Me- Hi Guys and girls. I'm back with part 2 of my 3 book series.
Cynder- That was fast.
Spyro- Yeah.
Me- I had part of this typed before I finished the first story. Now disclaimer.
Cynder- Cynderfan does not own any Spyro characters. He only owns his OC's.
Steele strife belongs to Dark Killer
Dean Huey belongs to Captprice117youtube.
Me- And Randomreviewer. I'm not and Idiot. I know what a bayonet is. And most are detachable from weapons.
Location- Human realms
Date- 19th February 1945.
World war 2 still rages across Europe and the Pacific. In 1943, it was discovered that certain humans in the armies of the allies had the ability to control the elements. The soldiers were immediately sent to Washington DC where they underwent rigorous testing. In early 1944 the US government formed a secret unit called the AEC (Allied elemental company) and were dispatched to Europe on sabotage missions.
After some success they were returned to Britain for a rest. However, rumors began to leak out of Germany about a secret facility hidden somewhere near the town of Sottevast. This facility, was said to contain weapons of untold destruction.
Immediately after the first rumors came out the Soviets began a massive push towards the town. The western allies, fearing what the soviets would do with the weapons deployed the AEC to destroy the facility and capture what weapons they could...
A small scout plane flew over German territory. Inside were three passengers. Lt Steele Strife, sat at the front. He was from the british 8th army. He carefully slid the bolt on his prized MP-44, it slid smoothly. Aside from the assault rifle he had a luger strapped to his right hip and a sheath with a medium length sword on his right.
The second man. Pvt Dean 'Huey' Woods, had been drafted into the unit from the 101st airborne. He carried a Thompson SMG and a M1 Garand automatic rifle.
The third man, was an Australian. He came from the 7 AIF devision. (AIF stands for Australian Imperial force.) He carried a Lee Enfeild rifle and a Owen SMG. His name was Cpl Shane Cook. He was eyeing the sword on Strife's waist.
"Why the hell did ya bring that along?" He asked in his Australian accent. The lieutenant looked up at him and responded in an equally Australian accent, in spite of the fact he was British.
"Caus' its useful. Why'ed you bring that Owen. That piece of garbage couldn't kill a fly."
"Yeah" Said Cook in a testy voice. "You need to get rid of that Nazi junk and get yourself a real weapon." He gestured to the rifle on his back.
Before Strife could respond the pilot looked back at them. "Were nearing Sottevast." Said the pilot. "Stand to the door." The three passengers stood up and walked to the door. "Go Go Go." Said the pilot. Steele stepped out the door and began his plummet to the ground. A few hundred meters from the ground he yanked the parachute cord and a black canopy opened above him. nearby he caught sight of Cooks army green chute and Huey's grey one.
He hit he ground and rolled to dissipate the impact. In a swift movement he drew his sword and severed the parachute cords. He heard the others land nearby and quickly moved to help them out of their jump gear. Once they were all cocked and locked they gathered in a small circle. Strife clicked his fingers quietly and a small black flame appeared.
"That never get old." Said Cook with a small smile. Strife ignored him.
"Now then this is the facility." He drew a small rectangle on the ground. Its quite heavily defended by machine gun pillboxes." He drew 4 small squares on either side of the facility.
"The only way in is through the front gate. There is a check point and a machine gun but little more. Once were in we cross this airstrip here." He drew a long rectangle. "Lay the explosives and get out."
"Any armor?" asked Huey.
"Recon indicates at least one tank and maybe an armored car but other than that no." Said Strife. "You all know the plan. Lets move." he whispered.
The three men crouched low and dragged themselves through the bushes. The arrived at the edge of the cleared area around the facility in no time. Strife nodded to the others and, using his shadow ability slipped into the darkness.
There were two sentries at the gate. (Italics is German) "I don't know why we are out here." Said one guard to the other. "There is now way the allies could attack this facility."
"Ja" Said the other. "But..." His voice stopped.
"Hans?" Asked the first guard raising his rifle. "Hans?" He stepped into the darkness just outside the light provided by the checkpoint. "Ha..." There was a muffled shout and the sound of a knife being driven into flesh.
Strife materialized and let the second body fall next to the body of the first guard. He gave a low whistle and his comrades moved up to join him.
They quickly moved past the checkpoint and onto the airstrip. They had only taken a few steps when a low metallic rumble filled their ears. Then there was a screech and two lights appeared at the end of the runway.
"TIGER TANK" Said Cook in the loudest whisper he could manage. "COVER." They all dove off the runway and took cover in a small ditch at its edge. The ground began to shake slightly as the massive tank came closer and closer. It rolled by so close that they could hear the commander giving orders to the crew inside.
The rumble of its engine began to fade away as it neared the end of the field. "Lets go." Said Huey breaking into a sprint across the runway. The others followed. Strife scanned the runway. He noticed a modified Junkers 88 sitting in a hanger and made a mental note of its location.
They sprinted off the runway and into the building on the far side. Strife peeked inside. "Clear." He whispered and opened the door. The three of them filed inside and closed the door behind them. Strife pulled his MP-44 off his back and scanned the large entrance room. There was a stair well right in front of them that lead up to some kind of observation platform.
Strife set off at a brisk walk up the stairs with the others right behind him. When he reached the top he stopped and pressed his back to the wall. The others did the same.
He peeked around the corner. Their was a single door with a sentry standing guard outside. "Throwing knife." He said to Cook, reaching back. Cook pulled a small knife from his pocket and handed it to Strife.
Strife looked back down the corridor. He had one chance. he aimed his throw just below the guards helmet and threw. The knife whistled through the air and embedded itself in the mans neck. The guard stiffened as blood began to pour from his mouth before slumping back against the door.
Strife quickly walked over and retrieved the knife. The others followed. He handed the knife to Cook who cleaned it on the dead germans sleeve before returning it to his pocket.
Strife looked at Huey. "Huey. Find the the munitions room and plant the explosives." Huey nodded and headed off down the corridor to find the ammo room. Strife peered through the double doors. There were two guards standing behind the door and an officer standing at a control panel.
Strife nodded to Cook who positioned himself in front of the doors. Strife counted down on his fingers. 3, 2, 1.
Cook gave the doors an almighty kick throwing them both wide open. There were two snaps as both guards were thrown against the wall. One's neck broke while the others spine shattered. The officer spun around reaching for a Luger but Strife was already on top of him.
He knocked the luger out of the officers hand and threw him against the wall. He seized the fallen luger and pointed it at the officer. "One move and you die." he growled. The officer didn't move.
"Cook. Tie this guy up and gag him so he can't raise the alarm." Cook nodded and produced a rope from his pack. He proceeded to then tie the officers arms behind his back and inserted a handkerchief into his mouth.
At that moment, Huey arrived, Out of breath and panting. "You would not believe how many guards there are down there."
"Did you plant enough explosives to blow this place?" Asked Strife.
"Are you kidding?" Asked Huey with a chuckle. "Theres so many explosives in this place that a simple hand grenade would have blown it clean out of the solar system."
"I'll take that as a yes." Said Strife. "Guard this prisoner." He gestured to the officer.
"Where are we off to now sir?" Asked Cook from the corner.
"The airstrip." Said Strife. "I saw a plane that could get us outta here."
"Lets move." Said Cook to the prisoner who began to walk forward with them. They quickly exited the building the way they had come in and made their way to hanger. The 88 was sitting on the runway waiting for them. Strife went first and opened the cargo bay door. Cook pushed the prisoner inside before clambering in himself.
Just before Huey could board the heard a familiar rumble. "The tank." Said Huey.
"You got any of those explosives left?" asked Strife with a hint of urgency.
"Sure." said Huey, handing him a small pipe bomb with a timer. "But i don't know what your going to do with it. The tanks armor is to thick."
"Go to the cockpit." Ordered Strife. "When you hear an explosion, start the engines." Huey nodded and disappeared into the plane.
Strife hid behind the tail of the plane as the tank passed by and then raced after it. He clambered up on it and wrenched open the hatch. He pressed the time bombers trigger and hurled it down the hole before slamming it shut again. There was a shout from inside and then the bomb exploded.
The tanks turret blew into the air and fell back on top of the burning wreck. There was another roar as the triple engines of the Junkers sprung to life and the plane began to taxi down the runway.
At that moment an alarm began to blare. Shouts began to erupt from all over the facility as German soldiers raced to get to the runway.
"Go, go, go." Shouted Strife as he leapt through the open cargo bay door. Huey gunned the engines and the plane began to pick up speed. Suddenly a small hole was blasted in the side of the plane. Strife glance out the cargo hatch. An armored car was racing alongside them, its 20mm cannon spitting shells at them.
Strife looked around for something he could use to destroy the car. He found the the 88 was full of crates of different sizes. He kicked the lid off one and could not believe his luck. Inside was a Panzershrek and several rockets. He loaded on into the launcher and aimed out the cargo bay door. He was about to fire when the plane jerked slightly.
He fired. The shot however was to low and instead of hitting the cars side armor it hit the cars forward wheels. The result however was spectacular. The car jerked to the right and skidded into the ditch at the side of the runway. It then rolled over and exploded.
Strife smiled as the plane left the ground and took off into the dawn skies. The moment the cleared the runway there was an enormous explosion. A fireball erupted into the sky as behind them, the facility went up in smoke.
"Sir, we have a problem." Called Huey from the front. Strife immediately began to make his way to the front of the plane.
"What is it?" he asked Huey.
Huey gestured down at the fuel gauge. Strife looked at it too. It showed the tank as half full but the needle was slowly lowering. "I think we got hit." Said Huey. "Also were flying blind." He gestured out the cockpit window. Think morning fog filled the sky bringing visibility down to near zero.
"Keep flying west." said Strife. "I'm gonna go dump some cargo to lighten the load."
Strife walked back down the planes cargo hold, looking for things he could dump. He opened a few crate out of curiosity. They contained MP-40s and KAR 98K rifles as well as ammunition. He decided to keep them. He opened up a larger crate and looked inside. It contained a machine of some sort.
"Useless." He thought and reached for a parachute. He tied the parachute to a hook on top of the crate and pulled the rip cord. The parachute flew open and dragged the crate out the door.
"SIR GET UP HERE QUICK." Shouted Huey. He ran back up the fuselage and into the cockpit. Cook and the german prisoner were already there. "What is it?" he asked.
Cook gestured below. Strife looked down and his eyes widened. Below them was the most enormous city that any of them had ever seen. It had a huge medieval wall surrounding it and stretched from one horizon to the other.
"Where the hell are we?" Said Cook to himself.
They all continued to admire the city below them as they flew when they heard a sputtering noise. They all looked up. The right engine was beginning to fail. Strife looked at the fuel gauge. It was on E.
"This is not good." He said.
A few hours earlier
Dragon realms
Most of the dragon city of Warfang was asleep as it was still a few hours before dawn. But Cynder was awake. She lay on her large bed next to her long time friend and soon to be mate, Spyro.
She looked over at him, his chest slowly rising and falling as he breathed, and thought back to the wonderful moment when he had announced his love for her.
Cynder sat on a small wall near a fountain with her human friends. The humans were, for the 103rd time, (She had kept careful count) telling the story of how they and Spyro and Cynder had defeated Malefore to a large group of hatchlings and other citizens of the city.
Cynder wondered where Spyro was. He didn't usually miss this sort of thing. She had figured he must be running an errand for the guardians. He sometimes had to do that sort of thing. He was after all the purple dragon of legend. She turned her attention back to the story. Taylor was nearing the end. She always liked that bit.
"But some say his servant Siv still lives and that one day she will return." He said in a low whisper. Everyone leaned in close. "for REVENGE." He shouted the last word and threw both his hands in the air.
Many of the hatchlings squeaked and jumped back. The crowd behind them erupted into raucous laughter. Cynder found herself laughing along with them. She turned her head slightly and noticed Spyro coming up a side street towards the fountain. She smiled and raised a wing in greeting.
He did the same and came closer. As he did Cynder noticed a small group of girls following him. Ever since they had arrived back in Warfang the female dragons were obsessed with him. They stalked him everywhere he went but were to shy to so much as squeak when he looked at them.
She glared at them in disgust. Although she knew that Spyro only had eyes for her it disgusted her that others were trying to take him away from her. Spyro arrived on stage and whispered something to Taylor. Taylor nodded and gestured for Cynder to come over, which she did.
When she arrived Spyro turned to the crowd. "I have an announcement to make." He said with a smile. Taylor began to fumble in one of his pockets while Spyro turned to face Cynder. "Cynder. I want you to know that you are the love of my life and that i want to spend every last hour of mine with you."
Spyro knelt in front of her while Taylor finished fumbling in his pocket and handed him a small black box.
"Cynder." said Spyro. "I would be most honored." He opened the box, revealing a golden ring with a small diamond set in it. "Will you marry me."
Cynder looked at the ring and then at Spyro. The a huge smile crept onto her face. "Yes." she said and wrapped her front legs around his neck and kissed him passionately.
The crowd snapped out of their stupors and applauded. Several females who had been watching Spyro with interest, turned tail and left.
"When do we Wed?" Asked Cynder.
"Two days." Said Spyro with a smile.
"Two days!" Said Cynder in Alarm. "There's no way we can be ready in two days. Its not possible."
"Actually it is." Said Taylor. "Spyro let us in on his plan a few days ago, so we talked to the guardians who helped us organize everything. All we're waiting on is Spyro's ceremonial armor and your wedding gown Cynder."
"Aww that sweet of you." Said Cynder. She walked up to the humans and gave them each a small kiss on the cheek.
"Aw, shucks." said Barlow as his face turned tomato red. Everyone laughed.
End Flashback
Cynder smiled at these memories as she fell asleep. A few hours later she was awoken by the sun shining in her eyes. She rolled over to escape the light and opened her eyes. The first thing she noticed was that Spyro was gone. He must have already left to organize things. She though.
Her thoughts were interrupted by a knock at the door. "Come in." She said. The door opened and in walked Taylor, followed by two moles carrying a large chest and another carrying two smaller boxes.
"Hello Taylor." Said Cynder.
"We brought your wedding dress." Said Taylor. The two moles carrying the larger crate deposited it in one corner of the room before bowing and leaving.
"Also, Volteer organized for you get a makeover for your special day." He gestured to the mole behind him. "He'll be giving you it."
"It is an honor." said the mole with a curt bow.
Cynder nodded. "Give Volteer my thanks." She said to Taylor. Taylor nodded.
"I'll leave you two now." He said backing out of the room and closing the door.
While Cynder ate the mole got to work. First he produced a cloth and sprayed it with some kind of liquid. "Scale cleaner." He explained. "It will cleanse the dirt and mud from your scales. Cynder nodded and allowed him to rub her down with the cloth.
Once he had finished he explained that he needed to wait for it to dry, so he would shine her talons. Cynder nodded again and stretched her front paws foreword. The mole produced a file from one of the crates he had brought and began to carefully sharpen her claws. Once had had sharpened all her claws he retreived a small bottle of shiner from the crate and carefully shined her claws.
When he had finished all her claws had a white shine that she never though she would see from her own claws.
By that time the scale cleaner had dried so the mole reached into the other crate and grabbed a cloth which he sprayed with another liquid from a bottle that read polish. He then began to rub her scales down again. When he had finished, Cynder's scales had a glossy glow to them.
Finally, he produced a small piece of sandpaper and began to shine her tail blade and wing blades. When he had finished Cynder could see her own reflection in her tail blade.
"Well thats that." Said the mole wiping his brow and holding up a mirror so Cynder could see herself. Cynder stared at the Mirror.
"Is that really me?" she asked.
"Certainly is." said the mole. "Its one of the finest results i've ever made, if i do say so myself."
"Thank you for you services Mr...err." She did not know the moles name.
"Molier." Said the Mole "And the pleasure was all mine."
The mole packed up his things. "Good day madam." He bowed again and left.
About a minute later Taylor walked back in. He was wearing a ceremonial suit of armor emblazoned with the insignia of Warfang. He looked as if he was attending a coronation rather than a wedding.
"Time to get you dressed Cynder." He said. With that he walked over to the crate and opened the lid. Cynder peered in. Inside was a pure white mass of cotton and silk.
"It's beautiful." she exclaimed.
"Its made from the best cotton and spider silk." Said Taylor. "Cyril designed it."
"Cyril?" she asked.
Taylor shrugged. "we didn't have much time so we went with the simplest design. Which happened to be Cyril's."
Taylor began to carefully remove the dress from the crate. Cynder stared at its intricate design. For being the simplest design it was certainly impressive.
"Okay lets get this on." Said Taylor. "You need to put your front legs here." He helped her put her front legs through two holes at the front of the dress and carefully tied the silk ribbon at the front. When he had finished her chest and body all the way to her hips was encased in cotton and silk.
Cynder took a moment to admire the dress. Intricate sewn in patterns lazily twisted their way from her chest all the way back to her wing joints. Between her wings was the beginning of her train. It was a short one, but long enough to cover up her entire tail and wide enough to conceal her hind legs.
"How do I look?" she asked Taylor.
"Beautiful." He responded. "But we're not finished yet." He reached back into the crate for something else.
"Where is.. Ah here it is." He pulled a veil out of the crate and placed it on Cynder's head. "Perfect."
Cynder shook her head and the veil fell down and covered her face. At that moment a mole arrive outside.
"Its time." He said.
"Lets go." Said Taylor.
10 minutes later
Spyro stood at an alter at the front of the great hall. Next to him stood flame as his best man and a little way away from him, the three humans in their Ceremonial armor. The three guardians stood behind the alter.
"Its crunch time." He thought and began to sweat slightly under his armor. Flame noticed this and nudged him with his tail blade. Spyro looked at him and Flame smiled. Spyro smiled back.
At that moment music began to play. Everyone in the large crowd that had been invited to watch the event stood and looked back at the double doors of the great hall. Slowly the opened to reveal Cynder. Spyro gasped
She looked more beautiful and amazing than he had ever imagined. She slowly walked up the isle and took her place beside Spyro. Ember who was her bridesmaid took her place next to her.
The music stopped and everyone sat. Terrador opened the ceremony.
"Greetings to all who have come on this wonderful occasion as we celebrate the union of this dragon and this dragoness in mate-ship."
Terrador turned to Spyro. "Do you have the rings." Taylor stepped forward and handed a ring to Cynder and Spyro. The each put the rings on each others paws.
Terrador continued. "Spyro the dragon. Do you take Cynder the dragoness to be your wedded mate. Do you promise to love and respect her and to protect her with your life."
"I do." Said Spyro.
"Cynder the dragoness. Do you take Spyro the dragon to be your lawfully wedded mate. Will you cherish him and love him as all mates should."
"I do." Said Cynder.
"Then by the power invested in me as a Guardian i here by declare this couple husband and wife. What the ancestors have brought together, let no one tear asunder." Terrador turned to Spyro and Cynder.
"Congratulations. You may kiss your bride."
Spyro lifted the veil from Cynder's face and took a moment to admire her beauty. He then leant forward and kissed her with all the passion he could muster. The audience burst in cheers and whistles.
Terrador spoke up again. "Let the feasting begin."
About half an hour and a few too many glasses of wine later.
Spyro raised his glass for what felt like the millionth time as someone gave a toast in his honor. He smiled and drank, draining the glass. Spyro felt slightly dizzy and he wasn't thinking straight. The air in the great hall was quite thick and stale. The wine didn't help either.
He looked over at Cynder. She was in a slightly better state but still looked a little tired. "Lets go out on the balcony." He said. She agreed and they wove their way through the crowd towards the balcony.
The fresh air felt great after the stuffy interior of the hall. It was a little quieter out here as well.
"Well. What do we do now that were married and all." Asked Spyro.
"I don't know." Said Cynder with a small frown.
"Does this help?" asked Spyro and pecked her on the cheek.
Cynder laughed playfully and was about to kiss him back when she stopped and cocked her head. "Do you hear that?" She asked.
"What?" Asked Spyro. Then heard it too. "It sound like a very big bee."
He looked towards the horizon. A small black dot was visible.
"What is that?" He asked Cynder and pointed a claw towards the dot, which was growing larger by the second.
With her enhanced eyesight Cynder was able to make out the glint of metal.
"Its metal." she exclaimed.
"Whats metal." came a voice behind them. They both turned to see Taylor standing behind them.
"Any idea what that is?" asked Cynder pointing at the ever growing dot.
Taylor peered closely and his eyes widened. "It can't be." He muttered. "Hey Schmitt come over here." Schmitt arrived a few seconds later and looked in the direction Taylor was pointing.
"Its a plane. A Junkers 88 I think." He said squinting hard.
Suddenly the low buzzing began to stutter. "I think their out of fuel." said Schmitt with slight alarm.
"What do we do!" asked Cynder.
"Tell Terrador to start getting people indoors when this thing crashes its gonna do one hell of a lot of damage." Said Taylor. "Also inform the nearest hospital to prepare for incoming causalities."
Spyro nodded and ran off to tell Terrador what was going on.
"What about us?" Asked Cynder.
"We need to get airborne." Said Taylor. That way we can be the first on the scene and stop any survivors from getting trigger happy."
Cynder nodded and trotted off beside the humans. She sighed. "So much for a perfect wedding day." She thought.
Me- So what do you think. I did my best with the wedding scene but seeing as i've never been to one i don't know exactly how it works so bare with me.
Spyro and Cynder- I love you. *passionate kiss.*
Me- Oh, get a room you two, anyway R&R.
Peidiwch byth รข rhoi'r gorau i ysgrifennu.
(I'll give you a virtual cookie if you can tell me what language this is)
Cynder fan Out.