Trick of the Mind

Inspired and written for SpencerReid, using her suggestions and characterisation of both Severus and Albus. I hope it's what you wanted, my dear!

Starts during the Prisoner of Azkaban - if you recognise any of JKR's words - that is because they are hers, and not mine!

Yes, I have finally written THE scene which brings my Severus/Albus relationship to a standstill...the end of the POA.


Chapter One:

The door opened again. It was Dumbledore. Severus, lingering by the window after Harry's condemnation of his story, turned to face the Headmaster - but he did not speak, not yet. After all, he needed to hear what the Headmaster had to say. His head was aching, and he wondered if he should have consented to treatment - maybe he had a concussion. He felt weary, and slightly nauseous. But he would not rest until this was solved; Sirius Black was a murderer, Remus Lupin was a werewolf who had been helping an old friend into the castle - both were guilty.

"Professor Dumbledore, Sirius Black - " Harry was shouting, and Severus wished he would be quiet, because his head was pounding.

Poppy Pomfrey did not seem particularly keen on all these constant interruptions, and she was beginning to get angry, "For heaven's sake, is this a hospital wing or not? Headmaster, I must insist - "

But Dumbledore interrupted, and neared the bed. Severus watched him, knowing that the Headmaster had yet to even glance at him. "My apologies, Poppy, but I need a word with Mr Potter and Miss Granger." Dumbledore was acting oddly, Severus thought - surely he did not believe what they were saying, what Black was saying? "I have just been talking to Sirius Black -"

That was too much for Severus - his head was incredibly sore and he was tired and Dumbledore was believing Sirius Black - "I suppose he's told you the same fairy tale he's planted in Potter's mind? Something about a rat, and Pettigrew being alive?"

Albus Dumbledore turned to face him, and he surveyed Severus through his glasses, eyes empty of any emotion besides resolution, "That, indeed, is Black's story." His voice bode no argument, but Severus was more angry than he had been.

"And does my evidence count for nothing?" Why did his opinion always count for nothing against Potter's? He was older, wiser, and had been in Dumbledore's service far longer than a child who was simply lucky to be surrounded by those who would give their lives for him - even Severus - "Peter Petttigrew was not in the Shrieking Shack, nor did I see any sign of him in the grounds." He was well aware his voice was slightly unstable, but that was because he was sure he had a concussion, and he was feeling sick.

The shrill piercing of Hermione Granger's voice did nothing to help that, "That was because you were knocked out, Professor! You didn't arrive in time to hear - "

Something inside Severus broke, painfully, and he whirled to face the girl, "Miss Granger, HOLD YOUR TONGUE!" He would not be overruled by a thirteen year old girl, no matter how earnest she seemed.

Watching him ever more closely, Albus straightened his back and stared at Severus, but Severus had not noticed. While the Headmaster remained quiet, Cornelius Fudge chose to speak up, "Now, Snape, the young lady is disturbed in her mind, we must make allowances..."

"I would like to speak to Harry and Hermione alone." Albus interrupted Cornelius and the response Severus was formulating on his tongue, "Cornelius, Severus, Poppy - please leave us."

Severus stared at him during Poppy's reaction. He was being sent from the room - he had done nothing wrong - he had been there too! He had seen Sirius Black - why wasn't the Headmaster listening to him.

"This cannot wait." Albus reasoned with Poppy, "I must insist."

But as she left, and Fudge walked to the door, murmuring something about Dementors, Severus could not draw his eyes away from the Headmaster. It was clear, then. Even after all this time - even after what Black had done, and what Severus had sacrificed to become Dumbledore's servant - he still favoured the Gryffindors. He had not moved - he was stunned - this could not be happening, Dumbledore was supposed to protect Severus - "You surely don't believe a word of Black's story?"

And Dumbledore looked at him for a long moment, before repeating his earlier statement, "I wish to speak to Harry and Hermione alone."

He took a step forward, determined to see something in those blue eyes, something other than hard glass - "Sirius Black showed he was capable of murder at the age of sixteen." His voice had dropped to something below a whisper, but he knew Dumbledore could hear every word he was saying - this was not fair - unjust - and completely predictable of the older wizard. "You haven't forgotten that, Headmaster? You haven't forgotten that he once tried to kill me?"

But Albus had never believed it was intentional murder - he believed it had just been an accident - a practical joke gone wrong, and he saw only how Sirius and James had rushed to Severus' aid - and he had never seen the true victim, his eyes too blinded by Remus - "My memory is as good as it ever was, Severus." And there, in those words, was the threat - he was suggesting he remembered Severus' own past, his days long gone by, the weapon Dumbledore constantly held over his Potions' Professor, and used as a tool when he needed to.

Unable to stand to be in the same room as Albus any longer, knowing he was acting hurt, Severus stormed from the room, out into the corridor, ignoring Fudge. He moved out onto the nearest balcony, wishing his heart would stop pounding and his body temperature would cool. He should not have lost his temper, that would look bad. He exhaled slowly, propping his head up in his hands. Well, it made no difference - Black would still be subjected to the Dementor's Kiss and Severus was determined to watch that, at least. Black was in Filius' office - perhaps Severus would be able to taunt him, one final time. He turned and set off in the direction of the seventh floor, a few steps behind Fudge. He was so preoccupied with his thoughts, he did not see Harry and Hermione slip into the shadows beside him and only emerge when he was safely past.

He neared the top of the staircase, pressing one hand to his forehead and feeling it sticky with blood. The nausea had not yet passed, and he wondered if he was still suffering from concussion. It was nothing a good night's sleep would not solve when he was able, and he hoped to go to bed later that night.

As he neared Flitwick's office, he became aware of confusion and commotion, as well as much noise. He could discern only two words.

"Black's escaped!"

Anger, white hot, shot through him - how had Black escaped - he pushed back the Ministry officials and the shocked Filius and stared at the wreckage of the office - but Black was definitely gone.

"Might I enquire as to the noise?" Albus Dumbledore had swept around the corner, one eyebrow slightly raised and seeming perfectly innocent.

Fudge stormed forward, "Black's escaped."

Severus paused, turning slowly to look at Dumbledore. "You. You did this."

Albus simply stared at him, "I have simply no idea what you are talking about, Severus." He replied, tone benign.

Severus advanced on him, "Then if not you - Potter."


"It's Potter - who else could it be!" Severus stormed past the Headmaster, toward the stairs, heading back to the Hospital Wing, knowing that the Headmaster and Minister were only one step behind.

"What are you talking about, Snape?" Fudge demanded.

"Potter is responsible for this. Black. Escaping." He glared at the Headmaster, who remained rather calm and did not seem affected by Severus' accusations.

"Do not be ridiculous, Snape. He must have Disapparated, we should have left somebody in the room with him."


They were on the fourth floor now. Albus reached out and touched Severus' arm, but he wrenched his limb away, "Severus - be reasonable - Harry has been locked up -"

Severus slammed the door to the Hospital Wing open, stormed through, and neared Potter, "OUT WITH IT, POTTER! WHAT DID YOU DO?" He knew how he was losing control, he knew what was happening to him, he was angry beyond belief, filled with hate and fury, mostly aimed at Dumbledore and his favouritism.

"Professor Snape!" Poppy seemed as though she was going to charge toward him and pull him away from the Gryffindor student - Harry tried to pull away, but Severus could see in his mind as he pierced him with his gaze - he could see them on the hippogriff - he wasn't listening to Poppy or Fudge, the red haze was settling - "THEY HELPED HIM ESCAPE, I KNOW IT!"

"Calm down, man! You're talking nonsense!" Fudge censured, which Severus would have found amusing - he was talking nonsense? He whirled to face Fudge, still ignoring Dumbledore, who was watching him with an almost amused expression on his face - he was enjoying this - he was finding Severus and his loss of control a source of entertainment! "YOU DON'T KNOW POTTER! HE DID IT, I KNOW HE DID IT-" Why was no one listening to him?

"That will do, Severus." Dumbledore's voice being soft, quiet, and sharp as a knife, cut straight through him. "Think about what you were saying." He was clearly insulting Severus, making a mockery of him in front of the Minister and in front of Harry, as he had done all those years ago - just with Harry's father - "This door has been locked since I left the ward ten minutes ago. Madame Pomfrey, have these students left their beds?"

"Of course not!" Poppy replied. "I've been with them ever since you left!"

Severus was not yet ready to back down - but Albus cut across him. "Well, there you have it, Severus." A pause, "Unless you are suggesting that Harry and Hermione are able to be in two places at once, I'm afraid I don't see any point in troubling them further." His voice was patronising, his tone condescending.

Severus stared at him, furious, trembling, seething - and Albus looked at him. His blue eyes were angry, burning with bright flames, hard and icy. They were not twinkling, tonight.

He gritted his teeth, and swallowed. He straightened his back and inhaled slowly. Albus still continued to stare at Severus until he turned away and walked from the Hospital Wing.

He heard the words about him in the next moments, "I'd watch out for him if I were you, Dumbledore. Fellow seems unbalanced."

And Albus. Albus, whom Severus trusted, defiling his name even further. "Oh, he's not unbalanced. He's just suffered a severe disappointment." The words were poisonous, suggesting Severus was just that.

A disappointment.

As soon as he was safely ensconced in the tapestry corridor, he kicked the wall violently and clenched his fists, hunting desperately for that discipline he had instilled in himself at an early age, trying to control his breathing.

Yet he could think of only one thing. Revenge.

Breakfast time. Albus would not look at him. Poppy was still fuming, glaring in his direction. People could tell that all was amiss at the staff table - Minerva was looking between the Headmaster and the Potions Master, as Severus forced dry toast down his throat.

Minerva, perturbed, leaned over to murmur into Albus' ear, "What is it, Albus?"

Albus glanced at her, "Just old prejudices, Minerva."

Severus heard him. Old prejudices. The toast was suddenly like ash in his mouth. He stood, slowly, glancing at Dumbledore. He narrowed his eyes, just slightly, yet still the Headmaster would not honour him with even a momentary gaze.

His head was still throbbing, painfully.

So he moved down to the Slytherin table, crossing to one of his students and leaning to whisper into his ear. "I need to speak to Lucius, Draco, as soon as possible."

Draco Malfoy looked up at him, "Why, Professor?"

"For the simple reason - your Defence professor is a werewolf."

Draco raised one eyebrow in almost a perfect imitation of his Head of House, "I shall owl him immediately."

Severus nodded in gratitude, straightening his back. Dumbledore was watching him now. As he walked away, he heard the whispers start, and allowed himself a small smile.

Lupin would be gone before the end of the day.

Continuation later in the week.