"Did you pick up the food?" Patricia asked.

"Hello to you too." I held up a brown paper bag full of snacks and beverages. "Calm yourself. I've been here two seconds. And did you honestly think I would forget food?"

"Hi. Welcome to my house. Off areas to the right, kitchen and sitting area to the left. I'm dead serious. Don't go in my room," she snapped.

"You got it," I laughed. "I wouldn't dare."

"Can you please place that in the kitchen for me?"

"Sure. To the right?" I asked taking a step towards her room.

"Nina Marie Martin, I will hurt you."

"I thought we were friends!"

"Of course we are. That's why you brought the food. Please place it in the kitchen. I've got other things to do," Patricia sighed.

"You seriously need to sit down. I'm here now," I called, walking into the kitchen and placing everything down on the counter top. I removed the boxes and bags and laid them all out.

"I've just got a lot on my mind," she groaned, plopping down into a bar stool next to me. I turned the bag of chips, or crisps as she called them, towards her and she gladly took one and munched on it.

"Like what?" I asked, eating a chip.

"Promise you won't tell anyone?"

"Of course."

"I'm here!" Amber yelled, pushing the front door open. "Where are you?"

"Kitchen!" Patricia yelled. "Later," she mouthed. I nodded.

"Oh Nina's here already? Awesome!" Amber cheered, joining us around the countertop. "What are we chatting about?"

"How awesome this party is gonna be," Patricia lied.

"Well duh!" Amber laughed. "I mean it's for you and your successful career!"

"It's not a career yet. We have to wait and see."

"Oh please. It's totally gonna work out perfectly. You and Molly are going to hire so many people and make so much money."

"For once in my life, Amber," Patricia began. "this job isn't for the money. It's because I love it."

I smiled. "That's incredible, Patricia."

"It's been a long time since I actually enjoyed a job. I missed the feeling," she smiled. "But enough gushing about emotions, we've got a party to finish planning."

"To Patricia and Molly!" Willow, a friend of Molly, shouted.

"To Patricia and Molly!" the rest of chorused. We all tapped our colored plastic cups with each other and then took a large sip. I glanced around at all the smiling people and found myself smiling too. I took a sip of my drink and watched Amber and Alfie spin around to the music playing. I found myself swaying and chuckling to myself, almost like a mad woman.

Across the room, Patricia stared at me with wide eyes and creepy look on her face. Once she noticed she got my attention, she pointed towards the now abandoned sitting room. I nodded and followed after her.

"You called?" I joked while sitting down.

"I just need to make this quick before someone else comes in here."

"What is it?" I asked. I knew she could sense that I was worried.

"I'm moving to America," Patricia quickly blurted out.

We both sat there in silence while staring at each other. I didn't even know how to respond to that.

"Not for a few months though," she whispered after a while.

"America?" I asked, befuddled. "As in, my home land?"

"That's the one."

"What? Why?"

"I've talked to this guy, Eddie, and he lives in New York and works in the music industry."

"How'd you hear about him?"

"Molly's brother is his best friend."

"Have you met him?"

"Not in person. Like I said, he's in America. We have talked over webcam though."

"And this is your dream, right?"

"Yes. Nina, this job means the world to me."

"Then do it. Move to America."

"You think I should do it?"

"No," I replied. "I know you should. You're obviously very passionate about this."

She grinned and nodded. "Oh, I am. This job would mean the world to me."

"Then you should definitely do it."

"Thank you so much," Patricia gushed. Before I could reply, she wrapped her arms around me in a somewhat awkward fashion. I knew Patricia was never very fond of hugging, so I cherished these few seconds.

"Have you told anyone else?" I asked when she pulled away.

"No," she admitted. "How do you just tell someone that?"

"Exactly like how you just told me," I chuckled.

"But I knew you would accept it. Everyone else won't!"

"Yes, Patricia, they will. They're some of your best friends. They will understand how badly you want this."

"How'd you do it?"

"Do what, Patricia?" I asked. "I just graduated and then left."

"You had conversations with Amber for awhile though."

"It took me weeks just to gain enough courage to reply to one email. I highly doubt that constitutes as 'having a conversation'," I chuckled. "Just don't do what I did. Actually explain what you're going to do. They can't exactly hold you back from something you're this passionate about."

"Yeah?" she asked. I grinned and tried my hardest to comfort her. Her face was painted with the look of grief and stressed and occasionally I would notice that she was just scared.


"Can we all go in the sitting area?" Patricia suddenly called out. It was a few hours after we had talked and I noticed that she had been feeling a lot more confident. "I have some important news."

We nodded and all made our way towards the couches and chairs one room over and plopped down where there was space. I ended up sitting on the floor, leaning against a couch occupied by Amber, Alfie, and Jerome. All of our attention was on Patricia, who was standing in the very front on the room.

"I'm moving."

Oh gosh. I did a thing. Somewhat a filler chapter and somewhat a chapter chapter. That didn't make any sense but oh whale

Okay. I'm going hide now because apparently VERY good at it. Byeeee

Just kidding. Two last things.

Thanks to houseofanubisfan2 for basically reminding me that I once decided to create things for the internet and I should probably continue that 'job'.

Second, I am trying to update "Until You Came Along" soon. So if you read that thing, look out for that. {Now that I've said that, it will probably be months before I update. Whoops.}

I love you because you are all beautiful.