DISCLAIMER- I do NOT own "The Little Vampire" Novels/Characters/Or Movie, just the general plot line in this FanFiction, and my OC (ORIGINAL CHARACTER). Of Course my writting too.

Prepare for a bit of a boring chapter, but I swear the chapters become more interesting, and sweeter.

Chapter one, The Finding of The Book

It all began when...

Midnight struck, the sky was dotted with sparkling silver stars. The moonlight shone upon Scotland, and the ocean was an enchanting yet dangourous place to be at that moment. The grass rippled ever so slightly due to the chilly breeze that swept gracefully off the ocean. Everyone was fast asleep, all except one person... In a beautiful house that looked as if it had been made in "Victorian Times" green ivy still clung to the cold stone walls, the whole household had gone to bed well almost...

One window had let out golden light which danced along the garden, and a subtle sound of classical music spilled out from the open window and drifted with the breeze. A girl wearing a pair of pink Ballet shoes was dancing- well you guessed Ballet all the while feeling like a Fairy fluttering from cloud to cloud. This girl had a dream a dream to become a Ballerina. ANYWAY, her name was Amber, Amber was not a typical teenager she enjoyed things that many girls her age would consider strange. However, people respected her quiet nature, and her interests. Amber had recently moved from America to her Aunt and Uncle and little cousin's house in Scotland. Don't ask why, she wouldn't tell me the whole story, but I suspect that she wanted a change of scenery..

"I'm gonna' watch T.V" Amber thought to herself hanging up her ballet shoes, she walked down the grand staircase and into the living room, on the coffee table an assortment of dried fruit sat in a little bowl. Amber sat down and nibbled at the fruit whilst flicking through shows. Every so often she would hear little sounds coming from downstairs, but she just brushed it off as wind. She was very new to this house, it creaked and it echoed in the most strange places. However, the house still remained beautiful and splendid.

An hour or so passed and Amber thought she should go to bed, however she was distracted when she heard another sound coming from the cellar. Amber went down into the cellar. Despite Tony (her young cousin) telling her a few times not to go into it because she might catch a cold. Amber had simply frowned at him, and said "What if I wear a jacket and scarf, will I still catch a cold then?" Tony thought for a moment, "Yeah" He then quickly scuttled off, leaving Amber thinking "This kid sucks at lying"

That night she ignored what Tony had said, she went down into the cellar anyway. Slowly she crept down the hall and down the wooden stair case. She opened the cellar's door, it let at an annoying squeak "shh.." Amber whispered to the door. Obviously it didn't hear her, "Woah, Amber be ready for something to pounce at you!" She thought to herself smirking, the cellar was scary. The cellar was dimly lit in areas, cobwebs hung in corners, and there were rows of boxes that hadn't been unpacked on the floor. Shelfs consisted of books, jars of jam,scrapbooks, dust, and black and white photos.

Basically the cellar was unkempt, Amber placed one foot in front of the other as she went down the spiral staircase. Her footsteps echoed lightly on the concrete floor, she had a look around the area. When suddenly behind a little table she noticed an odd looking book as if it someone had tried to conceal it behind the table. The book was not at all like the books she often read. It was somewhat tattered, the binding had loose stitching, and several of the pages were falling out. She heard something rustle behind one of the boxes, "Mice.." Amber thought, and proceeded to creep back upstairs with the book. Gently shutting the cellar's door behind her, she could have sworn she heard someone mutter something. She shook her head, and headed to the living room and sat down.

What puzzled Amber even more about this book, the text was handwritten calligraphy. "If only I could write like that." she said to herself tracing a finger along the calligraphy . The book appeared to be some kind of notebook, scribbles, chicken scratches, and notes were all written down. There were some paragraphs which talked about some kind of an amulet, a comet, and a curse vampirism. The name "Sackville -Bagg" often appeared within the text.

She was so engaged in the book that she didn't notice two blue eyes peering down at her. "Hey Amber, what you reading?" Asked Tony plopping down beside her on the couch. "Just a fiction book" Amber replied, "What are you doing up?" Amber asked setting the book down on the coffee table. "The vampires were back" Tony said trying to sound casual, "Can I hangout with you for a bit?" Tony asked, "Um, okay, but not too long!" Amber replied happily . The two sat on the couch chatting, laughing, telling jokes, and drinking warm milk with honey to make Tony sleepy. It worked like a charm, he was off to bed within half an hour. The milk had also worked it's magic on Amber she was becoming tired. She cleaned up and went to bed, all the while thinking of the mysterious notebook she had found in the dark cellar. If only Amber knew, that someone was watching her.

Authors Note: This is my first chapter to my FIRST FANFICTION, I know there are spelling and grammer mistakes here and there. I did my best to fix them. Please give me some instructive critisimn if you have found something wrong, stupid, or boring in this chapter story.I spent ages re-reading it in search of any mistakes. SO LET ME KNOW IF YOU GUYS LIKE IT OR NOT! MUCH LOVE Clara.