Disclaimer: Castle and all of its characters belong to Andrew W. Marlowe and ABC Productions. "I Don't Want This Night to End" belongs to Luke Bryan.

So, the idea for this AU is actually what was supposed to be the original beginning to "Rodeo"...SURPRISE, RODEO FANS! Woot! It's like a DVD extra :) This is also because I haven't written any smut in...good Lord, forever. So, I'm hoping that you guys enjoy this. You guys are the best, I love you guys!

Girl, I know I don't know you, but your pretty little eyes so blue

Are pulling me in, like the moon on your skin.

I'm so glad you trusted me to slide up on this dusty seat

And let your hair down, and get out of town.

Got the stars coming out over my hood, and I'll I know now is its going good.

You got your hands up, you're rockin' in my truck,

You got the radio on, you're singing every song.

I'm set on cruise control, I'm slowly losing hope of everything I've got,

You're lookin' so damned hot.

And I don't know what road we're on or where we been, from staring at you,

Girl, all I know is I don't want this night to end.

Kate Beckett stepped onto the dusty runway from the small airplane, and a grimace spread across her face. She had never really been one for...outdoors, so when the magazine had sent her to the Professional Bull Riding championship to interview the champion from the previous year, she had almost thrown up on the spot.

She glanced around the airport and headed towards the terminal to meet her driver. Kate hefted the bag onto her shoulder and stepped into the small terminal. There were almost no people in the tiny airport and she sighed, having a niggling feeling that she was about as far from civilization as she was ever going to get.

A quick survey of the loading zone in the front of the airport yielded nothing in the way of locating her driver, so she let out an agitated sigh and headed to the rinky dink bar in the far corner. As she approached, she noticed a man sitting at the far end, his black felt hat pulled tightly down over his eyes. His shoulders were hunched underneath the denim and sheepskin jacket, and he leaned over the glass of, what looked like, whiskey in front of him.

A light sprinkle of stubble coated his jaw as if he hadn't gotten around to shaving in a couple days, and his blue eyes were so dull that they almost looked grey. Kate shuffled over and settled onto the barstool next to him.

He shot her a covert glance, downed the rest of the glass in front of him and motioned for the baby faced bartender to bring him another.

"You don't look like you're from around here." He drawled, tilting his head to stare directly at her. He was handsome. There was no way around that fact. But there was something else about him, something...familiar, that had heat arrowing straight to her groin. Perhaps, she mused, it was the idea of a real, down home, rugged, man after having spent her life rubbing elbows with New York's feminised male population. Her eyes roamed the rest of him, taking in the tattered blue jeans that formed perfectly to show his...assets, and the scuffed, scarred cowboy boots.

"Is that something you picked up watching old John Wayne movies?" She retorted easily, a satsified smirk settling over her face at the sound of him chuckling.

"Well, now there's something you don't see everyday." He smiled, tipping his hat sarcastically. "A woman who's beautiful and funny. Usually you get one or the other. You are quite the limited edition aren't you Miss..." He drew out the end of his statement, waiting for him to supply her with a name.

"Beckett. I'm Kate Beckett." She extended her hand and he clasped it in his calloused grip, shaking it lightly, but not letting go of it, his thumb brushing across her pulse point in a delicious blend of friction and electricity.

"Rick Castle, pleased to meet you, Miss Beckett."

"You can call me, Kate." She replied, motioning for the bartender to bring her a beer.

"Damn, Kate, look at you. Woman that put me in line, drinking beer. I'm impressed." He gave her another devilish smirk and then turned his gaze into the bottom of his glass. "So, what brings you to my neck of the woods?" He asked nonchalantly.

"Business. I'm doing some interview work for the magazine I work for. What about you? What brings you to this fine little airport bar?"

"Are you kidding me? This is where I spend my Friday nights." He deadpanned. It was only when an award winning smile broke his face that she realized he was kidding. "I am actually here to pick up someone from some sports magazine as a favor to a friend." He held up a flimsy, carboard sign with the words '12th Precinct' scrawled messily in permanant marker on it.

"Well, I guess we're both in luck. I'm a reporter for the 12th, so I'm guessing that I'm the person you were supposed to be picking up." She replied, turning on the barstool so that their knees were brushing, a scorch of heat arrowing through both of them. Rick let out a low whistle and slid off his barstool, helping her to her feet as well, their chests close enough that she could feel the heat eminating from his body.

"I guess we better get going, huh? I don't want to hinder you from checking into your hotel," He leaned closer, his face centimeters from hers, and his warm breath washing over her, the faint scent of whiskey lingering in her nose.

"Yeah...you know how they're sticklers about check-in times." She stammered, trying to remember how to breathe properly. Rick dropped a few bills on the bar and led Kate out to the truck. They buckled quickly and Rick tore out of the parking garage, heading towards her hotel.

Gonna cuss the morning when it comes,

'Cause I know that the rising sun ain't no good for me,

'Cause you'll have to leave. Gonna make the most of every mile,

Do everything to make your smile land on my lips, get drunk on your kiss.

Clock on the dash says 3:35, there's plenty of gas, and the night's still alive.

You got your hands up, you're rockin' in my truck,

You got the radio on, you're singing every song.

I'm set on cruise control, I'm slowly losing hope of everything I've got,

You're lookin' so damned hot.

And I don't know what road we're on or where we been, from staring at you,

Girl, all I know is I don't want this night to end.

Kate barely had time to throw the door closed behind them before she was being pressed against the wall of her hotel room. Rick threw his hat haphazardly across the room and Kate immediately began running her fingers through his thick locks of chocolate silk hair. The kiss was deep and searing and more intense than anything Kate could remember experiencing. It made her knees go weak, and she thanked God that Rick had her pinned to the wall or she was certain she would have collapsed into a heap of limbs.

He peppered kisses down the curve of her jaw and into the hollow of her neck, his teeth biting the sensitive skin there hard enough to leave a mark that she was certain would be purple in the morning. A strangled gasp escaped her lips when his mouth attatched to her breast through the thin fabric of her shirt. Her hips bucked forward of their own volition, grinding against his prominent erection and dragging a moan from his chest.

Kate felt a steady throb beginning at the juncture of her thighs when he moved to slowly lift her shirt over her head. He placed soft, sensual kisses down the curve of her stomach, his tongue snaking out over the firmed skin. Rick wrapped his arms around her waist and walked blindly to the bed, his mouth reattaching itself to hers. His tongue swept through the caverns of her mouth, dueling playfully with her own as they battled for dominance.

Her back hit the comforter and she immediately arched into him, her hips rolling against his heatedly. Rick groaned her name as he palmed her breast, the thin fabric of her lace bra doing nothing to hide the hardened pebbles of her nipples. He growled and bit one of them roughly, shifting his jaw so that his teeth sawed lightly across her heated flesh.

Kate's nails drug viciously over his back, leaving tiny droplets of blood leaking to the surface in their wake. She knew that she was putty in his hands at that moment. She needed to retake control of the situation before she embarassed herself. She tore his shirt off, buttons skittering across the plush carpet of the overly expensive hotel room that the magazine had booked for her.

She flattened her palm against his chest before slipping it down and cupping him through his jeans. Rick's jaw dropped open and he let his forehead fall to the crook of her neck, his breathing stuttered and disconnected. Kate took advantage of his state of mind and flipped their positions, grabbing his hands and pinning them above his head so high that his knuckles brushed the head of the bed.

His blue eyes were electrified and confused as he watched her, his eyelids heavy. He pressed his hips forward subconciously when she drug his zipper down and slid his jeans off his legs. She smirked to herself when she found nothing else seperating her from her prize.

"I figured you to be the commando sort, Castle." She growled, nipping the skin around his manhood playfully, avoiding where he wanted her the most. His erection twitched in anticipation.

"God, woman, you're a dirty tease." He snarled, thrusting against her hands that pinned him to the bed. She gave a throaty chuckle before taking him fully into her mouth, his tip twitching against the back of her throat and a gasp tumbling out of him. He fisted his hands into her hair and pushed himself further into her mouth. Kate smirked around him and flattened her tongue on the underside of his shaft, running her lips up and down him until he was writhing and thrusting with abandon into her. She let her thumb brush over the sensitive skin behind the back of his balls and felt them jump in response. Her own desire had grown to a level that she hadn't been before.

She released him from her mouth with an illicit pop and crawled up his body, shedding her own pants and panties as she did so, and laying against him, skin on skin. She let them both revel in the feeling before placing a kiss to his mouth, her tongue tasting salty and had the tang of himself on it, which only served to make him even harder. She moved higher until she was straddling his hips and sunk onto him, taking in every inch of his manhood into her. She felt him stretching every inch of her, completely filling her like she'd never experienced.

She gave herself a moment to adjust before thrusting against him, leaning down until her mouth was even with his ear. Her tongue flicked along his ear lobe, drawing a surprised squeak from him. She knew that neither of them would last very long, having already been pushed to their breaking point, so she quickened her thrusts and began clenching around him, milking his orgasm to the surface. Rick's stomach muscles convulsed as his eyes went hazy and he threw his head back against the pillow before exploding within her. Kate tumbled after him, collapsing onto his chest after thrusting through the aftershocks.

Rick waited for his breathing to level out before he slipped out of her and rolling onto his side, holding Kate tightly against him. She looked up into his face, concerned about the distant look in his eyes, but confused by the conflicted smile he wore.

"You okay?" She whispered, almost afraid that if she spoke too loudly it would spook him and he would run.

"Never better." He smiled and placed a kiss to her forehead.

"Do...do you need to go?" She asked quietly, averting her gaze and preparing for him to run. She'd been part of enough dirty one night stands to know how things worked. What she wasn't prepared for was him shaking his head and tucking her into his chest.

Kate opened her mouth to say something, but couldn't seem to find the words. She contemplated what she was going to say for what seemed like an eternity before looking up at him. She almost had to laugh when she found him snoring softly, his face buried in the pillow and his mouth slightly agape. Kate settled into his embrace, feeling oddly comfortable with a man that she'd just met, and let sleep overtake her. She would worry about work and the interviews that she had to conduct in the morning. That night, she intended to just live.

You got your hands up, you're rockin' in my truck,

You got the radio on, you're singing every song.

I'm set on cruise control, I'm slowly losing hope of everything I've got,

You're lookin' so damned hot.

And I don't know what road we're on or where we been, from staring at you,

Girl, all I know is I don't want this night to end.

Sooooo...thoughts? Drop me a review and let me know, guys!

Much love, J. Rook