Pffft! only 2 reviews? (Thank you for reviewing two people! *praises*) C'mon people! I got the emails on favoriting my story! But barely any reviews? That crushes me...Deep..-_-

So anyway, AHHHH CHAPTER 2!

"Wow, you were actually able to get locked out of your own house." Sneered Britian with his snotty british accent.

"Shut up tea-bastard. Since you're the only one that can be reasonable, I need help breaking in."

"And you got locked out by France and America? Oh that's jolly good!" Britian laughed again.

"DAMN IT, SHUDDAP!" Romano hissed.

"Alright, alright. Let's not get our trousers in a knot now, should we?" England walked up to the front door and fiddled around in his pocket.

Romano had a question mark above his head.

"He's seriously not going to pick-lock it is he?" Romano asked the author.

"Just friggin wait in see! Damn you have a bad temper!" The author said. Even though the author also has a bad temper.

England pulled out an overload key ring.

"WHAT THE HELL?" Romano stomped up to the front door." What the hell are you doing with all those keys?"

England began poking each key into the lock. "No, not that one. No, not that one. No..."


"There we are!" England open the door. "Alright gentlemen, your party is over." England announced to the crowd sitting in front of the T.V.

"What? But we just started!" America complained.

France stood up half-drunk and put his arm around England. "Mon ami, be reasonable and don't end it, join it!"

"Yeah! Don't be a party-poop come along and join the group!" Italy said.

Every stared at Italy with a 'What the hell was that?' look.

"Ve?" Italy squeaked.

Everyone blinked twice.

"Anyway, I will not join your group of idiotic television shows." England said, heading for the plug.

"Noo England!" Italy tugged on Britian's shirt sleeve.

"Don't give me those puppy eyes..." Britian groaned.

"Think about how this sleepover is forming a friendship around us nation. There must be more peace and love in this little world. Draw a circle, that's the earth! And for a change, how about we don't judge a book by it's cover, but read it! Or, in this case, don't judge a T.V show...But watch it!" Italy gallantly spoke.

Poland wiped tears from his eyes. "Ohmahgaw, that was beautiful..."

Prussia was crying like a wimp(he was drunk). Antonio huggled Prussia, while France huggled the two of them telling Prussia to cry it all out.

America saluted to Italy's honor.

England blinked his eyes rapidly. "W-Well...I guess it wouldn't hurt to watch just ONE episode-"

Romano couldn't believe what was happening, "WHAT? Don't give in, England! Stand strong against these bastards!"

England ignored Romano's plee and sat down on the couch with his arms crossed. "You might as well please the enemy." England said.

Romano stamped his feet and stormed out the door. "FINE! Leave your ally! I can't believe I could EVER trust you!" Romano sneered.

Who else could he ask? Someone who has respect...


Romano got into his little italian sports car and drove to find Japan.

"U-Unicorns...Unicorns that preform magic...So cute..." England squeaked. He grabbed a pillow and cuddled it as he had his eyes glued to the screen. "Unicorns...I love them..."

As the first episode ended, America turned to face England.

"So, whaddya say, man? gonna join the bronies?" America asked.

"Join the bronies. Like, we have cookies!" Poland flipped his hair.

"And pasta!" added Italy.

"And alchohol!" Prussia chimed.

"And moi!" France said.

"W-Well..." England scratched his neck. He then looked at an unopen beer on the coffee table. He picked it up, and began to chug it down faster then a choo-choo train could think he could. England began to cackle and transform into an angel. "YES! I WILL JOIN YOU GITS! MY LITTLE PONY: FRIENDSHIP IS MAGIC RULES!" He then shot fireworks from his magic wand.

Everyone howled and cheered.

Short chapter is short. It's because I wanted to upload this, because I couldn't think of anymore ideas.

So, lol. England is a brony. Hmmm... I wonder how Japan is going to help poor Romano?

Tune into Chapter 3! :D