A/N- Hey guys, Chiconmayarox here. I changed my name.

I've decided what I'm going to do with this story. I'm re writing the whole thing under pretty much the same pretense. I'll keep this version on here as well and keep adding to it, but I'm also going to make a gigantic one-shot collection. Random shit. I'll call the story "Hook Up: Moments in time".

Anyways, I'm so sorry that I haven't updated in over a year. I've had a lot on my plate. As some of you know, my mother is anorexic and a recovering bulimic. In the past year, I've almost lost her many times. She's still dangerously thin, but at least she's eating, and she hasn't purged in over 15 weeks. My father is holed up in bed, and has been for 9 months. He was rear ended about two years ago, and his back has gotten progressively worse. Right now, it pains me to see him like this. He can't get up, and my mum and I have to help him even get to the bathroom. My sister, who is the only person that's going through all of this with me, left for her first year of college in august, and so I don't get to talk to her much. She's my best friend. Becka and I almost never fight and we've always been very close. Now I've pretty much lost her, and there's nothing I can do about it. I've become the adult in my house at merely 14 years old. I've contemplated suicide more times than I can count on both my hands and feet, but I don't want to add to my family's problems. I've been through shit, but I'll get through it eventually.

Jane, I just want to say thank you for always being there. Whether you know it or not, you've saved me on multiple occasions. There have been times where I come to your house on the verge of tears, and you always make me feel better. Thank you so much. I love you like a sister.

Anyways, I don't own soul eater. On with the story!

Annabelle, Soul, Kami, and Spirit all walked into a large department store and to the baby's section.

"Alright, Maka wants red and green." Soul announced as he looked at the shopping list he and Maka had made.

"Colors aside, you need plenty of diapers, two cribs, two car seats, tons of bottles and blankets, and sheets, and clothes… you need a lot of stuff." Annabelle sighed.

"How about we start with the small things first?" Kami offered. She picked up three large packs of newborns' diapers and two packs of white burp rags and threw them into the cart.

"You don't know the genders yet, so let's go with unisexual clothing." Spirit walked over to the clothing section with Kami and the two started picking out clothing.

Soul gathered bottles, red and green blankets, sheets, and anything else he felt they may need.

They made their way to the cribs, and picked two mahogany cribs with matching changing stations and a couple small toy chests.

Once they had everything they needed, they headed to the registers and then home to set up the babies' room.

"The green crib should go against this wall," Soul pointed to one side of the room. "The red one should be over here."

The next day, Maka and patty were bored out of their minds as they sat in the infirmary for the 10th day straight.

"So, what names have you come up with for the girls?" Maka asked.

"Kiddo likes Bella, and I like Luna. We're not sure if that's what we're naming them yet, though." Patty turned slightly towards Maka. "I kind of want to name one Elizabeth, after Liz."

"That would be adorable. Soul and I each picked a guys' name and a girls' name. Mine were Kira and Damien, his were Ariadyne and Dominic." Maka smiled.

"I like Ariadyne and Damien the most." Patty groaned as she attempted to sit up.

Stein looked over to the two girls. "My first little girl will be Mariyah, and the boy will be Sebastian." He cranked the screw in his head.

"You already know?" Patty cocked her head.

"Yeah, my girlfriend and I were talking about it the other day." Stein went back to his computer.

"Girlfriend? Did you finally ask Marie out?" Maka giggled.

"That is none of your business, Albarn." Stein scolded.

"Riiiight. So you and Marie are official? Good. I was kind of hoping, because whomever you marry would be my children's' godmother. I like Marie. She suits you." Maka smiled.

"Maka Rima Albarn, my love-life is none of your business." Stein snapped.

"Actually, it kind of is. Whomever you marry will be her godmother, just like her twins." Marie laughed wholeheartedly from the doorway. "You forgot your lunch at home. Again." She threw a paper bag to him and sat on the edge of Stein's desk.

"So, how long have you two been going out?" Patty asked excitedly.

"Since I first got here. Things tend to happen when you're stuck in a house together." Marie smiled.

"You don't have to tell us twice." Maka scoffed.

"Why haven't you told anyone?" Patty adjusted herself in the bed.

"Imagine what the kids at this school would do if they heard that two of their teachers were going out." Stein groaned.

"What teachers?" Black*Star asked as he strolled in casually with an unconscious boy over his shoulder.

"None of your-" Stein started, and was cut off by Marie.

"Franken and I have been together for almost eight months." She smirked at her boyfriend.

"Maka, could you take this one?" Stein face palmed.

"Sure. Follow me, Black*Star, and tell me how and why you knocked this one out." Maka got up and led Black*Star to another bed.

He dropped the boy on the mattress. "He was hitting on my goddess. What was I supposed to do? I only threw him across the training gym into the padded wall."

"This is the fourth kid this week. What did he say to Tsubaki?" Maka sighed.

"He didn't say anything wrong! He asked me a question! He's a first year EAT student, and I'm his student teacher." Tsubaki barged in and smacked her boyfriend into a concrete wall.

"How the hell was I supposed to know?" Black*Star rubbed his head.

"Guys…"Maka mumbled.

"Spartoi helps teach that class. He's your student too." Tsubaki narrowed her eyes.

"Guys." Maka said nervously.

"I don't care if he's my student. He was practically undressing you with his eyes!" Black*Star yelled.

"GUYS!" Maka yelled frantically. The two turned towards her. "I think my water just broke." She panicked.

The couple looked at each other and simultaneously yelled "Stein!"

He came running to them with Marie in tow. "What? What happened?" He looked down to see a puddle under a hyperventilating Maka. "Black*Star, carry her back to her bed very carefully. Tsubaki, call Soul and their parents. Patty, get Kidd and Liz here. Marie, get Nygus and Kim. Maka, look at me. You're going to be okay. Soul will be here soon." Stein commanded.

Tsubaki took the mirror and called the class that Soul, Spirit, and Kami were currently in.

"Soul, come to the infirmary right now. Spirit, Kami, you guys too. Ox, watch the class." Tsubaki smiled as the three dashed out of the classroom. She looked around the room. "Ox, is Kim there? We need her, too."

"Kim's teaching in the training gym." He reported.

"Alright. Bye." She hung up just as Soul, Spirit, and Kami ran in.

"Maka, Angel, are you okay?" Soul raced to her side.

"I'm fine, just scared." She took his hand and squeezed it. "Call Annabelle."

"Alright." Soul walked into the hall and took a few deep breaths before dialing his mother's number.

Kidd walked up to the infirmary with Kim, Liz, and Nygus. Soul motioned for them to go inside.

"Maka, baby, it's all going to be fine. You're going to be a mommy soon." Kami sat on the edge of the bed and patted her daughter's leg.

"Maka, we're going to do this as quickly and painlessly as possible. You need to tell me right now if you want to do this naturally, or if you want the drugs." Stein asked as calmly as possible.

"Give me the drugs." Maka cringed as a contraction took her.

"Alright. It'll still hurt." Stein warned.

"Give me the fucking drugs!" Maka yelled. Soul burst in and took his place next to her.

"Shhh, calm down Baby. It's going to be okay." He took her hand and kissed her knuckles.

"I will not fucking calm down, I'm about to push two watermelon sized kids out of my fucking vagina. You try to imagine that. Would you be calm?" She screeched. "Oh god, Soul, it hurts." She started breathing deeply and crushed Soul's hand.

"Kim, does that spell speed up delivery as well?" Stein asked.

"I'd assume so." Kim walked to Maka's side. "I'm going to have to lift her hospital gown now, so everyone but Soul and the doctors need to leave." She glared when the people in the room hesitated.

"Everyone out! You can come back in when all is done." Stein yelled. They all shuffled out.

"Okay, what I'm doing right now, is just taking a little bit of your pain away." Kim waved her hands over Maka's lower abdomen, and the blond girl noticeably relaxed.

"Marie, keep the black blood at bay while we do this. Nygus, go get all the necessary supplies." Stein ordered. He lifted Maka's feet into stirrups.

"Way ahead of you." Nygus wheeled a cart over to Stein and readied some blankets and a tub of water.

"Maka, you're already dilated, so I need you to start pushing when your next contraction comes. Okay, one, two, three, push!" Stein fit his hand into Maka to help guide the first baby out.

"Alright, Angel, you're doing great. Keep going, Love." Soul cooed.

"This is all your fault, Solomon Evans!" She yelled at Soul as she pushed. "ALL YOUR FUCKING FAULT, ASSHOLE!"

Out in the hall, eight people cringed as they heard Maka yell. Annabelle, who had just arrived, laughed at her son's expense.

"Oh god, my baby girl is in there in so much pain… I can't stand it. I'm going to die…" Spirit rambled and rocked in the fetal position with his thumb in his mouth. Everyone ignored him.

In the infirmary, Maka panted in agony.

"You're doing well, Maka, but you have to push harder than that. I know you can do it." Stein ordered.

Maka yelled and crushed Soul's hand as she pushed again.

"I can see the head. You're doing great." Stein coaxed the head farther out. "One more big push, okay?" he asked.

"Come on Maka. Three, two, one, push!" Soul encouraged.

Maka's yell was even louder this time, but it was drowned out by a high pitched whine.

"It's a girl, Maka. Congratulation."

"Oh my god, I have a daughter!" Soul squealed like a little girl. Maka started to relax.

"Maka, I'm sorry, but there's no time to rest. The other baby wants out now." Nygus took the baby girl and washed her off before wrapping her in a pink blanket and putting a little pink hat with a bow on her.

"Okay Maka, you can see her once this one is out." Stein said. "Push!"

Maka groaned and pushed as hard as she could.

"Alright, it's crowning. Come on, one more." She pushed.

"Oh god, Soul! It hurts so badly!" Maka yelled.

"You're almost there. Come on Maka." Soul coaxed her.

More whining joined the little girl.

"Congratulations. You are the proud parents of a baby girl and a baby boy." Stein handed Maka her daughter. Nygus washed and wrapped the baby boy and handed him to Soul.

"What do you want to name them?" Soul asked as he smiled at his son.

"You pick his name, I'll pick hers. I think she should be Ariadyne Mariyah Evans." Maka yawned.

"That's beautiful. How about Damien Ghost Evans?" Soul asked. He sat next to Maka.

"Perfect. Aria and Damien." Maka looked fondly at her baby girl. "Hey Ari. Happy birthday Sweetie."

"Maka, I'm sorry to interrupt, but can I let the others in?" Marie put her hand on Maka's shoulder. She nodded.

"Happy birthday Damien. Welcome to the family." Soul watched as Damien opened his little eyes. "Maka look! He has your eyes."

Damien blinked and looked up at his father.

"Hey little one. How are you?" Soul tickled Damien's belly.

"Hey guys. How are you feeling Maka?" Kidd walked over and looked at the little bundles in their arms.

"Tired. I'm very tired." Maka sighed.

Everyone else filed into the room and watched the couple fawn over their children.

"What are you naming them?" Kami asked.

"This," Soul looked up and smiled, "is Damien Ghost Evans."

"And this sleepy little girl is Ariadyne Mariyah Evans." Maka adjusted Ari in her arms, waking the little baby. Ari blinked and yawned.

"Soul, look at her eyes!" Maka laughed. Everyone looked over and gasped.

"She got both of our eyes!" Soul laughed. Aria just looked blankly at her father.

"Yes, it's called complete heterochromia. Each eye is a complete different color. It's a beautiful mutation. It was probably caused by the black blood." Stein wrapped his arm around Marie's waist. She leaned into him and kissed him lightly. "What do you say? Do you want one of those?" he asked.

"I don't want any children until I'm married." Marie shook her head.

"That can be arranged." Stein smiled a rare and true grin that lit up his whole face.

"Hey, today is Soul and Maka's day. No proposing until tomorrow." Black*Star scolded.

"Can I hold one of them?" Tsubaki asked. Soul handed Damien to her.

Spirit slipped his arm around Kami.

"Maka, you can go home tomorrow. I trust everything is all set up for the little ones?" Stein asked. Soul nodded.

"Maka, can I hold Ariadyne?" Kami asked. Maka nodded and handed her over.

"I love you, Maka. You did so well." Soul kissed his fiancé.

"No, we did well." Maka snuggled up against him and fell asleep almost instantly.

The next day, Maka and Soul packed everything up to go home and Soul wheeled Maka awkwardly to the class that Stein and Spirit taught together, and where all of spartoi was, favoring the hand Maka had broken the day before. He knocked on the door before opening it. He pushed Maka in her wheelchair with both babies in her arms.

Everyone turned silent as they watched the new teenage parents enter the room. Maka smiled tiredly at the class.

"Kidd, can we borrow your car?" Soul broke the silence. "We didn't exactly have time to buy one."

"Maka, Darling, Why didn't you just ask Mama and Papa to drive you?" Spirit broke down into sobs.

Kami chopped him and walked over to Maka's wheelchair. She smiled at her daughter and took Damien.

"Hey little Damien. How are you doing?" She cooed. Damien giggled.

"Alright, we all know some of you are just dying to see the little ones. Come on down." Stein sighed.

All of spartoi raced down. Black*Star and Liz beat them all. Maka hesitated before handing Aria to Black*star. His expression softened and he rocked her gently.

"Hey Aria, I'm your Uncle Black*Star, and this is your Auntie Tsubaki. Do you remember us from yesterday?" Aria grinned toothlessly. "Someday Auntie Tsubaki and I will give you little cousins to play with." Tsubaki turned bright red.

"Heya Squirt. Are you and your sister being adorable?" Liz ruffled Damien's soft tufts of white hair. He reached up and grabbed her finger in his chubby little hands and shoved it into his mouth.

Ox put his arm around Kim and kissed her cheek, while Harvar did the same with Jacqueline.

"Soul, what happened to your hand?" Liz asked.

"Maka has a very firm grip." He hung his head slightly.