(A/N): Okay surprisingly it came down to a flat out tie! So this is what I'm going to do alternate endings! This is for the people who did want the threesome! At the end of the last chapter James realized he was alone so he thinks there's a ghost there… Okay! So now onto the story! I hope you like!

It was a reflex to let out the girliest scream possible when I felt a hand on my shoulder. I didn't want to see if there was something creepy there, so instead I scrunched my eyes closed and I definitely stiffened. "James, it's just me," The voice sounded as if it belonged to Kendall, but trust me I have seen enough scary movies to know the ghost does what it can to make your last living minutes as scary as possible. Even if this possibility includes impersonating a voice so I can look to see it's really a freak ghost with a very bad complection.

"You're not going to fool me!" I yelled, hoping the ghost would get the hint, but instead of the ghost trying harder I heard laughter.

"You scared Logan when you ran out like that. He's down stairs looking for you. Let me text to tell him you're up here. Oh and by the way, I'm not a ghost." Okay that was a little too convincing; it must be a Kendall and not a ghost.

"Sorry, and you scared me…" I informed finally looking into Kendall's emerald eyes. "Did Logan tell you anything other than the fact that I spazzed and ran out.

"Yah, way more than that! He was so freaked after you left he was rambling to me and Carlos. So are you going to tell me what when down in your head to make you leave Logan alone like that?"

"I got scared. What if things don't work out? So many things could go wrong! I mean like what if you guys decided that you don't like me? Or what if one of us stops liking only one of the other of us and then things will get all complicated and stuff, then there's the possibility that-" Damn I was rambling, and I couldn't stop, but luckily Kendall stopped me.

"James shut up! I understand you have worries, but all we can do is sit here and see what happens. Yes, there is more than a thousand things that could go wrong, but imagine all the things that could go right! We just have to have faith in each other and enjoy it while we have it. Eventually we might have to end it, but when that happens things will be where they're supposed too." I smiled at Kendall's leadshipness. I guess that's one reason why I like him; he can calm down anyone and can have them see a brighter day. Well… Jett being an exception.

We stood up there a little waiting for Logan, honestly I was expecting him to burst through the doors once Kendall got done talking, but I guess things weren't supposed to be cliché like that. As soon as I saw him I hugged him and told him I was sorry, of course he asked why and I told him that I was worried about how things could go, and how Kendall calmed me down. What he did next though was unexpected, he slapped the back of my head.

"What was that for!" I asked in a whiney voice. "it hurt… kinda" I said quiter in a mumble not really wanting Logan and Kendall to hear how weak I was.

"That was for worrying me, and freaking me out! I had Carlos jump in the pool and swim to the bottom to make sure you weren't there! I thought you changed your mind and didn't want to be around me, or Kendall anymore!"

He said, voice not fading at all. I felt my shoulders rise with the huge breathe I took in, and when I let it out it came out as a sigh. "I'm sorry, Logie. And I guess I need to tell Carlos sorry too…"

"No he had fun doing it. And he says he's happy for us. Oh and I suppose I can forgive you…" A smile was spread across my face by this point and I couldn't resist pulling in both, Kendall and Logan, into a hug.

"So are we together?" I asked, because honestly I haven't heard a complete, overall, definite yes. Asking that question alone earned me two kisses, one on each cheek. "So I take that as a yes?"

"Yes you bone head!" Kendall said laughing. Now that I don't have to worry about him hating me I realize his laugh is really cute. I really can't wait to live my life with the two of them by my side. And I know if something happens we'll find a way around together.

Shortest chapter, and ending chapter (4 the threesome). Crappy ending- I suck at endings and I was very distracted when I was typing this so it might be really bad. Well review and tell me what you think :) The non-threesome part will be up as soon as I'm done typing it.