I looked out the window of my bedroom. I saw my mother setting up for the Fourth of July party she threw every year. I saw Emmett pull up and before he even had a chance to stop I was running down the stairs. "Morning Bay." My dad said as I passed him. I met Emmett in a hug followed by a kiss. "I am so happy to see you." I signed to him after he let go of me.

"I was gone for three days." He signed back. He went to the lake with his father for the weekend. I don't think I have ever missed someone so much in my life.

"This is our last summer." I signed with a smile. In the fall we will be seniors and then off into the 'real' world. I was determined to make this summer the best summer ever and the only way that will happen is with Emmett right next to me.

"How many times do I have to tell you I am not leaving after graduation? You're stuck with me." He signed as he looked at me.

"I can only hope so." I signed before I pulled him along with me to my garage. I watched as he sat down in a big comfy red chair my mother had purchased during her last redecorating kick. It wasn't long before he pulled me down on his lap. He moved my hair out of my face and smiled. "What are you up to?" I asked as I looked at him.

"I am sorry. I am just so happy for us." He said as he placed his hand on my stomach and smiled at me. I am so happy that his speech as gotten better and that he is willing to talk to me like this. However, what has him so happy doesn't have me feeling the same way.

"Yes, let's all jump for joy because we are seventeen and having a baby." I said as I looked down at him.

"It was going to happen someday. We have to play with the cards god gave us." He said as he moved his hand.

"So, you're going to tell my dad about this blessing." I said with a frown.

"If you want me to." He said as he placed his hand on my face. "But it will mean more coming from you."

"Yeah till my dad decks you in the face." I said as I got up. I made sure he could see my lips.

"He doesn't scare me." He said as he watched me. We spent the whole day sitting in that garage. Just spending time together, falling more in love with each minute. We heard everyone outside as I cuddled up to Emmett in that chair again. I was so lucky to have this great guy. I knew it. "We are meant to be. Made perfectly for each other." He said as he looked at me. That's the last thing I remember. I woke up in a daze of darkness.

"Emmett. Emmett." I said as I tried to lift myself up. I couldn't see, but something pulled me back down. "Emmett." I called louder this time hoping someone else would hear me. Then I felt a hand touch my face. "He isn't here at the moment Bay." I heard the person say. I tried to place the voice.

"Regina?" I asked as I tried to think about what happened.

"Yeah, it's me. Kathryn and John just left." She said.

"What happened? Where am I? Where is Emmett?" I asked.

"Someone threw a firecracker into the garage. You're in the hospital. Emmett is down stairs with Daphne and Toby." I felt her hand move away from my face and garb my hand.

"I need to talk to Emmett." I said as I tried to move my hands again. "Get this crap off my hands. I can't sign if something is holding me back."

"I will try to talk to someone about it." She said. I heard her footsteps leave. She came back later with someone else. "Can't we do something about these chords?" She asked.

"Why?" I heard a female voice ask.

"Her sister and boyfriend are deaf. She needs to be able to sign." She said.

"We will figure something out." She said.

"Hear that Bay. They are going to figure something out." Regina said as she sat down beside me again and grabbed my hand.

"Regina, how am I supposed to continue my relationship with Emmett?" I asked.

"You're a strong willed girl and because you love him so much you will find a way. Right now you need to put that will into getting out of this hospital." She said.

"I wonder if this is how scared Daphne was when she realized she would never hear again." I said as I thought about the person I considered a sister. I thought back to the last time I saw her. She was in her pajamas when she busted into my room. She wanted to talk about how she thought she loved Wilke.

"Daphne was young. Too young to truly be scared." Regina said. "I am going to fight for you. Just as hard as I do for Daphne."

"Regina, was it hurt?" I asked. I hoped she knew by now what I was talking about.

"No, they seem to think that the baby is still healthy." She said.

"I bet Emmett is happy about that." I said.

"He was more worried about losing you." She said as I heard someone come in.

"Is she awake?" I heard my mother's voice.

"Mom?" I asked.

"Oh, Bay." She said as I heard her heels moving towards me. "Sweetie, we were so worried about you." She said as she took my other hand.

"Don't leave me. Either of you." I said as I squeezed their hands.

Emmett POV

I sat in the hospital lobby waiting for any news I could get. "I am sure everything will be fine." Daphne signed. I looked over at her. I could tell she was as worried as I was. I just remember seeing the light of out the corner of my eyes. Then there was fire. I remember carrying Bay to John but not much more till we got here. I just wanted her safe. I looked over at Toby asleep in the corner of the room. He was still sobering up. I felt Daphne hit me. "Don't blame yourself." She signed. That's the one thing I haven't had time for. However, I should blame myself I could convinced her to join the party.

"I can't believe no one has admitted to throwing it." I signed to her.

"I am glad at the moment. Right now you and John might kill them." She signed to me.

"Why shouldn't I hurt the bastard that did this?" I signed.

"Because it won't help Bay any." She signed as I saw my mother walk in. She looked down at my hand. My arm was wrapped up because of second degree burns. That was nothing compared to Bay.

"What happened?" She signed as she looked at me.

"Someone threw a firecracker in the garage. This is nothing." I signed as I looked down at my arm which was wrapped from my elbow to my wrist.

"What do you mean nothing? The hospital called me saying you were hurt that is something." She signed.

"Nothing compared to Bay." I signed. She backed off then. "We haven't heard anything yet. Kathryn, John, and Regina are up there with her." She just sat down next to me. We waited for hours before John came down. He pulled Daphne to the side for a while. When she came back I could tell that she had news.

"She has burns on her hands and legs." She signed first. I saw her face become painful.

"The baby?" I signed. I assumed that was what was wrong.

"Seems to be fine." She signed. "But, Bay might not regain her vision." She signed. I felt my head drop into my hands. How am I supposed to take care of her if she can't see my hands? I felt someone's hand on my shoulder. I expected it to be my mother, but she was on the other side of the room talking with John. It was Toby. I could tell he was having a hard time with the news.

"She is strong. She can deal with this." He said as he looked at me. I just nodded my head. I hoped he was right. I wanted to be up there with her. I wanted to hold her. Just so she knew I was still on her side. John didn't think now was a good time. I knew that no time was going to be a good time, but for the moment I would let the parents deal with her. I sat in that chair for three hours before John relocated us to the waiting room on her floor. I sat there for two more hours before he came back.

"She wants you." He said to me. I followed him to her room. "Sweetie, Emmett is here." He said as he looked at me before looking at her. I noticed the burns where worse than Daphne let on.

"Emmett." I saw her mouth form my name as she pulled at some chords trying to sign.

"Don't Bay." I said as I sat on the edge of her bed. "Don't hurt yourself. Just talk slow." I said as I placed my hand over hers.

"I love you." She said as I watched her.

"I know that. I love you, so you have to work on getting better so you can break out of here." I said as I felt tears forming. I hated to see her like this.

"Come closer." She said. I moved closer like she told me to. She raised her hand and wiped my eyes.

"Don't cry Emmett. We just have to play with the cards god gave us." She said as she moved her hand. I lost it when she said that. My words seemed so foreign to me now. I just looked at Regina. I know she could tell I needed to get out before Bay realized how upset I was.

"Bay, I think it is time to say goodbye." She said as she looked at me. "Daphne wants to see you."

"I love you." She mouthed as she pulled on my hand one last time.

"I love you, Bay." I said as I walked out of the room. I hit the ground outside of the door. I knew people would stare, but at that point I just cried. I saw my mother walking down the hallway for me. She just helped me up and walked with me down the hallway. I looked at Daphne as I passed her. I think she could tell I just needed out of there as fast as possible.