Chapter 19: Sweets

The following morning, Haruka awoke to a set of warm, soft lips upon hers, immediately making her smile from ear to ear. Good morning love. she mumbled as she returned the kiss. Michiru smiled at her and sat down next to her, watching the blonde stretch out from underneath the covers. What are you doing up so early?

I couldn't sleep with all your snoring. Michiru snickered. But it is quite cute watching you sleep all day. she added as a quick afterthought.

Is that so? Haruka grinned, Well then, looks like we have some sleep to catch up on. She pulled her under the covers bringing her into a tight snuggle giving her a long desired passionate kiss.

An all too familiar voice came from the door frame, a woman jumping out and giving the racer a warm hug. I'd heard so many things about you, I thought that my best betting racer was dead!! I'm hurt that you'd think that, Raeyana. Haruka replied, grinning. Good to see you again too Michiru! Raeyana beamed, pulling her into the group hug as well.

We can't stay long, I just came back to get my old car. Raeyana smiled, I had a feeling that might happen, so I had some guys come in and check it out. Still running like the beauty she is. She led them to the back garage and pulled off the cover revealing her 1967 Toyota GT Convertible. (you have to know this car ... it's her yellow convertible!! ^_^) Michiru's jaw dropped, You _actually_ have one of these?! There were only 300 made and I hear that they are really hard to get!! Haruka chuckled and gave her love a quick peck on the cheek, I am aware of it's current status thank you. The aqua haired cop flushed a light shade of pink before Raeyana cut in, Alright, well you guys should get going soon. You know Haruka, it's such a shame that you're a girl ... She added, looking slightly disappointed. Though it does explain why you were so slick with the rest of the girls. Ever consider giving the other guys some pointers?

Haruka chuckled as she opened the car door for Michiru, Nah, can't have them using my techniques. The cop gave her a skeptical look, Techniques? You mean the keep-everyone-within-a-five-mile-radius-awake technique? You've totally got that one mastered. The blonde stuck her tongue out at her while Raeyana giggled; Michiru smirking happily. The two hugged each other tightly while Haruka complained, enforcing the fact that she had a lot more tricks up her sleeve. You're alright for a cop. Raeyana said as Michiru got into the car. You're not so bad yourself either. The aqua haired beauty replied with a wink. See ya around Tenoh!! You'd better be back again sometime!! Raeyana hollered, as the couple pulled out of the driveway.

Haruka asked timidly, Michiru leaning against her shoulder. A soft groan came from Michiru's lips. Did you by any chance happen to share with your headquarters that your vacation is gonna last more than a week? The cop suddenly sat up eyes wide for a moment, Uh oh ... oh well, I've always wanted to go into teaching. Haruka chuckled and shifted the car into the next gear speeding up on the highway where the sun was slowly sinking back into the ground. Michiru held her hair back, enjoying the warm air whipping across her face. I don't think I could handle teaching. Rotten little kids!! The blonde suddenly spoke, shuddering at the mere thought of having to watch tiny tykes running around for 6 hours a day. Michiru broke out into a fit of laughter before kissing Haruka on the cheek, You're so sweet ... The racer grinned and put an arm around her love, pulling her into a warm embrace. I know I am.