A/N: *snorts * I'm so tired of going to sleep and dreaming ideas for HP! LMAO! So here is this story... I wrote out this whole story while staying up for twenty four hours straight because anytime I tried to sleep during that period the ideas just kept pouring into my mind... So here is the story...

Disclaimer: I don't own HP!



Hermione looked in the mirror and let out a sigh of relief. So far the glamour that she used on herself was holding. She just wished that she would have apparated to the gates of Hogwarts but she knew that if she would have she would've probably splinched herself. She was just glad that she was able to walk and even if it made her feel like she was about to die with each step that she took. She was also glad this was the last year she had to hide what was going on.

She took in a deep breath and let it out even as she bit her tongue to keep herself from crying out in pain. She knew she shouldn't have left the hospital like she did but she didn't want to have to explain to anyone why she was starting school later. Her ribs were on fire as was both of her legs. She took in another breath and let it out as she opened up the door to the bathroom and walked out.

She bumped into someone and groaned in pain. She heard someone gasp and she looked up. "I'm sorry."

Pansy looked at Hermione and saw everything that Hermione was trying to hide at once when she looked into her eyes. "Come on Granger. I'll help you back to where you are sitting."

Hermione shook her head. "No thank you Parkinson. I can get there just fine on my own."

Pansy shook her head and leaned forward and whispered harshly "Granger you can barely stand let alone walk. I can that you are in pain. I can also guess why. I'm only going to give you two choices. You can either come with me or I can go find Potter and Weasley. Which is it Granger?"

Hermione sighed but said "Fine Parkinson but find somewhere, where we can be alone. I really don't want to go back to the compartment Harry and everyone is in. It's too tiring to try to have to keep up on the conversations they are having with me or anyone else."

Pansy nodded. "I'll kick Draco and Blaise out of our compartment. They will have a reason to go and talk to Potter now. They have been trying to think of one for the last hour or so."

Hermione nodded and leaned on Pansy as they started walking. She couldn't believe how much pain she was in. She couldn't believe how nice Pansy was being to her. She allowed Pansy to take more of her weight as she was guided to a compartment that thankfully was not that far from the bathroom. She wasn't so sure that if she had to walk much farther that she wasn't going to pass out from the pain. "Thank you Pansy."

Pansy smiled slightly and then opened up the door to the compartment she was sharing with Draco and Blaise. As soon as she helped Hermione in and then helped her sit down she turned to Blaise and Draco. "You two get out."

Draco raised an eyebrow and drawled "Why?"

Pansy glared at him and then pointed towards the door. "Go visit Potter or something. I need to talk to Granger."

Draco looked at Pansy and then at Hermione and his eyes took in the same thing Pansy had seen. His eyes grew thunderous as he saw pain etched in Hermione's face and eyes. He stood up and then pulled Draco up. "Okay Pansy we'll go take a walk. Yell out if you need us. We'll also go tell Potter that you and Granger are having a girl talk. This way they won't go looking for her."

Pansy nodded and watched as Draco and Blaise walked out and once the door was shut she cast a silencing charm so nobody would hear her and Hermione talking. She turned back towards Hermione and sat down across from her. "Okay Granger it's just you and me so lets talk. Why do you look like you're about to die every time you take a step?"

Hermione paled and looked down at the floor as she said "Probably because I feel like it Parkinson. Both of my legs are broken but I took the casts off before reaching the platform for the Hogwarts Express. I also have several broken ribs which punctured one of my lungs. My hands are also broken as is my collar bone. My stomach has cuts on it as does my back."

Pansy's eyes widened even more with each word Hermione spoke. She suspected something had happened to Hermione but she never suspected that it was something this bad. "Merlin Hermione what in the bloody hell happened?"

Hermione looked up at Pansy and said "My parents happened."

Pansy swore and then stood up. "You stay here and try to rest. I'm going to go find Draco and Blaise. We need to come up with a plan to get you up to the Castle and to Madam Pompfrey. Why didn't the Healers well heal you?"

Hermione sighed and whispered "I was in a Muggle Hospital. Someone found me outside the entrance where my parents had thrown me like trash and rushed in to get a Doctor. I think my parents either think I'm dead or they are hoping I'm going to die. But since I disappeared from the hospital someone will probably contact them and tell them that I'm missing. They will come after me."

A hard look came into Pansy's eyes. "You'll be safe at Hogwarts Granger. Lean back and relax for a few minutes while I go and find the boys."

Hermione gave a nod and leaned her head back and closed her eyes.


Draco opened up the door to the compartment Harry was in without knocking. "Hey Potter."

Harry looked up and smirked when he saw Draco and Blaise. "Hey Malfoy. What brings you here?"

Draco smirked. "Pansy wanted Blaise and I to let you know that Granger is with her so that you wouldn't worry. They are having a girl talk.

Harry's eyes widened in chock but he nodded. "Well come on in and sit down. I'm pretty sure that you don't want to go back and listen to their girl talk."

Draco nodded and walked in and sat down beside Harry. He watched Blaise sit down next to Luna, Ginny and Neville. He looked back at Harry and smiled when he saw Harry watching him. "How have you been Potter?"

Harry couldn't help but smile. "I'm doing good Malfoy. How are you doing?"

Draco sighed. "I'm doing pretty good. Mom has been a wreck but she is doing better now. I think that even though she misses my father that she is happier than she has been in a long while."

Harry nodded. "I'll be sure to owl her this week. I meant to last week but I got caught up searching for Hermione."

Draco raised an eyebrow. "Why were you searching for Granger?"

Harry sighed and ran a hand down his face. "Hermione disappeared last week and her parents didn't know where she went or if she was even doing okay or alive. I searched for a week and couldn't find her anywhere. Well out of the blue today she was on the platform. Today is actually the first time I've seen her in a month. Even when I talked to her today she didn't act like herself. I think something is wrong but she wouldn't tell me what it was."

Draco frowned but just as he opened his mouth to say something a knock sounded on the door and then it opened and Pansy peeked her head in and said "Sorry to both all of you but I need Draco and Blaise to come with me. Oh and Harry, Granger told me to tell you she'll see you at school. She just fell asleep while we were talking and it looks as if she hasn't slept in a while so I didn't want to wake her up."

Harry looked at Pansy with concern in his eyes but then he nodded and said "Thank you Pansy. Make sure you let 'Mione know that I'll take her stuff to her room for her."

Pansy nodded and then smiled at everyone before pulling her head back out of the compartment and opening the door further so Draco and Blaise could walk out. Once they were standing next to her she shut the door and led the way back to their compartment. "We need to come up with a game plan but I'll tell you why once we are back with Hermione. She really isn't sleeping but I didn't want Harry to worry. I also don't want to leave Hermione alone for too long."

Draco and Blaise both nodded and followed Pansy back. They were both wondering what was going on.

Pansy opened up the door to their compartment and walked in followed by Draco and Blaise. She looked over at Hermione and gasped. Her eyes widened as she took in all of the bruises Hermione had. She realized at once that Hermione's glamour wore off. "Hermione?"

Hermione blinked her eyes open and groaned in pain. She saw that Pansy, Blaise and Draco were all staring at her in horror. She looked down at herself and swore when she saw that all of her bruises were visible. "Sorry all."

Draco shook his head and sat down gently beside Hermione. "What happened to you Granger? Harry said that he spent last week looking for you because you disappeared. He said that your Mom and Dad said you just up and left and they didn't know where you were at or if you were okay or even alive."

Hermione snorted and said "They would say that. After all they wouldn't want people to know what they are really like."

Draco's eyes grew cold as he read in between the lines of what Hermione just said. "Your parents did this to you? What exactly is wrong with you? No offense Granger but you look like shit."

Hermione started to laugh but then cried out in pain. "Ouch Malfoy don't make me laugh. As for what is wrong with me I have several broken ribs along with a lung that was punctured. Both legs and both of my hands are broken. I also have a broken collar bone as well as cuts on my stomach and back."

Draco's eyes widened in shock as he listened to Hermione list her injuries. "Merlin! How are you even walking?"

Hermione snorted. "I barely am walking. I have to keep biting my lip to keep from crying out with each step I take. It hurts like hell."

Blaise who had been quiet looked at Hermione and said harshly "Your parents did that to you? Why hasn't a Healer healed you?"

Hermione sighed. "I've been at a Muggle Hospital. I think my parents think that I'm dead but more than likely they will know that I'm not dead since I disappeared from the hospital. The Hospital will more than likely search for me because I just had surgery to repair my lung. My parents will learn I'm alive and they will be looking for me also."

Blaise and Draco shared a look and then Draco said "They won't get to you Granger. Now what kind of game plan do we need to come up with?"

Pansy looked at Draco and then Blaise as she said "We need to come up with a plan to get Hermione up to the castle. She obviously can't walk because of her legs so we need to find a way to get her up to the castle and then to Madam Pompfrey."

Draco thought for a minute and said "Why don't we send a Patronus to Pompfrey and have her meet us? We could take the carriages but they could bump into something. I also think we should alert my Mum. She'd be glad to help."

Hermione sighed and tried to shifted into a more comfortable position and ended up crying out in pain. She was shocked when she saw Blaise jump up and walk over to her. She was even more shocked when he sat down next to her and then gently pulled her legs up on his lap while Draco pulled her gently up against him so her head could rest on his shoulder. "Thank you both. And that is a good idea you came up with Draco."

Draco nodded and looked at Pansy. "Can you send your Patronus to Madam Pompfrey and I'll send mine to my Mum?"

Pansy nodded and cast her Patronus and sent it to Madam Pompfrey while Draco cast his and sent it to his Mom.

A/N 2: *frowns* I've been in a some what dark mood but this story has helped me some... *cringes* I didn't get to sleep for over 24 hrs because of writing this story... It is completely wrote out now... Click the button and let me know what you think!