I'm just going to say this before you start reading- when you get to Bella's paragraph where she is rambling, it is very funny if you read it in a Scottish or British voice. Read it like Amelia Pond (if you know who that is). Just a tip. It makes it more fun.

"Well, then, you know Clary that I am going to do everything in my power to help you find your mother."

Clary screamed in delight and jumped across the floor at Bella.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you!" she screamed. Bella laughed and rubbed Clary's back, not wanting to offend her by asking her to get off and stop squeezing the breath out of her.

"You know, Clary," Bella said, suddenly mature and chastising. "You really should have told me sooner. I really don't know what you were afraid of. Did you guys seriously doubt that I would say yes? I think that that was very unreasonable of you. How long have you been holding this back? Oh, dear. Very long, indeed, I suppose, isn't that right? Well, Clary. I'll say. The lack of confidence in me is kind of insulting. What kind of sister do you take me for, anyway? And furthermore, if you had told me soon, I could have helped sooner, silly."

Clary sat up straight, eyes wide.

Bella stopped. "Oh, that was a lot of talking, wasn't it?"

Clary laughed nervously and nodded.

Bella nudged her. "Well, it's true you know. You shouldn't have waited two weeks to tell me that you're all actually in a ton of danger. I could have done an awful lot. I still can do an awful lot. Clarissa Fray, I am going to get your mother back."

Clary's eyes gleamed like a small child on Christmas Day. "Bella, will you really?"

"Really, truly," assured the older sister. "Now, what to do next... I suppose we ought to go rally up the others and come up with a plan." She nudged Clary again. "You lot really should've told me earlier."

They got off of the floor and exited the bedroom. Alec was leaning against a wall, running his hand nervously through his hair. When he spotted the two sisters, he stood up straight. "So, Bells, I'm sorry to drop so much news on you all of the sudden. We wanted to let you get comfortable with your new identity first, you know?"

"Uh oh. You've just started something," Clary groaned.

"Alec Lightwood," Bella started out. "You really should have told me about Clary's mom sooner! We could have been out there looking for her and trying to strangle my detestable father a week ago! Instead you've let me sit around the Institute like there isn't a worry in the world! Keeping me in the dark like that was not only wrong, but rude. I had a right to know the real reason you all asked me out here, don't you think?"

"Bella, we didn't know you! We didn't know if you would run out on us at the first sign of danger. I know, I know... You'd never do that. But we had no way of knowing, and as soon as we thought of it and knew that we could trust you to stick around, we did. See? No harm, no foul."

Bella pursed her lips but did not argue. Clary was impressed.

"I see you've told the creature about your mother, Clary," Jace said, emerging from the shadows.

"She's not bad, Jace," Clary said wearily.

"And don't say she is because she's vampire," Alec added with a grin. Jace loosened up a little bit.

"So," Clary intercepted, tired of being talked about like she wasn't there. "What do we do know?"

If you guys read are Divergent fans, you should read my newest story. It's an alternate ending to Allegiant. I just posted the first chapter, and since I already have the whole thing written, it won't take as long as update. Thanks for you time. Don't forget to subscribe and comment!