Keyword: Haunted

"Oi, George, give me back my scarf." Fred was bent in half, his head buried in his trunk and his bottom waving about in the air as he hunted around to make sure he hadn't just misplaced his scarf in the depths of his trunk.

"Ah, Freddie, I don't have your scarf," George replied from his perch on Lee's bed. "You could try Summoning it – although you'd probably result in strangling yourself – or you could go get Charlie and ask him to do it for you."

"Or I could keep questioning who's stolen my scarf," Fred replied, emerging from his trunk with a sock attached to his head. "Lee, Mitch, Robbie? Have you guys seen it anywhere?" Fred questioned and was met by a resounding chorus of head shaking and shrugging.

"Fred, why don't you just…"

"Go without it?" Fred finished his twin's sentence and rolled his eyes at his brother. "Please, we both know I'm the stubborn twin. I shall find…" Fred suddenly stood up, a thoughtful look on his face. Well, it didn't look so much thoughtful as constipated…

"Freddie? You alright? Did you have something dodgy at breakfast?" George asked, worried by his twin's sudden change in demeanour. Fred shook his head and slowly paced the entire room, unaware of the eyes of his bemused roommates watching his every step.

"Earth to Fred Weasley…" Lee said slowly, after several minutes of silence. Fred snapped out of his reverie and grinned up at them.

"Our room's haunted," he announced happily. "You all saw the ghosts at the Sorting – I'm willing to bet one of them has stolen my scarf." There was a general groan and eye roll from the occupants of the room and Fred frowned at them.

"As great as a theory as that is, Freddie, I'm going to have to go with the idea that you slept with your scarf on last night." George darted over to Fred's bed and tugged the red and gold scarf from beneath the overly fluffy pillow. "Why you were sleeping with your scarf on is beyond me."

So, some of you may have read my LilySeverus Worth A Thousand Words - a collection of chapters based on the relationship between Lily and Severus, staying as canon as possible, and following the moments J.K. didn't cover (if you haven't read it, you should ;)). Well, basically this is similar but with different prompts and the infamous Weasley twins instead Review if you enjoyed :)