Disclaimer: I don't own Durarara! (although I wish I did…)

Author's Note: I'm supposed to be working on other things, but I just had to do this, because I thought it seems cuteeee~ So, we'll just see! ;D




"Izaya, get off that damn phone..." Shizuo yelled from beside the brunette. He was lying face down in the flea's bed.

"iPhone. iiiiiiiiiiPhone! Not a 'phone'! IPHONEEEEE~!"

"Fine!" The blonde said, resting on his elbows, looking at Izaya. "Then get off the iPhone!"

"But look at my wallpaper!" Izaya beamed and flashed the torturing light over to Shizuo, who squinted his eyes. "It's us, making a heart with one hand, and with our other hand, we're threatening each other."

"I don't like it," Shizuo said and grabbed the phone from the now frowning boy. He sat up. "I might like this one better," He said, pulling Izaya close to him and holding the camera so that it could 'see' both of them. They were using the little camera in the front of the phone, so the button to take the picture could be easily pressed. Izaya wrapped his arms around the ex-bartender's neck, and Shizuo grabbed his shirt, pulling him forward and pressing his lips onto the brunette's.

He clicked the button and set the phone down beside him, continuing to kiss Izaya. Izaya eagerly pushed away and grabbed the phone. Shizuo rolled his eyes and lay back down, sighing heavily.

"It's now that picture!" Izaya said, then threw the phone onto the floor. He bent over and kissed Shizuo, throwing his jacket off.

"'Bout-fucking-time-" Shizuo said between kisses as he gripped Izaya's hips.

Suddenly, Izaya perked up and fell off of the bed. He scrambled over to the phone where Shizuo rolled his eyes and followed him to the floor, sitting behind him and wrapping his arm and legs lazily around Izaya.

"How'd I know that was going to happen, flea?" He whispered into his ear before nibbling on it.

"Because you know me," Izaya said while texting. Shizuo moved to his neck.

"Who are you texting now?" Shizuo mumbled softly then resumed (practically) sucking on the boy's neck.

"Shinra. He wants us to know that he's making a dinner party 'cause 'he and Celty' took it to the 'next level'!" Izaya said, and Shizuo stared at him. "His words, not mine."

"Soo... Coming back to bed?"

"Shizzy-chan, I have plenty more people left to text and call!" Shizuo got up and sat down angrily.

"At fucking two in the morning?"

Izaya looked at his clock at the top: 2:58. "It's actually-"

"Don't care," Shizuo said and threw the covers over his head. Izaya sighed and threw his phone down.

Izaya then climbed up onto the lump in the blankets and peeled them away, so he could see Shizuo's face.

"It'll all just have to wait until morning," Izaya said and went over to his side. The blonde faced him and they kissed, cuddling together before Shizuo fell asleep. Izaya sighed and closed his eyes, resting his head on the older boy's chest, his heartbeat giving him peace of mind.