine flashed his ID for the scanner and talked to the guard, Kurt analyzed the buildings in his division, knowing he'd be spending most, if not all, of his time there from now on. There was an old-world type of beauty to them, one not commonly found within most agency headquarters. Kurt knew that despite its appearance, Dalton was anything but old- fashioned, the manor-like walls concealing some of the best technology to date. Blaine exited his car, waving Kurt over to follow him as he entered the doors to one of the buildings.

"You'll be staying here, I presume?" Blaine asked while they walked, his tone adopting a slightly more casual tone and losing the sharp business edge.

"Affirmative," Kurt said, unable to loose the stiffness in his own voice, especially now that he was in a foreign environment. Blaine noticed his discomfort and stopped walking.

"Hey," he said, placing a hand on Kurt's shoulder. He almost looked like a normal teenager. "I know we're a high-classed agency, but you can relax a little, okay? We're probably a little more formal here than you're used to, but we're not that different." He smiled charmingly, and Kurt loosened the tenseness in his shoulders. They continued walking.

"You'll be staying in the Windsor team. A majority of the people you'll work with are there too. We're in charge of most of the missions and fieldwork. The Stuart division covers most of the research development, and the Hanover division are in charge of negotiations." Blaine paused a little. "Well," he amended," you being in Communications will probably have you working the other divisions a fair bit, but you'll be with us mostly." He whispered to Kurt, "Between you and me, Windsor is the best by far. The Stuarts are too uptight, and the Hanovers are too secretive."

They reached a second set of doors. Blaine walked up to the scanners, running the print and audio test. The doors opened, and they walked in. The room was several stories high, full of monitors and chrome. There was a whirling sound from all of the computers and the low drone of voices could be heard.

"Most of the workers here right now are day workers. Those of us who live here tend to take the night shift. C'mon," Blaine said, gesturing to the people at the computer and ascending one of the staircases. "I'll introduce you to the rest of my team. We all live here."

They walked up to one of the many rooms where more voices and laughter could be heard from within. Kurt tensed again, nervous about working with a new team that he knew nothing about. His McKinley team had been fast- paced and dramatic, but they had all gotten along for the most part. He felt a bit like he was a new kid in school again.

Blaine was suddenly very close to him, murmuring in his ear. "Relax. You'll be fine." With that he opened the door.

The conference room was sleek, as to be expected, but smaller than usual with a standard long wooden table with only about ten black chairs around it. One end of the room held a large flat screen TV, currently turned off. Every chair was filled except for the three at the end, the one at the head having a small speaker in front of it.

The individual at the end of the table glanced up. "Anderson," he said, sounding a little surprised. "Didn't think you'd be able to join us today. I thought you had to pick up the recruit?" He had brown hair and appeared to be a little older than the rest of the people at the table. The rest of the table uttered their respective hellos, the two blond ones muttering an odd, "Hello, Rabbit."

No one else found this statement odd, and Blaine turned towards the one who had initially spoken. "Hello Charlie," he said. "I didn't think so either, but McKinley dropped off their agent already." He gestured towards Kurt, who stepped forward, extending his hand towards Charlie.

"Kurt Hummel."

Charlie rose to shake his hand. "Charlie Amos." He waved his hand to the rest of the table once he sat back down. Blaine and Kurt made their way towards the empty seats, Kurt sitting next to a pair of blond twins and Blaine sitting next to a dark –haired teen across from him. "This is the rest of the team, Hummel." He gestured to the members of the team as he introduced them.

He started with the two chairs closest to him. "These two here are David Sullivan and Wes Hughes, our head strategists," he gestured to the dark-skinned teen and the Asian teen respectively. Each gave a small wave in Kurt's direction.

"Next to David are the Brightman twins, Evan and Ethan. They're in charge of all of our artillery and main supplies." Charlie said, waving a hand in their direction. The pair of blond boys next to David appraised Kurt, their eyes widening slightly. "Hello, Alice!" they chorused.

Kurt quirked an eyebrow in response, sending a questioning look in the boys' direction. The petite strawberry-blond next to Wes noticed his confusion and was quick to remedy it.

"It's a sort of code, you see. All of the conspirators-that's us, by the way- and a few others have a nickname, usually given by the twins. It's always an Alice in Wonderland reference, but no one really knows why," he explained. "It's what we use when we're out in the field," he finished, shrugging.

Charlie nodded, "Thank you, Van Kamp. I forgot about that." He looked at Kurt, "You'll get used to everything here. It takes a certain brand of crazy to tolerate everything, but it's manageable eventually." Kurt's eyebrows rose at the mention of "crazy" but he said nothing, allowing Charlie to continue with the introductions.

"Reed's the head of the medical department," he stated. "He's sustained enough injuries just by being around here to figure out how to treat them. No offense." Reed waved it off with a shrug.

"And next to Reed we have Dwight Houston," Charlie inclined his head to the nervous-looking pale, dark-haired youth. He seemed to be clutching at something around his neck. "He's in charge of security around here. His methods are a bit…" he paused, searching for the right word, "unorthodox, I suppose, but effective enough. We haven't had a breach since he's been around."

"Ahem," a voice came from the speaker at the end opposite Charlie, "Are you forgetting someone?"

Charlie just grinned. "Never, Caterpillar. Kurt, the voice at the end belongs to Han Westwood. He's in charge of all our technology; cameras, computers, anything. He works a lot with Dwight." (*)

"Pleasure," Han drawled from the speaker.

"Why isn't he here?" Kurt inquired, looking at Charlie.

"You could ask me yourself, you know," came Han's voice. Kurt muttered a quick apology. "I have to make sure everything's running and working. I don't have time to leave this room. If something crashes, I have to be here," he finished curtly.

Charlie looked a bit apologetic. "You'll have to excuse Han. Hardly leaving his room gives him poor social skills," he said, ignoring the indignant "hey!" from the speaker. "And you know Blaine, of course," he waved a hand to teen sitting across from Kurt. "Part of our human resources department. He handles the recruits and training more than management, but he's good at helping me keep the others in line."

Charlie leaned back in his chair a little, looking at Kurt, "Now, before I continue," he was interrupted by a large bang that shook the building, sounding like it came from a couple doors down. No one looked surprised or said anything, only remaining silent until the door flew open and another teen stuck his head in. Wes rolled his chair over to the fire extinguisher nearby, lazily tossing it to the newcomer, who caught it and nodded in thanks before rushing away.

"Is that… normal?" Kurt asked questioningly, motioning his hand towards the door. The others chuckled, some of the shrugging. "It's not uncommon," David remarked. "That's Drew. He and his partner Saturo are our bomb experts. They tend to experiment a lot."

Kurt nodded, uttering an "Ah," in observation. He turned his eyes away from the door to glance at Charlie, "You were saying?"

"Hm? Oh, as I was saying, before I continue, why don't you tell us yourself, Kurt? Any special skills we should know of?" Charlie asked. The others looked at him curiously.

Kurt leaned back, crossing his legs casually. "Well, I'm fluent in over ten languages, including French, German, Irish, Russian, Italian, Greek, Spanish, Mandarin, Cantonese, Japanese, and Korean. My family had to travel a lot when I was younger; my mother used to be a covert agent."

"'Use to be'?" Charlie asked. "Did she retire, or is she out of commission?"

Kurt grimaced at the memory. "She died. Mission gone wrong."

The teens in the room winced, muttering apologies.

Kurt waved his hand dismissively, "I'm over it. Anyways, my dad tried to keep us out of the business, but the woman he remarried is affiliated with this business too. My step-brother and I both entered officially a few years ago; he helps lead the McKinley team."

"How are you in the field then?" Charlie asked, trying to change the subject.

Kurt shrugged, grateful for the new topic, although this one did not bring much happier memories. "I've had my fair share in handlings," he mentioned. If you call being targeted by a rogue, homophobic agent and being forced to fight fair, he thought before continuing, "I can handle myself well enough with a gun," he shrugged again.

"Anything else we should know?" Reed asked.

Kurt shifted uncomfortably. "Yeah. I'm gay," he cringed, waiting.

The boys in the room didn't bat an eye. "That's fine," David said. Wes nodded, commenting, "Yeah, we don't really care. Blaine's gay as well; Reed's not sure."

Kurt raised an eyebrow in disbelief, "Really?" he asked, glancing at the two mentioned. Blaine smiled understandingly from across the table, and Reed gave him a small grin.

"You sound surprised," Han drawled from the speaker. "Why?"

"Han, I don't really think-" Blaine started hurriedly. He knew the possibilities of Kurt's circumstances. Kurt waved it off, still looking a little uncomfortable.

"It's fine. It's just… why I was chosen to leave," he said, unsure of how to phrase it.

The boys' reaction was violent, especially for someone they had only just met. They all leaned forward angrily. An angry muttering could be heard from Han's speaker and the Brightmans both produced shotguns from nowhere.

"They made you leave because you're gay?" Dwight asked incredulously, voice raising a few pitches. David and Wes were both trying to calm the infuriated set of twins who were currently cocking their guns, but both looked equally incensed as well.

"I thought you said that your step- brother helped lead your team!" Blaine exclaimed. Why would anyone want to hurt someone like Kurt? He's beautiful and delicate and.. woah, he leaned back suddenly, trying to find out where that thought came from. He knew Kurt wasn't as delicate as he might appear, so how had he come to that conclusion. The others in the room paid him no mind, still irate.

Kurt was equally surprised and touched by their reactions. He hurried to calm their nerves, "No, no, no, no," he said, shaking his head, "It's nothing like that. My old team is fine; they were never an issue."

"Then why…" said Evan, or was it Ethan? They both looked only partially placated.

"… did they choose you to leave?" finished his twin.

Kurt held up a finger, "Number one: I was serious about being fluent in all those languages. What happened to you old communication's head anyways?"

"The Gryphon…"

"…was needed by the Knave's team," explained the twins.

Kurt shot them a look, shaking his head and ignoring the statement. "Number two," he said, adding another finger and leaning back a little, "It's nothing, really. We were having an issue with a rogue agent. It wasn't safe enough at McKinley. So my department's head decided I should be sent here instead."

"This rogue agent happen to be named Karofsky?" asked Han. "He pops up multiple times on your file."

Kurt looked down, inwardly shuddering at the memory, "Yeah."

"What have you got on him, Han?" questioned Charlie.

There was the faint sound of rapid clicking from the speaker. "Unfortunately, not much. I'll have to run a deeper search later, but all that's known about him is he used to be a typical field officer at McKinley. He's reportedly been working with the Carmel agents, though, and left McKinley suddenly. (**) Oh!" there was more clicking, "We have a photo."

"Send it over to Dwight's office, as well as anything else you feel is necessary," ordered Charlie. He turned to Dwight. "Do what you need to do; just make sure this guy stays far away, okay?" Dwight nodded, looking like he was already forming a plan in his mind.

Kurt was shocked at the direction of action this had taken. "Look, that really isn't necessary. It's been months since Karofsky was last spotted. I don't think that this is really an issue anymore-" he was cut off by Wes.

"It's not just your safety we're worried about though. You heard Han though! He could have been with Carmel during all of this. We don't know what they could've been planning."

Kurt acquiesced, knowing they were right. Karofsky being off the radar for a while was both good and bad. Good for Kurt's personal safety, but for both agencies on the whole, it was just unsettling.

Charlie checked his watch, suppressing a yawn when he saw that they were just coming up on 11 AM. "Han, run a few more scans before you turn in," he directed, nodding at the speaker. "The rest of you, I suggest you try and sleep before we take the night shifts." The others nodded standing up and packing their stuff. "5:30, Kurt. It might take some getting used to, but you'll be fine. Blaine will show you to your room. Feel free to familiarize yourself with the rest of the agency." Kurt nodded, rising as well and making his way for the door, waiting for Blaine.

As the rest of the conspirators, as Reed called them, walked out the door, they each offered a warm handshake and a smile, saying that it was nice meeting him and how glad they were to have him on the team. The twins had turned to each other after they talked to him, asking if that meant they had finally collected all of the characters. Kurt shook his head at their antics, laughing a little.

Blaine walked out ahead of him, glancing over his shoulder and waiting for him. Charlie was the last to leave, shaking Kurt's hand as he declared, "Welcome to the Dalton Agency."

(*) I know that in canon Han likes for him and his computers to stay far away from Dwight. However, for this, a few liberties had to be taken, for the sake of actually making sense. Sorry.

(**) For the sake of any plot this story might have. I probably won't continue it, but on the off chance that I do….