A/N: Nice to meet you! I can't believe I've got the guts to upload this when clearly I'm not good at all with writing. I think I'm still drunk or something. I've been scouring for some decent stories and actually got addicted to them before I realized it. Currently, my present obsession is NanoFate. They're just so damn cute and perfect together!
This is going to be my first publicized story, so please go easy on me. I'm begging you on bended knees!
Reviews, corrections and constructive criticisms are always welcome to better improve any possible future projects of mine.
Disclaimer: I don't own anything at all!
CHAPTER 1: The Girl Who Came Out From the Bushes
This may come out strange to you but my story started with a shrub of plant.
Sounds weird? I know, right? But honestly, that was how I met her. It was pure coincidence. It was awkward. It was infuriating. It was depressing. It was wonderful. It was unforgettable. It made me… fall in love. It was pure bliss. It was heart-breaking. It was destiny. But she was, after all, my fate.
Maybe I should back up a little so you'll get why I had a strange encounter with the shrubbery kind.
I opened my eyes to the blinding sunlight trying to get in between the blinds of my room.
I've gotta fix that later. I got up and rubbed the sleep from my eyes. Then it hit me. I looked at the wretched thing on top of my bedside table to my left. Great, I woke up before my alarm went off.
As if it was really teasing me, it had to go off and make that annoying beeping sound that makes the hair at the back of my neck stand on its end. I don't know why but it's weird. So, instead of reaching out to turn the thing off, I scowled at it and willed it to die a bloody death, if it was possible.
In the end, I reached out and switched it off.
Times like these I wish I had magic powers, you know? Like I could shoot the thing using a canon of concentrated magical energy with a cartridge system. Yeah right, maybe in another lifetime or dimension where magic and flying are as normal as eating cake.
I giggled at my thoughts and got out of bed. I stretched my body until I was satisfied and walked to the bathroom to get ready for school.
I looked at myself in the mirror. And all I can say is that I'm just your typical girl. No special qualities whatsoever. I am left handed and that's about it. Nanoha Takamachi is just your normal, average girl with no distinctive qualities. Don't get me wrong, I'm not pitying myself. I'm just telling what's true. Although a few people called me cute and attractive, it was never convincing enough for me to say the same thing about myself. That would make me conceited or vain, right?
I turned on the tap water and started to wash my face as part of my morning ritual. Afterwards, I brushed my copper-brown hair. Mostly it looks dull to me and it's already almost to my waistline. I have an average height. Well, I'm almost the same height as mom even though I'm just fifteen, so that's good. While brushing my teeth, I stared at myself in the mirror. My eyes were blue or was it slate blue? What's slate anyway? Moving along, after I brushed my teeth, I went out of the bathroom to change into my uniform, and then proceeded into tying my long hair into a side-ponytail which I could never get right. I took one last look at myself in the mirror. Yep, totally average me. I grabbed my bag and made my way downstairs for breakfast.
When I got into the dining room/kitchen, my mom and dad were already there. Naturally. "Good morning!" I greeted and gave them each a kiss on the cheek. Momoko Takamachi was frying scrambled eggs on a skillet. Mom's strong point is cooking and baking, most especially cake! I'm taking lessons from her of course.
Shiro Takamachi was sitting in the dining table reading his morning paper and, from time to time, would glance at his phone maybe awaiting some important messages or emergencies from the hospital. Yep, Daddy's a physician and takes his job rather seriously. He told me that he specializes in Internal Medicine. Inside medicine? Anyway, it's definitely something I do not wish to learn.
"Morning, sweetie," Mom greeted while placing bacon and eggs in front of me.
"Morning, dear," Daddy said as I sat next to him, never taking his eyes off the newspaper. "Oh, Nanoha?"
"Yeshm?" I said this while there was still a fork full of eggs in my mouth. I looked at daddy, who looked like he was contemplating on how to tell me whatever it was he was trying to tell me.
"Remember the thing about my job in Mid?"
Uh-oh. I don't like where this is going. I quickly chewed the eggs and swallowed. "Yes?"
He folded his paper.
He's folding his morning paper! He never does that unless it was really something serious! I didn't blow something up again, did I? Am I in trouble? Oh wait, he was talking about his job in Mid, right? So it's not anything related to combustion! I'm saved… for now.
"Turns out, they urgently need me there to overlook something and they've already made arrangements for our new home. So, we're moving there tomorrow."
I thought this only happens on TV, cartoons, anime or wherever in a fictional world. But the scene at that time was like what you see on TV, cartoons and anime. And in my world, it was clearly not fiction.
My mouth was gaping. My eyes wide in shock. And I could feel the fork slip out of my hand and hit the floor. I felt like the great being, who created the entire universe passed by our little eating area. The entire dining room/kitchen was intensely quiet except for the sounds of iron pans and sizzling food being cooked by mom. "You want more eggs, sweetie?"
Eh? What? What? "WHAAAAAAAAAAAAT?" I have strong lung power if I do say so myself. I guess that's another good thing about me—wait, I'm getting off topic here. "What do you mean we're—No, thank you, mom—moving tomorrow?"I leaned in toward my father, who was oh-so calm about the entire thing.
Daddy blinked as if I just grew two heads. He looked confused at my sudden outburst. "Why are you so surprised? I mentioned this last month, didn't I?" He said like it was the most obvious thing in the world. Like two plus two equals five! Wait, that can't be right. Argh! Now I'm confused!
"A month ago? But Daddy, you said that was still tentative! This is all so sudden! What about my school? My friends…" I trailed off and paled. "My friends!" I felt like pulling my hair out of panic.
"Your transfer to another school has already been arranged. A member of the school board is an old acquaintance of mine and your mother's so it was easy. As for friends, you'll make new ones in your new school."
Making new friends in a new school? Like that's going to be easy! "But why tomorrow? I mean, like I said, it's so sudden! It's the middle of the first term and I'm transferring to a new school!"
This time, it was my mother who spoke. "Sweetie, I know it's really sudden. And we understand how you feel. But everything has already been arranged. The school, our new house and daddy's new workplace is expecting him to be there. I promise everything will be fine when we get there, okay?"
So everything's been prepared? Giving me no choice but to go along with your plans? I wanted to tell them that. But I just couldn't. Being a child raised in the Takamachi family rarely gives you the opportunity to speak out your real and honest opinions unless you have the resources to back you up. For a mere fifteen-year-old girl like me, who was still dependent and under the care of my parents, I didn't have the nerve yet to make my stand. Sigh. I'm such a kid.
"You're moving?" We were on a bench eating my last lunch in this school. Yuuno Scrya, my close guy friend, said in shock as I delivered to him the news.
Actually, it was decided about a month ago but it was still tentative. Given that, I didn't want to break the news unless it was really final. And my parents had to tell me that it had been finalized about a month ago. And this morning was sort of just a "reminder" from them to me. Parents can sometimes leave out the most important stuffs and just nonchalantly "remind" you about them during breakfast!
I nodded meekly and gave him a nervous smile, "I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner, Yuuno-kun. It's just that," I scratched my cheek, a nervous habit of mine; "I was hoping that my parents wouldn't go on with their plans and change their mind about moving. Unfortunately, I was wrong with my assumption."
Yuuno Scrya brushed up his blond hair and pushed back his glasses trying to digest everything that I've told him. Yuuno's been my closest friend ever since third grade in elementary school. My confidante, as you say, even in our first year of high school. We've been together ever since but not the way that you'd think. Most people would really assume that we're together even though we're not. I just don't see him that way.
He sighed in defeat. "Nanoha…" Yuuno's brows furrowed and narrowed his green eyes at me. Clearly, he was not taking the news lightly and he was trying not to bombard me with questions. "So, when are you leaving?"
I took a bite of my sandwich. I looked at the sky as if the answer was there. "Um, I think, daddy said tomorrow."
"Where are you moving again?" Yuuno took a sip from his water bottle.
He almost choked on his drink but managed to swallow safely. "Mid-Childa?" Yuuno smacked his forehead. "That's like three towns and two train rides away!"
Is it really that far from here? "Really? I never thought of the distance. I think you're exaggerating, Yuuno-kun." I laughed as I rubbed the back of my neck. "Now that you've mentioned it, it is kinda far from Uminari." I sighed dejectedly. Who am I kidding? It could be on the other side of the world! "I don't like to move at all. This is my home for fifteen years and because of daddy's work, I have to leave it." This is so unfair.
Yuuno looked at me softly and I could tell that he was trying to find the right words to say to me. "Honestly, I don't like you to move either but it's not like your dad's going to change his mind after listening to us. It might be hard—heck, it'll definitely be hard especially for you at first—"
Wow. He really is being honest. "Thanks, Yuuno-kun—"
"—but! I'm sure, if it's you, you'll pull through. You'll make new friends and new memories. Probably." He grinned at me after saying that last part.
I felt myself perk up a little. Hearing that from someone I really know made it all the more convincing and important. "You know, that last part was unnecessary." I laughed. Maybe moving to a new place—new school wouldn't be so bad after all. I raised my can of Diet Coke to my lips.
"How are you going to tell the teacher and our classmates?"
This time I was the one who choked on my drink.
Okay, so it was the morning that I've been dreading since yesterday. We're moving to a new place. And because of that, I really couldn't sleep last night. Not like the kind of sleepless night you would have before you go on a field trip. And it's definitely not the best way to start a Wednesday morning either. To be honest, I was taking the entire thing quite well unexpectedly. And I think my parents noticed this since they've been saying the exact same thing to me like "Are you okay, sweetie?" or "This is for the best, honey" or "Everything will be back to normal in no time". Yeah, like that'll happen.
The movers daddy hired came in early that morning. They loaded the moving truck with most of our furniture. It's no fun watching them but I guess it's the only thing left to do while you're waiting for your parents to tell you to get inside the car. I sat on the front porch of our soon-to-be old house waiting for my parents to come out. I was doing just that and sighing. I noticed I've been sighing a whole lot lately.
I took out my mobile phone, which was pink by the way, out of my left jeans pocket. No new messages. Yuuno didn't even text me since yesterday. We just ended our school day just like any other day. We went to school, tried not to die out of boredom, tried our (my ) very best to answer seemingly impossible questions which looked like secret codes sent by aliens from outer space! (Well, for Yuuno, it was like a piece of cake. The guy's a genius! A star-student material—well, actually he kind of is! I swear he could pass up as a college professor if he wore a fake beard or maybe win one of those awards that start with an N.)
"Ready, Nanoha?"
Mom came out from inside the house with dad. Daddy locked the door and gave the set of keys to a mover who seemed to be the higher ranking one among the others. He was giving some last minute instructions to him. Movers use ranks too?
"Yes, Mom." Like I have choice? I tried not to sound too sad about the move. Really I did!
Mom looked softly at me. "Everything's going to be fine, sweetie."
"I know." Actually, I don't know. It wasn't you who's going to a new school and start all over again.
Daddy finished talking to the man about the house and furniture so he walked over to us. "Alright, everyone in the car."
Yuuno-kun isn't here. Of course he wouldn't. It's a school day! Reminding myself that just made me sigh again. I should really stop doing this while I still can.
Everything happened so fast. It feels so surreal. I never thought I would be moving to another place on a Wednesday. Sandwich Wednesday! My homeroom teacher was genuinely—well, surprised was an understatement. He was ranting on and on about being a bad teacher since he can't even put together a good farewell party for me. It was fine really, I said to him. It was a last minute thing anyway. No one in the world would be prepared for anything this big. Even I wasn't prepared enough for this, and I was the main person involved in this whole fiasco.
This sucks.
My phone alerted me that I received a text message. I sluggishly took out my phone. I think the realization that I'm moving for good is finally sinking in. Yuuno-kun? The mail was from Yuuno! He's texting during class? Does he even know how to do that? I opened his message.
And I couldn't help but smile at what my friend wrote:
*hug* Sorry, I couldn't be there to see you off. (T^T)
But think of it this way, we don't have to say good-bye! I know you're going to make new friends in your new school. And when you do, don't forget about me, ok? No matter where you go, we'll always be friends, Nanoha! (^_^)
We'll see each other again like we always do. When I can, I'll come by and visit. See you when I see you! \(^o^)/
P.S. I know, that was sooooo corny of me. orz
"Really, that Yuuno-kun." I muttered mostly to myself and couldn't help but smile. That actually made me feel a lot better. Thanks, Yuuno-kun!
After reading Yuuno's message, I started noticing that we were almost out of town. So this is really is it. Mom and Dad were frantically talking about the new place. They asked me questions time and again and I would just give them the answers they needed and stayed silent afterwards. It's not like I'm upset at them or anything. I think I'm just trying to take in the last bit of scenery that was familiar to me for fifteen years until it'll all be replaced by something new and, well, unfamiliar.
Going to another place for a visit makes me nervous but at the same time excited. But going to another place since we're moving there permanently is a whole different story. I'm still nervous and excited but I think it's more on the nervous part.
What if I won't make friends? What if I'll have a hard time? What if no one wants to be my friend? I know Mom, Daddy and Yuuno told me that everything would be fine but I can't help but wonder if it would really be what they said it would be. If everything's going to be alright is just a possibility then there's actually an equal chance that everything won't go alright. It's all a fifty-fifty thing. So, which one should I believe?
I continued to watch the passing sceneries as we drove by. It was hypnotizing really. All of them seem like blurs of fuzzy lines. And before I knew it, everything went black.
"Nanoha, sweetie. We're here." I groaned and mentally complained why my neck and shoulder hurt. Oh, right. I fell asleep in the car. My head hurts too. Clearly, I lack sleep and I need one pretty badly. Mom had opened the car door to wake me up. Wow, I must have passed out real badly if I didn't notice that we drove by three towns. Uminari feels so far away already. I thought sadly to myself.
I got out of the car and looked at our new house for the very first time. "Wow" was all I can say. For something so urgently arranged, the place was totally posh. The thing looked totally brand new! The house was two storey's tall and the walls were pristine white and gave off a real suburban look. Way different from our old house. The lights were already on so it showed me that the inside was even poshier! If that's even a word to begin wi—is that a crystal chandelier in the living room?
My parents already went inside to help the movers know where to put our furniture. While the adults were busy unloading our stuffs, I took the liberty in exploring the house. I was about to go upstairs when I heard my mom shouting about my room being on the third door to the right. I skipped my way upstairs forgetting that I was depressed just moments ago about moving. Now, I was excited about my new room!
Third door to the right, right? When I got to the door, I noticed that the doorknob was one of those fancy designs you see on TV where they belong to rich and aristocratic people. It was gold plated for sure! I mentally squealed. Wait, calm down, Nanoha. Don't get excited over a doorknob! I was trying to calm myself down. Being excited over a doorknob was kind of embarrassing really.
I opened the door and couldn't breathe for three seconds! My new room was absolutely gorgeous! It was twice as big as my old room with a balcony. Well, there's no bed, that's a given. My bed was just downstairs and I think it would be quite a mismatch to this room. The room was really big enough to have a queen size bed but then, why would I need a bed as big as that? I walked across the room and went to the sliding door leading to the balcony. I scanned the area and noticed that some of the neighbors coming out of their houses. It was safe to assume that they're already wondering who the new members of their community were. Anyway, I focused back on my little balcony. I could do a lot of stuff out here. I could read a book, watch the stars or even be like Juliet on her balcony, except I don't have a Romeo. And no, it's not Yuuno-kun! I'm not dreaming, am I? I pinched my cheek and held it. It hurts!
"No, you're not dreaming." My dad said as he was casually leaning on the sliding door. How long was he standing there?
"Daddy," I hugged him and he hugged back along with a kiss on my head, "I thought you were busy downstairs."
"I was, until your mother told me to check up on you." I gave him a questioning look. He shrugged. "She said that you might still be sulking about all this. I mean, it was partially my fault anyway for not telling you earlier."
Well, Daddy, it is your fault. But I wasn't going to tell him that. "No worries, Dad. I know you're busy and all. Plus, I know you're doing all of this for us… although, a little heads up about moving would've been nice next time, okay?"
Dad grinned at that, "I'm sorry, really," and gave me a bear hug. "Everything will be fine. I promise."
I laughed while still locked in his bear hug. "Nyahaha! I know," and gave him one last tight hug before I patted his back, "You can let go now, Daddy!"
He chuckled and ruffled my hair. "By the way," Dad said, as he wound his arm around my shoulder, and my arm around his waist and led me back inside, "you start school tomorrow. My friend took care of the paperwork and you're all set."
I almost forgot about that one. "What kind of school am I going to anyway? I actually forgot to ask."
"Oh?" He raised one brow at me. "I think you've heard of it. The TSAB Academy."
"That sounds like a military academy."
Dad laughed out heartily. "Well, it was but they changed it into a regular academy about two hundred years after its founding. And it's been a regular academy ever since, housing all kinds of students from pre-school to college students. You should know that your mom and I are alumni in that school."
It actually made me wonder how old the school really was. "I'm sure it'll be great, Dad." I tried not to sound sarcastic about it. But knowing that my soon-to-be new school used to be a military academy, I think I actually had an idea why dad was such a strict and conservative person. But how come Mom was different? Nah, I'll leave that for later.
"Anyway, it's still early. Would you like to take a look at your new school for a bit later? I think I can pull some strings." Dad winked playfully and I kind of guessed that he wanted to visit his old school.
I just didn't have the heart to say no. so, I said: "Sure, why not?"
"Great! I'll be right back then. I have to make a call." Then he left my room like an excited child about to go over and play with his friends.
I guess it wouldn't be so bad. I mean, mom and dad did go to that school years ago. I'm sure I'll be fine.
By the time I finished unpacking some of my more essential things like my clothes for the night and my toiletries and such, I went downstairs to see how my parents were doing. The movers just finished unloading all of our furniture and belongings. For a handful of people, they sure did get their job done quickly. After my parents thanked them for all their hard work, they went back to Uminari. Lucky them.
After dad called his friend about wanting to visit the academy, he also told mom about his plan. Now, the three of us were once again back on the road and on our way to the prestigious TSAB Academy.
"The academy is a little ways off, Nanoha," my dad started while he was driving, "so you have to take the bus every morning. Or I could drop you off—"
"I'll take the bus, Daddy." I cut him off. "But thank you for the offer though." It would be nice to be dropped off once in awhile though. But I think I'm gonna reserve that for special occasions or emergencies. "I could also walk to school too, if I'm early enough."
"That would be good, dear," Mom said, "exercise is good. But still, the academy is a fifteen-minute walk from our new home. You might arrive late if you don't manage your time well enough."
"I'll manage somehow." I said enthusiastically.
It was already past eight. So I'm guessing first period must've started since when we arrived at the school gates, there was hardly anyone there. Oh! And let me say something about the school. It's freakin' huge! I know my new house was posh but I didn't expect the school would be too. What is it about posh places anyway? I got the feeling that students and people around this city would be described as posh as well.
Great, just my luck to move into a new posh city where I don't exactly blend in. Compared to Mid-Childa, Uminari was more of a country-ish kinda town. Mid-Childa seemed more… what's the word? More modern? I am not using posh again. I think I'm abusing it already. Yeah, modern. Let's go with that!
Even though we're still at the front gates, I could tell that this school was huge. I mean, the fountain in front of what I might assume as the administrative office was a dead giveaway. It just screams 'I'm a big freakin' fountain in a big freakin' school!' if fountains could scream that is.
We parked in front of the administrative office and got out of the car. To my surprise, someone was already walking towards us. A tall, attractive woman with teal-colored hair waved at us and I'm guessing she must be my parents' friend, the member of the school board, who arranged my transfer to this school. "Shiro! Momoko!"
"Lindy! Long time no see!" My mom waved back and met the woman half-way. Both of them hugged and giggled at each other.
My dad smiled fondly and locked the car. "I see you haven't changed a bit, Lindy."
"What's that suppose to mean? I matured quite well if I do say so myself." She laughed merrily and started to notice I was there. "And you must be Nanoha-san?"
"Y-yes!" I was beginning to get nervous to meet someone of high importance in this school who also happens to be friends with my parents. School is going to be tough from now on. "Nice to meet you, I'm Nanoha Takamachi!" I bowed and tried to stay calm.
She nodded approvingly. "Pleased to meet you, Nanoha-san. I'm Lindy Harlaown, an old friend of your parents. I'm sure you'll have a great time here in TSAB."
"Lindy is also the school board's vice chairman and the high school department's principal. She's going to be your principal starting tomorrow, Nanoha," my dad added. Or should I say, indirectly warned me to behave myself when I start school tomorrow since they can ask about my progress any time they want. I'll be watched like a hawk.
"Oh, hush, Shiro," Principal Lindy playfully slapped his arm, "you shouldn't scare the poor girl like that. Don't worry, Nanoha-san! I'm not as scary as how your father said. Although I expect certain rules to be obeyed religiously, I do believe in the student body's autonomy system."
Student body's autonomy system?
"My, TSAB is still using that same system? How nostalgic." Mom noticed that I gave her a confused look. "Nanoha, TSAB Academy uses a system called the student body autonomy system. It's where the school is run by the students themselves and faculty supervision is only needed under special circumstances when the need arises. But mostly, student leaders would decide for the students' affairs and all other areas as long as they could carry out the responsibility without problems."
"Wow, it's like a school for training future leaders." It was definitely amazing. A school ran by the students themselves.
Lindy giggled. "Well, we do believe with our school's motto 'The youth are the hope of our future'. Well, we shouldn't stay out here so much. We should head inside for some tea and we'll discuss Nanoha-san's final preparations for her transfer."
Guh. I'm not really up for listening to some of the boring stuffs. I started sighing dejectedly. And I thought I did it discreetly too. But I guess I was wrong.
"Nanoha-san, as a treat, you can explore the school grounds for as long as you like. I take it you haven't been toured around campus?"
"No, ma'am."
"Then, as my first command as your new principal. I order you to take a tour around our school but be sure to be back in an hour, okay? We're also meeting with the student council president. He'll fill you in on what you need to know."
"Yes, ma'am!" Wait. Why am saluting?
This time Principal Lindy laughed out heartily. "I wish my daughter was as obedient as you, my dear. Fate could use a friend like you, Nanoha-san."
Eh? Fate?
"Well then, Nanoha, have fun exploring your new school!" Principal Lindy waved at me and led my parents inside the Administrative office.
"Don't wander too far, sweetie," Mom reminded me like I was still nine years old.
I pouted and said, "I'm not nine anymore, Mom."
Dad laughed too. "We know, princess. Just be careful, okay? We'll see you later."And with that, the three adults went inside and discussed some grown-up stuffs a fifteen-year-old like me would never care about. I guess.
So with a slap on both my cheeks, I trotted down the steps of the administrative office—wait, make that administrative building, to start my one-girl tour around the huge TSAB Academy campus. I didn't know where to start so I just wandered aimlessly and looked around. I couldn't help but admire the area. Again, as I said, the campus was huge! And this was only for the high school department.
Once in awhile, I would stop and look at some of the buildings like the gym, the auditorium, the pool and the cafeteria. For a prestigious school such as this one, I'm guessing they ran things a little differently than my previous high school. If this school was going to mold the students to be the leaders of tomorrow, I'm sure most of them must be smart, rich and charismatic to achieve such an awesome vision such as that. So the question is:
"Why am I here?"
I'm not smart, rich nor charismatic. I'm just here because it was conveniently in the same area as my father's workplace. I feel like rock among a flowerbed of roses completely out of place and at the same time, completely overshadowed and unimportant. Crap. I'm starting to pity myself again.
From afar, I could hear some shouting and a few people calling out someone in particular. I couldn't make out what they were saying or who they were looking for. All I know is that I shouldn't be involved in their activity. It might've been a class activity that I should not interfere or else I'd get into trouble. I've decided that I'm not going to cause any trouble during my stay here.
Ignoring the far-off noises, I continued my tour and managed to arrive in a beautiful garden lined with cherry blossom trees that seemed to never end. The garden was simply divine. Different kinds of flowers were there each complimenting the others. Vibrant green bushes and hedgerows also framed the area but still managed to attract my attention at how healthy and vivid-looking they looked, as if they were all meant to be gathered in one piece of land. Most of them were already in full bloom. It was still spring after all. The falling cherry blossom petals made the place all the more ethereal. The seemingly infinite rows of cherry blossom trees gave off a mysterious and untouched sanctuary of unworldly wonder. It was like I was transported to another world and not anymore in TSAB Academy.
It was the perfect setting and I feel like I would have a fateful encounter here. Yeah right! That only happens in shoujo manga anyway.
I jumped at a sudden rustling sound inside a bush that was a few feet away from me. "What was that?" Usually, I wouldn't go near anything weird or suspicious in fear of something horrid might possibly come out. The bush began to shake again and I slowly approached it preparing myself. Then, a dark figure jumped out. "WAAAAAAAAAAAHH!"
I've mentioned that I had incredible lung power but that scream of mine was just epic. I only pray no one heard me or, worse, saw me fall back on the ground.
After I was done with my legendary scream and was calm enough, I finally noticed that it was a person that leaped out of the bush and landed into a crouch on the ground. Specifically, it was a girl... with long blond hair. If I wasn't so damned surprised, I would've been impressed by their athletic ability.
"Who-Who are you?" I stuttered as I started to stand up and dusted off my skirt. "Y-you just came out of nowhere!" I pointed out, quite irritated that I was surprised like that. My butt hurts really bad.
The girl still had her back facing at me and she slowly got up in her full height. I think she'd realized that she was not alone. Slowly, she faced me and I found myself stunned and awestruck before her dark burgundy eyes.
You may not believe me but, even before she told me her name, I felt as if… I already knew who she was.
Beautiful like an angel and radiant as the sun. She had a solemn face. Calm, yet a little surprised by my presence like she hadn't expected to have company. But she smiled anyway, a ghost of a smile that didn't seem to reach her eyes, at my dumbfounded look.
A gust blew hard and a whirlwind of cherry blossom petals started to stir and flew up in the air. I'm guessing that the petals weren't the only things that were stirred up by the wind on that day.
"I'm Fate," her voice was soft and gentle, "and I apparently came out of that bush."
On that day, I didn't realize that I was going to make the biggest mistake of my life.
A/N: So how was it? Terrible? Horrible? Made you want to vomit? Then, my apologies. Like I said, reviews and constructive criticisms are always welcome. *readies full body armor and shield*