William Shakespeare once wrote: And since you know you cannot see yourself, so well as by reflection, I, your glass, will modestly discover to yourself, that of yourself which you yet know not of.

Story of my life…

Or my afterlife, that is.

You know what? I should've known it would happen. Well, not exactly like it happened, but still…

Just like what that woman said earlier. The moment I saw Welcome to Mystic Falls sign, the moment I met Damon, I was on the stage with the rest of them and already dancing with the death.

And what I turned into, after I died…it wasn't me. Not at all. It was just a reflection of who I had been in the past, and perhaps like Damon would state later on, a reminder of what he had lost.

Who he had lost.

But it's okay. I think in some part of every person's life, dead or alive, there's this one moment, when they look into the mirror and wonder who stares at them back. The moment when they can't recognize the figure. The moment when they are unable to recognize themselves.

You probably don't know what I'm talking about. It's alright. Someday you will.

Now to think of it, maybe it's the reason why I had always found mirrors so magical. Maybe somehow, I knew the real me would be trapped behind it in my mind, and the person who stands in the wrong side of the mirror-

She wouldn't be me at all.

And maybe, from the beginning, I had been asking the wrong question. Looking from the wrong point of view. Living the wrong life.

Being the wrong person.

Mirror, mirror on the wall, who is the cruelest of them all?