A/N: I don't own Maximum Ride; it's a touchy subject for me so let's just leave it at that. *Smiles*
Her mother had told her that it was just nerves, that all brides get the jitters before stepping up to the plate and saying the big 'I do.' She said that it was perfectly natural and that she shouldn't worry about it; that she should go with her gut and do what she had promised to do when she got engaged. She had said that when she got up there she would know, she would look into Dylan's eyes and she would know that he was the one for her. And he is…he is the one for her, he was made for her, and he loves her; he is, essentially her perfect other-half.
Up until now she had been one-hundred percent sure that that was true. One-hundred percent sure that Dylan was her perfect other half, but now, now that the time has come…she sighs, it's just hard. She puts on her dress, though, she puts it on and she smiles, smiles even though it feels like she's walking to her death.
She doesn't know why it feels like that, like she's walking to the gallows, but it does. It really does. Even as she walks down the aisle, even as she gazes at the beautiful boy waiting for her there, and he is beautiful, she can't shake the feeling. Can't even come close to shaking the feeling; she needs to get out of here, she needs to get out of this; she needs to, but she can't. She can't leave Dylan, she can't leave him there, standing and waiting for her, she can't leave him like that because she does love him. No matter what she might be feeling right now she does love him, she knows that she loves him, for the last four years she has gotten up every day with a smile on her face because he was always there for her. He was always there and he loved her just as much as she could ever love him, probably more. So why does she feel like this now?
She hardly stops when she gets to the end of the aisle, and if not for Iggy's firm grip on her arm she feels positive that she wouldn't have, she would have been so lost in her own thoughts, so deeply tuned into them…she could have walked through the walls of the church without notice. But Iggy's arm does stop her, it is gentle, but it is enough; she gives him a shy smile that he can't see and allows him to kiss her on the cheek before moving back to his seat. She hardly feels his lips.
She hardly feels anything, because now her hands are shaking, rapid tremors that are almost violent enough to hurt. She is almost positive that her hands are sweating, but she can't feel that, not with the other barrage of emotions exploding inside of her.
Dylan reaches for her hands and she swallows back whatever is rising in her throat and lets him take them, his hands are clammy and for whatever reason she suddenly needs to drop them. She needs to drop them because right now they are like scorpions; surely they mean to hurt her? Surely she shouldn't be allowing them to wrap around her own hands, surely they will attack at any second?
She swallows back the thought, doesn't allow herself to think, about anything. She pretends to look into his eyes, but she isn't seeing them, not at all, she isn't seeing anything, just a warped future. A future where it is like this every day; where she feels like this every day; where he looks like this every day…for the rest of her life. The thought is painful and she feels tears beading at the corners of her eyes; feels them running down her cheeks, he wipes them away with a touch that is like sandpaper. It is not his usual touch, not at all; it must be in her head, it must be. If it's not in her head…she can't think about that. Can't let herself think about that. The pastor is speaking, but she hasn't heard one word of what he's said so far so she doesn't know if this is an appropriate time to cry. It doesn't really matter, though, because she is the bride and this is her day, right? This is her day and she can do what she wants to do, right? If she wanted out of this…if she really wanted out of this, she could get out of this…right? She could get out of this…she just doesn't want to, not badly enough…right?
Her thoughts are next to hysterical but even through them she registers the pastor's question, the question that could solve all of her problems…"Does anyone have any reason as to why these two should not be wed?"
'YES!' Some part of her screams; a scream so loud, so deeply penetrating that she has to remove a hand from Dylan's to put to her head…it hurts, it hurts badly. 'YES! I HAVE A REASON! I HAVE A REASON! I'M SCARED TO DEATH OF HIM! I'M SCARED, UNTIL TODAY I WASN'T BUT THEN I CAME HERE AND NOW I'M SCARED!'
The voice is loud, but not loud enough to block out his voice, the voice of that boy who, so long ago, had left her...the voice of her first true love…the voice of Fang. "I do."
A/N: I'm not really sure where this story came from, but so far I'm enjoying writing it. I hope that you enjoyed reading it, and I hope that you'll let me know if you enjoyed reading it by writing me a quick review…Actually; I'm kind of praying you do. I love hearing from you, I absolutely love it…and, if you want a quick update, the fastest way to it is through reviews. I am very influenced through reviews, and they tell me what story I need to be working on at present. So, now that we got that talk out of the way, if you want a QUICK UPDATE you must REVIEW. Please and Thank You