Warnings: Yaoi, possible OOC, probable cursing, possible violence

Disclaimer: I do not own D. Gray-Man.

Kanda and Allen were sitting in the living room one night when Kanda interrupted the comfortable silence.

"Allen, I'd like to ask you something," Kanda asked nervously, not that he would ever admit that to anyone.

"What is it?" asked Allen, sensing his husband's nervousness.

"Well, I've been thinking…" he started. "I know when we got married it wasn't exactly…a cheerful occasion…" He paused before continuing, "I know that it was completely my fault, but I have been wondering if we could have a redo, now that we're both ready and willing."

"A redo?" asked Allen, slightly confused.

"Yes. What I wanted to ask you was: Allen will you marry me…again? Kind of like a renewal of our vows. And this time we could actually have a ceremony."


"I can understand completely if you don't want to. After all I was a jerk about everything and—What's wrong?" he asked, noticing that Allen was looking at him with slightly teary eyes. He moved closer to Allen in order to comfort him.

"Nothing's wrong," Allen reassured him. "This is just…the nicest thing anyone has ever done for me. And, yes, I would love to marry you again, Yu," he told the raven haired man with a sweet smile on his face.

Kanda let out a quiet sigh of relief that Allen had accepted.

"So, did he say yes?" Timothy asked Kanda as he slipped into the room from his hiding spot.

"Yes, he did," answered Allen with a smile.

Allen had a sweet smile on his face as he was walked down the isle by Lavi. As he reached Kanda at the altar, he felt his heart flutter. It was a small ceremony—only a few friends, Kanda's family, and, of course, Timothy—but it was perfect. The two exchanged their vows—again—and kissed, to a few wolf whistles from Lenalee and Lavi. Allen had never been happier. After the ceremony everyone went back to Kanda and Allen's house to celebrate. The smile on Allen's face didn't fade that day.

When it was time for everyone to leave, Kanda's adoptive father insisted on having Timothy spend the night at his house with Daisya and Noise.

"I just think he should get to know his new family. And, besides, I think you two could use some alone time…" he said with a small smile on his face.

"Are you sure?" asked Allen innocently. "I don't want it to be any trouble."

"Oh, not at all. It's completely fine—no trouble at all," insisted Froi. "Would you like to stay with us tonight, Timothy?" asked Froi.

"Sure!" agreed Timothy. "I would love to!"

"If you're both sure…" started Allen. "Why don't you go pack some of your things, Timothy."

"Alright. Thank you, Allen and Kanda," he told them, turning to go to his room.

"It's no problem," Allen told him, smiling.

When Timothy got back, he, Froi, Daisya, and Noise left, leaving Allen and Kanda alone. They could have sworn they heard Daisya shout something along the lines of, 'use protection,' as he exited the house and shut the door.

Ignoring Daisya's shout, Kanda gently grabbed Allen around the waist and put his lips to Allen's soft ones. Allen's eyes closed blissfully as the love of his life kissed him. He was slightly disappointed when Kanda pulled away, and he opened his eyes to see Kanda looking into his eyes.

"Why'd you stop?" Allen asked, pouting somewhat.

"I thought maybe we could move this along someplace else," Kanda informed him with a sly look on his face. "After all this is sort of like our honeymoon, and you know what happens on the honeymoon," he suggested, raising his eyebrow.

Allen blushed bright red for a minute before grabbing Kanda's hand and dragging him to their bedroom. Needless to say neither of the two got much sleep that night…or the next morning…

Kanda started the day off by getting out of bed early, turning off Allen's alarm clock, and making his white haired lover breakfast. Allen was pleasantly surprised when Kanda woke him up with a kiss and brought him breakfast in bed.

"Well, good morning to you too," Allen said after a heated make out session with the raven haired man.

Allen and Kanda ate breakfast together in bed before showering and getting dressed. Then they both headed downstairs and called Froi's phone to see when they should pick up Timothy.

"Oh, you can come get him whenever you're free," Froi told them happily. "There's no need to rush, though, as I'm sure you're both enjoying yourselves."

Allen and Kanda spent most of the day together before going to pick Timothy up. As they stepped inside the house, Daisya immediately accosted Allen.

"So, did you have fun~?" he asked lecherously. Allen blushed bright red before Kanda smacked Daisya upside the head.

"Che. Shut up, you dirty freak," he told him with a glare.

"Now, now, Yu. There's no need to get be so rude. I was just asking a simple question—which I haven't gotten an answer to, by the way," he said, looking toward Allen. Allen turned away, face still a little red, to go look for Timothy.

It had been almost a week since the wedding and the small family of three was eating dinner together after getting home from work. "I haven't told you this yet, but thank you both for everything you've done for me…especially for adopting me," Timothy said, interrupting the comfortable silence.

"There's no need to thank us for something like that," Allen told him with a smile. "We wouldn't have it any other way. Everything is how it's meant to be."

"Well, thank you anyway," said Timothy. "I appreciate everything you've done for me."

"Don't worry about it," Allen told him reassuringly.

Later the small family was sitting in the living room, enjoying each other's company when Kanda asked Allen seriously, "Are you happy?"

"The happiest I've ever been," he replied honestly. "Are you?"

"I wouldn't rather be anywhere else," Kanda told him. "I'm right where I want to be."

"Me too."

The End. : ) Well, that's it! It's done~! I hope you all enjoyed it, and I would like to say thanks again for all the reviews and favorites and story alerts!

Also, my friend thinks I should say that Allen had to sit on a bag of frozen peas the day after the wedding to ease the pain…He has such a dirty mind! :D